Nook Color ROM wanted


May 13, 2011

i bought a Nook Color and want to tweak the tablet for my needs. I have following requirements

  • I live in Germany and want to run the Android Market
  • I want to use the Nook mainly for Browsing the web and read Feeds
  • Sometimes i want to use the Nook as eReader
  • Important to me is long battery life (so i need setCPU)
  • I need soft buttons which are there all the time and have the function of the ordinary Android buttons (Menu, Home, Back, Search)
  • I want to use only stable versions where things running smooth - especially WIFI
So iam a little bit confused with all the ROMs out there. What is the best ROM for my requirements?
Welcome to the forum. ;->

CM7, and done. Only caveat is that SetCPU Profiles don't work, but I get 16+ hours of use easy. I basically play music all day and surf/check email etc and I have never gotten less than 12 hours on CM7. I even have it overclocked with the 1300mhz kernal and I still get stellar battery life.

You really can't go wrong, the tablet tweaks lessen the need for a soft button app and 7.0.3 is stable, heck nightlies are stable and have been since 7.0. Plus there are some other improvements on the way from what I understand. here are instructions for a bootable SD version so you can try it out.



edit- check out this post as well lots of great info. and here
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Cool, thanks for this information.

Is also Android market running? Note that I live in Germany and need market access there.
Cool, thanks for this information.

Is also Android market running? Note that I live in Germany and need market access there.
As far as i know but I don't live in Germany, ;-). Just make sure to flash the Gapps zip and you should be alright.
Of course the market works in Europe, I was in Italy few months ago with my nook ,no problem downloading apps. What you cannot do is downloading books from B&N but it doesn't seem to be your main concern,Androidin!
Enjoy your nook