Best ROM for Watching Youtube on Nook Color?


Mar 29, 2011
My new Nook Color is arriving tomorrow. I've been reading several hundred posts & youtube videos regarding rooting with Froyo, Nookie, Gingerbread, CM7 nightly, Honeycomb, etc. (2.2, 2.21, 2.3, 3.0 ver. 4 2nd edition)

My main use will be watching youtube. I need a ROM that will work smoothly with youtube, Flash Player 10.2, Android Market & wifi, with minimal glitches.

Everybody raves about these above mentioned ROMs but they mention that they are great, except youtube and/or Android Market doesn't work properly.

Some posts on other sites indicate that the most stable version update would be to root the stock Eclair ROM with autonooter to version 2.1 and stop there.

What say you? :confused:
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stock b&n software 1.0.1 or 1.1 (android 2.1)
phiremod Beta2 (android 2.2)
Nooke Froyo 0.6.8 (android 2.2)

and soon to be.. stock b&n software 2.? (android 2.2)
And now CM7 :). YouTube works great now on Dalingrin's video test build. It will be incorporated in the nightlies soon.

I've done B&N 1.1 rooted, Phiremod Beta2, Custom Nookie Froyo 0.6.8, HC from the SD card, and now CM7. CM7 is my favorite. Everything works on it for the most part (Bluetooth and video). CM7 is also backed by a great community of developers and gets updated frequently. I'm a CM7 fan :)
So you're saying that youtube does not work on CM7 currently but it will soon? What about Flash Player 10.2? Android Market? And, while I'm at it, does Hulu work on any of these ROMs?