O please don"t tell me im bricked


Nov 18, 2011
Started to try to start rooting my Coby 7015 with 8.18.11_OEM_#1_IMAGE_OS_2.3.1 from Kyros Tablet Zone. Got to FWDN with no problem and then transfered files (ROM, FAI, Disc Image) to FWDN gui. Said Nand size didn't match. So I replaced it with the one in the STEP 3 folder. Got same message. I X out and reset cuz I read that's what u do if u get error and pushed reset. Now all I got is black screen! Guys please give me some good news with a possible fix:(...
Any signal of life when you press power? Did you try the reset button with a paperclip?

If some light turns on, you may be able to unbrick it if you open and shortcircuit some pins in the NAND, look around the web for more info and pics, I think it works with 7015/7016 as they are basically the same hardware.
Thanks for reply. Yeah just power lights come on. Ugh just what I wanted to do, open this thing:{ Thanks.
Update: A member from KTZ said I might be in FWDN mode still. Anyone experienced this before?
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yes you are still in FWDN Mode on tablet..

remove usb cable
in the FWDN folder delete the FWDNv7 configuration.ini file
restart FWDN then add all files select low level format
connect usb cable and FWDN window will pop up

if you need more help we can continue over there...ok