- May 19, 2012
- 37
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- Thread starter
- #46
This is all new to me so I'm no specialist but I followed the step-by-step instructions that are with the LiveSuit software that you need to flash update (downloadable from It says:-
"at this time:
i. Make sure your Tablet PC (MID) is turned OFF, and with at least 1/4 battery power.
ii. Hold pressing volume + button don’t loosen it, and then connect the device to your computer by USB cable. Don’t loosen volume +.
iii. Still hold pressing volume +, and press power button for ten times (short press power)"
I got a mini screwdriver set from Poundland (for £1 funnily enough) I had a plastic tool from a mobile repair kit I had previously got from ebay, but I'm sure you could improvise (a plastic picnic knife perhaps?)
i tried that step, but when my tablet is OFF (95% power) i press the volume + button keeping it held then i plug my usb cable into my laptop and then into the tablet but nothing happens (pc doesnt recognise it) i carry on pressing power button ten times and nothing comes up. only when i turn the tablet on itself then only my pc recognises it.
Just went to turn my tablet back on and now its stuck at the 3D logo bit, omg! RedTabletPC...REPLY BACK to me!!! argh.
EDIT: It has come up with a black screen and BLUE writing saying Android system Recovery 3e????
i have no idea how to do all this stuff, can REDTABLET please get in contact. the volume buttons dont allow me to choose the different options provided with recovery 3e.
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