Post Upgrade: Kudos and Komplaints?


Senior Member
Apr 28, 2011
I'm running ICS Build Acer_AV041_A500_1.033.00_PA_CUS1 which arrived at the crack of dawn Pacific time.

My Gawd people, I think they finally got the mic working at an acceptable level. Its been pretty useless since day one. (Works better with case off than on).

Maps has stopped crashing. I used to be able to induce a maps crash just by zooming out.

GPS Status app time to first fix was 79 seconds INDOORS. Just GPS app got a subsequent fix in 6 seconds flat.

Stupid camera sound - how do I turn that off!!??

Add your discoveries below.
I received ICS early this morning too. Same build and location as OP.

I've been checking everything out since being installed and I am impressed, to say the least. I haven't found anything I dislike yet.

The microphone volume isn't perfect by any means, but much improved. GPS works great. Seemed to get a fix instantly.

I feel like I have a different tablet with the improvements in smoothness, speed, menus, and the brightness even seems a little brighter, if that's possible.

Icebike, while using the camera, you can turn your volume down or mute the volume so you won't hear the click, but I sure can't find a setting to turn it off.

I'm still checking things out, but I would say Acer did a great job on this update.

Just found a small complaint: after installing apps and they are showing in the notification tray, there isn't any x to click them off anymore and you are forced to open the app. I don't like that...oops, I just found the solution to this. Very cool. Just swipe them away! No complaint now.
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I find that the folder option beats the pants off of Acer's built-ins.
I only need one screen now, no need to swipe around!
I've even uninstalled Launcher Pro for now, as it just doesn't seem necessary.
So cool!

I'm liking the fonts and how snappy everything's total justification for getting away from the poorly supported cheapy tabs.

Great big thanks to Acer for their continuing commitment and support of our awesome tablets!!

I agree it's like I have a brand new tablet now.
Is there any way to reduce the number of screens in the stock launcher?
Yep. Kudos. Feels like new.

I randomly woke up in the middle of the night and there it was waiting. Re-did all my home screens. They are neat and uncluttered! Thank you folder system! I like the ICS management widget with the wifi/bluetooth/gps/sync/autobright feature. The settings menu is also much nicer and user friendly. The camera controls are MUCH better. GPS locked quickly even with wifi off. I like the fonts and weather/clock widget. I find the lack of clutter is a nice way to show off the live wallpapers.

Best part is.... NBA Jam was released a few weeks ago and it wasn't compatible with HC. I haven't tried to play, but at least it let me download it. Still can't connect to Facebook for contacts though. Wonder if it's really a phone vs tablet issue.

Haven't tested the battery, but I imagine it being similar.
I received ICS early this morning

Just found a small complaint: after installing apps and they are showing in the notification tray, there isn't any x to click them off anymore and you are forced to open the app. I don't like that...oops, I just found the solution to this. Very cool. Just swipe them away! No complaint now.

When you get notifications, if you don't want to check out any of them you can also just tap the x in the bottom right corner and they will all clear.
Also I think I am sticking with Camera Zoom Fx as my main camera app. Many more options.
performance is great.

But I still use that EX theme thing, it jsut makes life easier for closign apps, you get the scrollable slider on side to set fast launch buttons, and it always had the folder crreation option on any of the os's.

I was given a version from a family member that deals with Acer NA in CA. It is different. While it is a similiar build, it has the full ring, face unlock even tho added stuff for business use for them that is useless to me.

Now there seems there will be a patch release to add features later because of changign to a newer build. so more waiting

I can X out stuff in tray there is an x to close all them.

Hing is I thing the EX theme thing changed things and maes thigns disapear.
Other than not getting screen capture and facial recognition (to unlock to tablet), I'm generally happy. I had a jolly ol'time with the disable feature.

I've been searching for those 2 things all night & day. Aren't they integrated into ICS?

Everything else seems cool.

Update: just saw the thread about the face recog removal - makes sense - check that off.
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When you get notifications, if you don't want to check out any of them you can also just tap the x in the bottom right corner and they will all clear.
Also I think I am sticking with Camera Zoom Fx as my main camera app. Many more options.

Hmmmm...I didn't notice the x and I thought I looked good. I will look better next time I have items in my notification area. Thanks! I'm going to check out Camera Zoom FX too.

I'm still able to use Folder Organizer but if I wasn't able too, I would have been more than happy with the nifty folder options in ICS. Actually, I'm using it both ways. The tools I use most are grouped together in their own little area and it's so handy to get to them.

My Tiny Flashlight won't work anymore so had to get a different one last night. Hope they update it because I could use it in landscape.
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Things disappoitned with with the OTA build is the lack of the full acer wheel, just the cam unlock one. I recieved an acer offcial staff build for the A500 that does have it, even a double layers wheel for office apps that allows isntant viewign of docs but not editing. You can however in theis acer build lock apps individually.

No face recognition, but that is a choice by acer due to how easy it is to get around it and it is a security flaw, soem other companies removed it as well.

Performance wise, bg difference. With live walpapers, there is no icon drag delay and stutter. With remote pc access it is much quicker and resposive. Some games are performing twice as fast.

Still need to use the default browser and isntall flash player seperate if viewing flash sites. Google chrome doesn not work for that yet. HTML 5 is not an issue on either.
The Acer Wheel is said to be coming as an App Store app, and was not in the build on purpose.

Pretty much a non issue as far as I'm concerned. Cute, but hardly essential.
So Icebike, what about being able to disable apps? Is that feature available because I sure can't find it.
You can diable main apps, such as ect. First force stop it to turn the server off. Then diable.

goto the apps section in settings see all running or all... if it can be diabled there will be the diable button on top right.

Make sure you don't diable somethig nthat makes others work, but you can always re enable.
Setting> Apps> Manage - it's an option. It only shows up on preinstalled.

Ok, by "preinstalled" do you mean like on the A200 or A510 or tablets coming out with ICS already on them? Do you think we will get the feature later in an update? Thanks!
You can diable main apps, such as ect. First force stop it to turn the server off. Then diable.

goto the apps section in settings see all running or all... if it can be diabled there will be the diable button on top right.

Make sure you don't diable somethig nthat makes others work, but you can always re enable.

Ok, thanks for clearing this up for me guys.