Protective case for A500 now available!

Thanks for uploading the pictures. Helps us folk that need to make a decision on wether to order one.

Think I'll wait till something more streamline comes out.
Beautiful case, Nate, and PDair stands behind their products. But anyone who buys it must be SURE they're going to keep their A500! LOL
@Hamish - this case really is as streamlined as can be, though the pics may not make it obvious. It adds virtually no bulk to the tablet.

Sent from my PC36100 using Android Tablet Forum
I'll take a few pictures of it lying flat so you can get an idea. What would be more effective is to have a naked one beside it for comparison, but I don't know anyone who has one.

Sent from my PC36100 using Android Tablet Forum
Thanks Raven, that would be cool if you could.

Maybe even a shot of the A500 out of the case and alongside may work.
Thanks for taking the time to post the alternative shots Raven:D It does seem to change the whole aspect of the case.

I've just went and ordered it :cool:
I think you'll be very happy with it, Hamish - especially if you ordered it straight from Acer.
ugh. I ordered my case from Acer Friday morning. I went and checked the order today and now it says it's backordered and says it usually ships 3 weeks from Order Date. I may have to see if I can find one locally now.
I didn't realize this was available. I like that it props up but from of the reviews it sounds like it may not be worth it. I got a protective cover/skin and will it wont protect it if it falls it will defend against scratches. Are there any other protective covers out there for the a500 or is this the only one so far? Also, this is the protective skin I got in case any of you may be interested. Skinomi TechSkin - Acer Iconia Tablet A500 Carbon Fiber Skin Protector
Rkka, if you get one from Staples ask them to price match. They did for me and a few others.

Sent from my A500 using Android Tablet Forum
Kyfry, this case grows on you fast. Those of us who bought it early didn't have the benefit of detailed pics, so may have been a little let down initially. However, the case does its job pretty well. At Acer's price, it's well worth it. For $100+, check out the PDair case earlier in this thread.

Sent from my A500 using Android Tablet Forum