Read-Only File System


Jan 4, 2011
I'm a little concerned about something. After rooting my S7, every time I tried to move a file into /system/bin/ I would get a "Read-only file system" error. I rooted the device using the UniversalAndRoot app. After reading around, I decided to unroot it and uninstall the UniversalAndRoot app. Then I installed z4root and re-rooted the device using z4root. I am still getting the same "Read-only file system" error when I try to do anything that requires write permissions. As far as I can tell, the only place that I can write, even as root, is the sdcard. Has anyone else had this problem? If so, what was the solution?
Okay, I just ran the mount command and it says that /system is mounted as read-only. I know I can probably just re-mount it, but I'm a little nervous. Although, I'm sure that if I mount it as read/write, it will return to read-only after a reboot. Have you guys come across this?
Hi TechRemedy,

This is actually quite normal, /system/ is mounted read only. you can fix this by running the following command:

mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock1 /system

once done

mount -o ro,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock1 /system

will mount the /system partition back to read only.

(normally system is read only)

Gah. Okay, so now /system is indeed mounted as read/write, but when I try to copy a file from the sdcard to /system/bin I get the following error:

failed on 'wget' - Cross-device link

I'm trying to move a compiled binary of wget to the /system/bin folder. I've been using Linux for years and Android is starting to make me feel dumb. :) Any help is always appreciated!
I managed to cheat it by doing the following while my pwd is the folder on my sdcard that has the wget binary:

#cat wget >> /system/bin/wget

I'm rebooting right now to see if it worked...I have my doubts...
wow it kept the exacutable bit, weird. normally when you copy something this way, you'd need to do chmod 755 /path/to/file.
