Recovered w/ What now?


Feb 16, 2011
I was getting stuck at the "Touch the future of reading" screen. I could not boot with or without the SD card inserted. I used the file available here to get past that. Now what?

Prior to the problem, some stuff done were: Flash CWR in ROM Mgr, created a Backup/Nandroid, did some SetCPU tweaks, etc., but at some point, the SD card was formatted/unmounted. Yeah, I know.

Anyway, now that I can boot again, just seeking advice on the next step before something else gets jacked. Firmware 1.01. At some point, I'd like to move to 1.1. Thanks.
If you are completely back to stock you have two options 1. root with autonooter 2 and update to 1.1 with the pre-root ROM or 2. side load and update to 1.1 and use autonooter 3 to root following the instructions exactly (or you will get stuck in a boot loop).

I am not sure what that zip file does so you may or may not still have CWR on your nook. If you are not sure you can follow these steps
Thx 4 the reply, think I hosed my boot partition but Im good

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