Remote Desktop using Android Tablet


Dec 21, 2011
I'm currently using a quite powerful laptop at home (which I often need to travel with) and have a very powerful desktop at work.

However, I recently began wondering whether it is possible to utilise the power of my work desktop through remote access on a cheaper laptop or alternatively an Android tablet. I have tried googling for people using this setup, with little success. Am I missing anyting? Is remote desktop too slow for this to be feasible?
i do it all the time, so yes it is possible and there are several ways to do it.

Easiest is Logmein ignition, I leave it running on my Work and Home machines and am able to remote to my desktops. This is the normal way I do it. I also have Citrix Receiver installed for when I need a more secure connection.
Hey, BTW noticed it is your first post! Welcome to the forum, glad to have you here!

Many thanks Peter! Really appreciate the prompt reply.

I became hesitant when I couldn't find much information about this kind of usage online... Most people referring to these solutions (logmein, GoToMyPC etc) seem to typically use it to access work-files when working from home. I'm curious of what the limits are of remote access... would it for example be feasible to play PC games (running on work desktop) on the tablet? I will make some experimentation with my laptop tonight I think.
I don't know about games, there is a lag for sure. I do however have a lot of experience doing this for remote desktop support and am able to walk through PowerPoint presentations, working with things like Quicken or configuration setups, etc. and those all work.

Thereare also ways to reverse this, where you can control the tablet from your PC if you are interested.
To be honest, the main heavy usage will probably be Matlab or other computational software. I want to have the ability to do changes to code and initiate simulations. How demanding is this on the tablet itself (I'm hoping almost all the load comes on the desktop).

If I may ask a related question: how does Android tablets compare to Windows tablets when it comes to Remote Desktop-ing? I've and Android smartphone and am really pleased with it, and from my initial survey the top tablets seem to come with Android. However I've heard a few people say that the Windows tablets might be better if I intend to use Remote Desktop heavily as they are "more compatible". Would you have any thoughts on this (I appreciate that I'm asking this in a biased forum)?

I would also be happy any other thoughts you could share on what features should be the key ones to look out for.
I have no issues remoting in to my machines, and it works just fine. As far as what you are doing, all the heavy lifting is done on the target machine, so your PC does the work your Tablet is just a remote display device. When I am using Citrix Receiver on my ASUS I have had people that think I am using a Windows Tablet, they cannot tell the difference.
Thanks a lot for your input. I'm strongly leaning towards buying an Android tablet now. Will do some further research a few more days probably =)
I use either the 2X Remote Desktop client which uses RDC/Terminal Services to connect, or SplashTop HD. Splashtop is awesome for remoting to my Media Center machine and I can use Windows Media Center (even watching 1080p) streaming to my Transformer from anywhere inside my house. Some users have even used this setup to play World of Warcraft using their tablet as a monitor. If you are close enough to your PC, you can even use a wireless controller to your PC and see the display on your tablet.

Remotely/away from home, streaming video is hit and miss. I only have 1.5 Mbps upload so it does not work to well. If you have 5 Mbps upload speeds, you should be able to stream remotely (maybe not gaming, but video) using splashtop HD since it has some crazy video compression algoritms.
I use the free Team Viewer (has nice android app too) on pc's and tablet to log into my personal PC, work PC and SCADA pump-station monitoring machine remotely. Works great.
Hi Guys

Thinking about the same set-up which I will access from my android to my home laptop which I can then run a VPN to access my work pc. Will Logmein Ok on speed and resolution? I got 3G on my android but not my laptop, that's why I have to do it the long and winding way.

Thanks in advance