[ROM][4.4.4] PAC-ROM For A2109

Hello. First of all, I want to thank you.
It's the first customized ROM I've ever tried and It's great!, but I also have the problem with the external sdcard. It doesn't recognizes it. And I flashed the ROM from the external sd!!
I flashed with the CMW on the other post, Instaled the rom, instaled the fix (just in case... ), installed the open_gapps-arm-4.4-mini-20151204 to have the play store and tried with different file explorers.... It just desn't recognize the card.

What can I do? @DBlake ,@PJBrs


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Hi Ray, welcome aboard!

My own sdcard is working fine, and I have reports from others that theirs are fine too.I did however see problems with a USB stick formatted in specific ways. To get more information, you can open the terminal, switch to root:
$ su
and, as root, do
# cat /proc/kmsg

(Note that the dollar and hash signs are part of the command prompt, they are not the command itself.)

This will get you a steam of information from the kernel. Just watch it for a while to familiarise yourself with typical output while the tablet is idling. Next, with the screen still on, insert your sdcard and arch the kernel messages. Please post the result here and perhaps we can find out where the problem is.

Good luck!

Well I did what @PJBrs said. I have no idea of how to use the linux terminal, so I will just upload the screenshots when I inserted and removed the sdcard. Im sure that it works and that the port works cause I installed the roms from the external sdcard and it wirked with my old ROM. What can I do?
Well I did what @PJBrs said. I have no idea of how to use the linux terminal, so I will just upload the screenshots when I inserted and removed the sdcard. Im sure that it works and that the port works cause I installed the roms from the external sdcard and it wirked with my old ROM. What can I do? View attachment 13662 View attachment 13663

Hi JoseF91 My sdard is broken,i open my tablet and the Micro sdcard is lose so got to try to solder it back and to use the
Terminal use Treminal Emulator for Android get it from google apps
Hmm... Looking at your dmesg suggests that your sd-card is recognised fine. It also suggests that it has one partition that is probably formatted with the fat filesystem. Correct? Perhaps you can try to mount it manually. Drop to a terminal, become root (# su) and do something like:

mount /dev/block/mmcblk1p1 /mnt

Then check dmesg for what happens.
Thanks for the response!
Ive been browsing around my tablet and found that in fact I can access the sdcard1but only via root exploration... Curiously, once you acces the card the firs time whit the file explorer it strat recognizing it as sdcard (only with the ES File Explorer. Not with the natiive one).
However, its not recognized as an sdcard (or even as a folder) by android or apps.(basically, I can access the files, but not from apps, so musica doesn't apear in my library, etc...)
Is at mnt/media_rw/sdcard1. I tried to simply cut the folder but it didn't work.
ES sd.png

I will do what you say now @PJBrs and report the results. Thank You!
OK. I executed
mount /dev/block/mmcblk1p1 /mnt

And got:
"sh: /dev/block/mmcblk1p1": can't execute: Permission denied.

Then I just tried
"mount mnt/media_rw/sdcard1 /mnt"
and got!!!!!! ...... nothing :p

(Didn't have an idea of what I was doing)

And yes, My sdcard has one partition and is partitoned in FAT32 :)
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Hmmm... This used to be a problem in my cm-11 rom, but I fixed it a couple of months ago. And as far as I know, @DBlake has included these fixes in PAC-rom. Are you sure you're on the latest version of PAC-rom?
Hmmm... This used to be a problem in my cm-11 rom, but I fixed it a couple of months ago. And as far as I know, @DBlake has included these fixes in PAC-rom. Are you sure you're on the latest version of PAC-rom?
Yes, I have based the latest version on your latest build.

The only folders/files from the PAC-ROM zip are:
/system/build.prop (edited to prevent PACROM console crashes)
Basically, just the UI files.
Im sure is the latest version Download from AndroidFileHost (build 20151006) with the Updates:
Nfc Service force close fix (flashable zip):
Download from AndroidFileHost (build 20150708-->20150709)

But I finally found a solution!!!! It doesn't make sense, but it worked.
After the failiure mounting the thing, I googled "/mnt/media_rw" and found this: Configuration Examples | Android Open Source Project
And saw this :
So I used the Es File explorer to search the vold.fstab, but instead I found "/fstab.kai", so I just opened it with the note editor and deleted and wrote manually "sdcard1". It didn't worked but after some time, I did a fast reset and TA-DA!
I now have "/storage/sdcard1" and I can acces it without root and I can't acces the files in "mnt/media_rw/sdcard1" althought it exists :)

The problem now is that android still doesn't recognize it as an sd card, so the apps won't recognize the files (like the music, or things like that). What should I do?

EDIT: Just after writing this, i restarted my tablet, and now I cnat find anything even with root explorer.!!! What the heck!?
Edit2: To make the files appear again I had to extrac and insert the sd with the tablet turned on. got back /storage/sdcard1
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Your fstab is part of the ramdisk, you actually have to change the ramdisk itself to change your fstab. And that means actually changing your boot partition. It's not very hard, this is how I test new kernels, but it's a lot of work. You should really verify that your on the latest version of pacrom first.