[ROM] Nook Color V1.1.0 Pre-Rooted

I am totally new to this, but have read many of the posts.

I have rooted my CN with firmware 1.0.0. Couldn't read my BN books. Afterward I realized I should have upgraded to 1.0.1 at least. Now I am unable to un-root my CN to start again. When I go through the 8 hard reboots, it boots up with ClockworkMod. I uninstalled that app, but it did it again.

I attempted to do a backup on my 16GB SD card, but it is full!?! Only about 30MB??

What do I need to do? Where do I start?

Hi Amax, it sounds like you might have a couple of issues going on. First, did you reformat your SD card after you used it for root? If not that expalins why you don't have enough room. You can reformat from the nook or a PC to get your space back. Second, you can try following this http://www.androidtablets.net/forum...ll-clockwork-recovery-revert-stock-image.html to get back to stock and start over.

Take a deep breath, slow down and make sure you are doing everything required along the way for rooting.
Hi Amax, it sounds like you might have a couple of issues going on. First, did you reformat your SD card after you used it for root? If not that expalins why you don't have enough room. You can reformat from the nook or a PC to get your space back. Second, you can try following this http://www.androidtablets.net/forum...ll-clockwork-recovery-revert-stock-image.html to get back to stock and start over.

Take a deep breath, slow down and make sure you are doing everything required along the way for rooting.

OK... Thanks for the direction. I went to the link, read a bunch of posts and followed all the steps. SUCCESS!! Many thanks for your help!
Has anybody figured out how to fix the Wifi not connecting automatically with this version? You have to manual turn on and off to reconnect.
Has anybody figured out how to fix the Wifi not connecting automatically with this version? You have to manual turn on and off to reconnect.

When you say "this version" you do mean the 1.1 preroot of the thread title correct? If so, there shouldn't be any wifi issues aside from possibly a slow reconnection after coming out of sleep (like 30 seconds slow vs instant).
Is anyone else having issues with gmail crashing after this update? Thanks for the clear directions – I was able to upgrade to 1.1.0 with no issues, almost everything is working perfectly and I really love the ability to dim the screen so much lower now when reading.

I have just one problem – gmail is acting totally flakey. I only get notifications for 1 of my 2 accounts. Sometimes when I try to refresh or move between folders, or send an email, I get kicked back onto the home screen. It’s just acting weird. I have tried using titanium to wipe the data, but it doesn’t seem to help. The issue has been noted in a few other threads here:

[Q] Gmail crashes when refreshing [Archive] - xda-developers

Especially in that first thread, it seems quite a few people are experiencing similar issues and there has been no definitive solution yet.

Any thoughts from all you gurus?

I haven't experienced any gmail crashes while running any of the b&n software or full android 2.2. Not sure if its a problem by many since other than those threads, I haven't seen other thread with people having this issues.

If I was having this issue, other than the application wipe, I would next try the google framework wipe. And if that didn't work I'd uninstall and reinstall the gmail app itself.

There are many problem that came from the autonooter 3.0 root. This root was not created by the same author of the previous two versions. And although all the 1.1 (excluding the 1.1rom) issues seem to be unrelated, they have one thing in common, the root method using autonooter 3.0.
Thanks for the reply.

Can you offer any advice on where to go to download a gmail apk file that will work with an autonooted NC that was updgraded to 1.1.0 via the directions on this thread? All of the files I found to download only work with Android 2.2.

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Thanks for the reply.

Can you offer any advice on where to go to download a gmail apk file that will work with an autonooted NC that was updgraded to 1.1.0 via the directions on this thread? All of the files I found to download only work with Android 2.2.


*edit: shouldn't gmail be working on the 1.1 rom, or is there a bug?

Gmail isn't working? You can try this 2.1 Gmail. It may work, but I haven't tried it and I am not on a 2.1 OS. I got it from here Gmail.apk - clean-eclair - Project Hosting on Google Code under raw files. Or you can extract the apk out of my zip file then try to install.


  • $Gmail.zip
    441.2 KB · Views: 269
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There may be some misunderstanding here.

Are you using this custom 1.1r2 ROM?
B&N software 1.1 rooted using the autonooter?

This thread is for the 1.1r2 ROM which is installed (flashed) with Clockworkmod recovery.
I used the information in the OP of this thread to update my NC to 1.1.0. It was previously autonooted under 1.0.1.
Hi! I installed this one and now I'm having 2 issues:

1. Wifi is not connecting after going to sleep, I need to access the wifi section and all connections appears as "not in range" after a few seconds NC can see my connection alive an connects, if I don't access this menu NC won't connect to internet.

2. Button savior is not working properly the back button is not working ( <- ) ... I tried uninstalling and installing it again and no luck.

I'll really appreciate your help with this. Thanks!


Ps. Just corrected some errors on my writing.
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