S7 Backup Question


Mar 22, 2011
Is there some way to Backup to the external SD card?

I've been using Titanium Backup, but haven't been able to figure out a way to
backup to the external memory card.

Thanks in advance!

hum no need cos you can copy over the titanium dir to the sdcard ;)
and copy back when needed
Using the file manager, when you open it, press the menu key.
(middle button on the left side of the screen)
Select copy from the menu bar along the bottom of the screen.
Just go down the list until you see the TitaniumBackup folder.
press the greyed-out check-mark to select the folder.
(The check-mark will turn green)
Press the menu key again and press done.
Then, press the bar near the top where it shows the External SD card.
This will access the external card.
Press the menu key.
Press where it says "Paste" along the bottom.
The folder that was copied, will be pasted into the external SD Card.

I hope this helps!

One question, in Titanium Backup witch option did you use for backup, you save only All user Apps, all system apps or twice user and system??


There is an option to backup both at the same time.
It is the third choice under backup on the batch menu.
I use that initially, then I can backup all new apps &
newer versions after that.

When ever I flash a new ROM, I do a complete backup
once all apps I use are installed and everything is
running smoothly.
Glad to be able to help.
If you read this thread, I was in the same boat
not long ago. I enjoy passing on the
info that I learn!
Have you installed TitaniumBackup (TiB)? It's not pre-installed.
Before installing, you must Root your device. It requires root access.
TiB is found at the android Market. There's a free version, but it's good stuff, so pay a few bucks for the Pro upgrade.