Screen resolution issue


Apr 20, 2011
Hi everybody,

I received my superpad yesterday. According to the webstore I bought it from, it must be a Flytouch 3 superpad 2 but it came in a white box with "superpad III" written on it... :confused:

I rooted it and I decided to install a custom ROM on it (this one) because many apps were not available on the market.
But I made a mistake because I put a bootloader-discovery file with the 2 others on the external microSD card.

After the flashing process I rebooted the pad and since then I have a part of the screen that doesn't display any more on the screen (like if I was running with a 1024x620 resolution on a 1024x600 screen).

I tried reflashing the same ROM without the bootloader-discovery file. I didn't resolved my problem.

Then I tried a different ROM with a different bootloader-discovery file that came along with it. Not better result.

I thought I made a mistake flashing ROMs that are not compatible with my pad :mad: so I decided to check what kind of superpad it is. I know It's the model with HDMI and a single microSD slot.
I installed android system info and it says that it has about 373mb of total RAM so I suppose it's a 512mb model. It says that the the processor is an ARMv6-compatible processor rev5 (v6l) too.

Then I opened the pad ;). It has 2 3500mAh batteries inside with a InfoTMIC IMAPX210 chip and a class 4 4GB sandisk microSD card. So I think I own a Gome superpad II.

I tried many different ROMs but I didn't managed to fit my desktop on the 10 inch display.

I don't know what to do and even if it is possible to resolve this problem.

Thanks for helping me.
Download Android System Info, and check the real detailed specs of your Tab.

Also mine I have some issue with the Tab, they say it has 1Ghz but it's only 789.70, and it's only InfoTMIC IMAPX200 not X210.

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If anyone knows of a bootloader-discovery file that resolves this issue, i would be grateful, too. I seem to have the same problem. On the other hand, I own another pad of the same model which has the original firmware. Is there any chance I could save the working bootloader and transfer it ?
I resolved the issue (phew!). The official firmware under this link had the right bootloader. I just put all the files on the sd card, and it worked like a charm. Deposit Files

Well... at least the Pad became usable again. Still the resolution seems to be missing some pixels at the bottom. As said above: like if I was running with a 1024x620 resolution on a 1024x600 screen
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I already tried this one and it didn't solved my issue. I still have the same problem as you.

How did the problem came on your pad ? When you replaced the bootloader-discovery file ?

Thanks anyway for your help.
$2011-4-21-18-31-6.jpg$2011-4-21-18-38-4.jpgThat is exactly how it happened. I flashed the pad without noticing, that the bootloader-discovery file was in the root folder as well. Damn me. Fortunately I have another pad of the same brand, that is still untouched. If I knew how to download the bootloader of the second pad and transfer it to the first one, everything would be fine again.

I just noticed, taking screenshots of the unflashed pad, that the resolution is 1024x576 indeed. Hopefully there will be someone with enough knowledge to help.
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I have some issue with the Tab, they say it has 1Ghz but it's only 789.70, and it's only InfoTMIC IMAPX200 not X210.
Processor deliberately downstepped to 800Mhz by manufacturor to conserve battery. Waiting for manuf to release a firmware that allows putting this back up to 1GHz

I took a screenshot too to see which res I'm running and it's 1024x600. So as yours, my pad is made to run with 1024x576 resolution and that explains why we are missing 24 lines of pixels.

After some researchs it seems that we need to flash a ROM made for 1024x576 res and the problem is that all ROMs that I can find are 1024x600.

I don't even know if one exist for the flytouch 3 (I saw some for ZT-180 but I think it's not compatible).

If some developers read this that would be great to help us because I saw many people with this screen res issue around the web.

To be continued.
well i had to be stupid and flash my ft... now can't get the proper firmware... hope it will show up. Well i might steal my friends ft and open it and copy his internal card. That should work.
From Koti,
here is a quick post, who is having resolution of 1024 x 576 problem can try this new firmware.
I never had this problem with any of the firmware posted in this site. So, I cant tell whether this firmware works or not. developer has mainly addressed resolution problem on this firmware.
Try on your own risk.

Newer adobe flash( colour fiexed) not inculded in firmware but you can find apk file in the firmware folder and install it later.
Please give feedback.

I have the same tablet. Have any of you tried the HDMI out yet?? I've tried several cables & movie files & each time I get a distorted Audio signal after about 10 seconds of playing through the HDTV.

I've downloaded Mobo Player & the codec pk for my tablet, but this didn't solve the audio problem either. Does the Flytouch2 superpad III require a certain codec for audio??

or is the HDMI feature on these things all a marketing gimmick?? Starting to lose my patience with these hit or miss tablets..

I've posted this hdmi problem several times now & no one has responded. It would be greatly appreciated if someone could check the hdmi to hdtv on their tablet & post back the results. Type of movie file....size? etc.. maybe then I can gage what the fuk is going on with all of mine.

Thanks Ftanl
edit: sorry posted in the rong topic

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