SuperPad III Firmware??


Dec 8, 2010
Hi folks, I received a couple of the new Superpad III's today & one of them was non-responsive upon startup. Just made the buzz sound & nothing else! I've hit the reset button, I've let it charge for a few hours, tried different chargers & still nothing.

One of two things: It has internal damage..nothing I can do.
or it just needs the firmware flashed...Problem is I don't know how to extract the firmware from the other tablet I have & I can't find one on the site..

Some are listed here:

I HOPE there are better ones available! Looks like a lot of bugs & the rom 316 looks like complete garbage.. pretty much the same OS it arrived with..which is what I'll have to use for the non-responsive one, but I was hoping to put something better on there..

Anything available??

Superpad III
Android OS 2.2 - 20110316
model #: disco
kernel version:
build # frf85b

Will any 2.2 firmware work?? Does anyone know the exact firmware I need & the steps to flash it :confused:Thanks ftanl
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You could try, as your last resort, to put the superpad I firmware on it?

Thanks for your reply, but after further inspection the tablet has internal issues..After I boot up and leave it on for a few mins it starts making hissing sounds lol must be a bad battery or something.. I've contacted the seller & the only thing they can do is issue a refund after I send it back.. will cost around $50 for return Shipping.. I was thinking about cutting my losses & opening the sucker up to see what kind of crap is under the hood.

Another problem I've had with all the SuperPad II & III's is the HDMI out. I get perfect picture & sound for about 10 seconds on my HDTV, but then the sound becomes muffled and choppy. Picture is great! Have you had this experience before? I've tried new hdmi cables & various video files, all produce the same audio problem.. Could it be codex? could it be the movie player app? or is it simply a selling gimmick with a crappy HDMI port?? any help, input would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks ftanl
Hi folks, I received a couple of the new Superpad III's today & one of them was non-responsive upon startup. Just made the buzz sound & nothing else! I've hit the reset button, I've let it charge for a few hours, tried different chargers & still nothing.

Try this for the buzzing ones:
1) Hold down the 'power' button for 20 seconds. Release. Does it stop buzzing?
2) Ensure unit is well charged, plug onto power.
3) Turn on device

Will any 2.2 firmware work?? Does anyone know the exact firmware I need & the steps to flash it :confused:Thanks ftanl

Sounds like you got generic ft2v2, you should be able to use any of the firmware's. Note some of the newer ft2v2's come with a different screen resolution and flashing these firmwares make screen go funny, but there is firmware to fix that also. Make sure you also grab the flash fix!! Flash Player issues RESOLVED - new flash player .apk
Thanks Chandos... I've already flashed the tablet with firmware & gave it ample time to charge, but it doesn't boot up & makes funny noises after being left on for a few mins.. safe to say it has internal damage.

The one question I'm really trying to get answered is about the HDMI out on these tablets. Each and every one of the 10.2" tablets I've tried Superpad ii and III & the zt180 each display perfect picture quality, but after about 10 seconds hooked up to the HDTV the Audio becomes choppy & muffled.

HAS anyone else experienced this HDMI AUDIO problem??
i watched a few minutes of output HDMI, and it was fine.

Thanks for our reply. Been trying to get someone to respond to this for awhile now. Do you know what type of video file it was? Did you use any conversion software that added special codec etc.. to run smoothly?

I've tried several files I downloaded off the net in AVI & MP4 formats. Each file produced the same audio problem.. Audio was fine for about 10 seconds & then it became choppy & distorted..Maybe some loss through the hdmi cable, maybe I need specific codec.

Did you use any special video player? Someone suggested Mobo Player..never worked for me, but it does have certain codec available for specific arm based tablets.

Any additional info would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks :)
Hi ftanl
I have same unit (spec is same) and when flashing changed bootloader,
in effect camera shows amost negative image and screen shows reddish horizontal lines.
Very badly looking for factory firmware with no luck.
Can you send me youre firmware?

I have the same exact one, but have not tried the HDMI at all. I have too many other problems to solve first, but maybe it is my lack of knowledge. I read the posts here and have no idea what they are about. I can not get a system update and only get an err 301 message, there are no apps in the marketplace except free ones, and the Wifi will not recognize and hot spots. If anyone has and suggestions for a novice, please feel free to suggest. Like I said, I am not sure what is wrong, and the customer service is lacking from the company. Thank you for anything you suggest.
Are you sure have you tested the hdmi out on different TV my PS3 was doing some similar stuff on the tv But turning it of from the mains. (it made me go to a like 20 hardware and software testing procedures because i thought is my ps3 :) )
I am having these same exact problems with my flytouch 3 superpad 3 with 2.2. Let me know what you find or any solutions you find. I think I am going to try and replace my os to one of the ones here if i can find the right one.
i have a superpad III from nigeria....tried using it with wifi and it keep saying scanning ,also tried it with a glo moderm to connect to internet but it wont connect or see it but normally the moderm is plug and play but i dont have a micro sd in the superpad III what can i do to be able to connect to internet and also i tried using lan cable,this also could not connect to te internet.
i have the same superpad3 and i cant get the tv to see my hdmi and i cant get the bluetooth to work but i have everything else working ok i had to root the superpad with tim5a and all seems ok just need to get the hdmi and the bluetooth working can anyone help pleaseeeeeeeee
Well seems like im in the right forum.... I have the same product to but only difference is after 1 month now the unit does nothing but show the loading screen on startup and thats all. alot of the setting that you would find in any android device were not available either. After checking the root it tells me that busybox is not installed, superuser istalled incorrectly. and when this is fixed there was no change in diagnosis. so now i have a brick. If there was anyone who knows where to find the firmware to put on sdcard and install that way it would be appreciated.