Synrgic Dreambook W7

I think the basic issue has been that Synrgic were never expecting direct contact from retail customers - rather they thought that contact would be through wholesalers. Consequently they had not set up any hierarchy for dealing with such issues and so as a result, responses have been a bit patchy. I would suggest you keep trying :D
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also struggling with GPS (I am off the west coast of the Congo apparently!)

This is 0ºN,0ºE. Seems that Dreambook has no memory about last GPS position to start looking for sattelites. This is bad, because it takes longer to find the sattelites and locking position (mine never seemed to use A-GPS).
Hello DBW7 users. Mine seems to work OK but can't figure out how to calibrate touchscreen. Manual that came with it is just a quick start guide. Can anyone help?
Not sure there is one to be honest... a capacitive screen should be OK by it's nature (a matrix of points/sensors) so if you have problems I don't know what to suggest. Do you have a screen protector that may interfere? Is the LCD looking centralised under the screen?

This is 0ºN,0ºE. Seems that Dreambook has no memory about last GPS position to start looking for sattelites. This is bad, because it takes longer to find the sattelites and locking position (mine never seemed to use A-GPS).

Mine remembers OK, just the first time after a system reset it takes a while to lock in. Once it has then it fires up pretty quickly thereafter.
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No protective cover and the screen is physically ok. Sometimes deos not respond to touch. I have an Android dell streak which has a screen reloution option in safe mode which fixed the same problem
That may just be lagging, have you an app killer of any sort? Have you sorted the SD card read block size (If not try market for SD Speed Increase - the W7 read block size is pretty small, with this app you can increase it and up the access speed)? Tried to install cpu speed controllers/governors (seem to make mine slower)?
Thankyou Ambermile. Resolved the problem for the time being by taking out the sim card. Will try an app killer later.
Hi everybody!
Would you help me please? I`ve got Dreambook W7 v25(HD105). Sometimes got problems with it: when it falls asleep it hangs(not always, but rather often). It does not react any touch, so I have to use Reset button. Then it is ok for some time, but soon the problem comes again. Just do not know what it is. Probably somebody has faced with that? Thanks in advance!
P.S. I`m almost sure that firmware is ok(downloaded from the official site Synrgic)
P.P.S. Tried to rec logcat to follow the process but it didn`t help. Logcat didn`t show any information on the processes happening - it simply hung.
I think you may find that although V25 is the latest on the site it may not be the most stable - I would recommend you go back to 24... or maybe even 20. My W7 was returned from the factory with 20 on it and so far that's been just fine for me. They state that 2.2 (Froyo) is the most stable on this tablet.

Thank you so much, Ambermile! Could you dump the firmware of your device please? (I hope my English is understandable more or less=))
To dump full firmware DreambookW7 execute on host PC "cmd" (also make sure you have the busybox in android SDK)

adb shell busybox mkdir -p /mnt/sdcard/backup/fw/
adb shell busybox dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0 of=/mnt/sdcard/backup/fw/u-boot-no-padding.bin bs=1k skip=1 count=1023
adb shell busybox dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0 of=/mnt/sdcard/backup/fw/uImage bs=1M skip=1 count=4 > log.txt
adb shell busybox dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0 of=/mnt/sdcard/backup/fw/uramdisk.img bs=1k skip=4096 count=512
adb shell busybox dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p4 of=/mnt/sdcard/backup/fw/recovery.img
adb shell busybox dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p2 of=/mnt/sdcard/backup/fw/system.img

pause 1000

You will have all of files on external SD card in folder - backup/fw/
OK, I'll do that if you need it... but the V20 file is linked above... (as is the dump now)
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