Synrgic Dreambook W7

Hi All,

Just to let you know, we "should" see Android 2.3 available in 1-2 weeks for the Dreambook!

Synrgic have been working hard to make this available which is why i guess there has been a lack of any recent firmware updates.


Ops... it is now 6 months later now on Saturday 7th January 2012. Synrgic does not seem to work that hard after all ....
Actually with the beta version, I can't install most of Market apps because it says they are not compatible with my device. Some of them work, but market don'l let me download or upgrade, I think because Dreambook appear to Market as a Unknow Imx51_bbg device
Ops... it is now 6 months later now on Saturday 7th January 2012. Synrgic does not seem to work that hard after all ....

I think you hit the nail on its head, because what I just read in the blog is certainly not encouraging news for any Dreambook owner. Unfortunately, I'm sorry that I have to agree with the post from my own frustration and experience with the w7. Sorry to not have better news for all those still waiting and hoping for a 2.3 os update from Synrgic.

You can find the post here: Dreambook W7 Seriously Challenged by the My Pad T60 7
I gave up on W7 as well. I'll put it for sale on EBAY now, it would probably sell at $50 in the US. I'll be happy with my Samsung Galaxy Note for now.
I think you hit the nail on its head, because what I just read in the blog is certainly not encouraging news for any Dreambook owner. Unfortunately, I'm sorry that I have to agree with the post from my own frustration and experience with the w7. Sorry to not have better news for all those still waiting and hoping for a 2.3 os update from Synrgic.

You can find the post here: Dreambook W7 Seriously Challenged by the My Pad T60 7

Only thing we can do is advert peolple in every place we can, to not buy products from Synrgic! They are not serious! They invest a lot in marketing, but zero in support!
In my country in any place I hear or read anything about Synrgic products, I instantly tell the story of Dreambook W7, and strongly advert, don't buy anything from them, they don't have any king of support or respect for the costumers.

Now they are investing a lot in promoting a cell phone, possibly another peace of sh... with good specs but, like Dreambook W7, never work well. Even if it works well, don't buy! The best thing that can happen to companies like Synrgic is desapear.
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hey guys, long time no post!
after having my dreambook bricked for almost a year, i finally managed to get the cwm working.. i still cant access my sd card tho :(

soo my question, does anyone have a copy or can anyone get me a copy of the stock recovery?
i will be very greatfull!

cheers all :D

I have this same issue. can you respond if you have figured this out? It would be nice to be able to use the data plan on this tablet.

To dump full firmware DreambookW7 execute on host PC "cmd" (also make sure you have the busybox in android SDK)

adb shell busybox mkdir -p /mnt/sdcard/backup/fw/
adb shell busybox dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0 of=/mnt/sdcard/backup/fw/u-boot-no-padding.bin bs=1k skip=1 count=1023
adb shell busybox dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0 of=/mnt/sdcard/backup/fw/uImage bs=1M skip=1 count=4 > log.txt
adb shell busybox dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0 of=/mnt/sdcard/backup/fw/uramdisk.img bs=1k skip=4096 count=512
adb shell busybox dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p4 of=/mnt/sdcard/backup/fw/recovery.img
adb shell busybox dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p2 of=/mnt/sdcard/backup/fw/system.img

pause 1000

You will have all of files on external SD card in folder - backup/fw/

OK, as you know I have done all this and (surprise!) I find I need to restore this dump... any ideas on how I go about this?

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