T-Mobile Pay As You Go + $1.49 Web Day Pass + Android T-Mobile My Account App = WIN

Mr. Speeb- Can't you just get a cheap pay as you go phone, use that imei Number with your account and have them think that is your internet connection device, and switch your chip to to Hs7?

You can even use an old phone with just the imei number as long as no one else uses that phone anymore.

This. Yup!
Wish I had done that! What's odd is that I just came from a TM store. We put the sim from a demo Android phone - WITH a contract voice and data plan - in my S7 and it behaved the same way. No web except MyTM. Acted like a non-smartphone, even though that sim worked fine in their demo smartphone. Put a data-only Webconnect sim from a demo tablet in my S7 and I was surfing with no problem.

Dont understand why their data-enabled smartphone sim didnt work in my S7. Can anyone doing this successfully share their firmware version number? Thanks.
Wish I had done that! What's odd is that I just came from a TM store. We put the sim from a demo Android phone - WITH a contract voice and data plan - in my S7 and it behaved the same way. No web except MyTM. Acted like a non-smartphone, even though that sim worked fine in their demo smartphone. Put a data-only Webconnect sim from a demo tablet in my S7 and I was surfing with no problem.

Dont understand why their data-enabled smartphone sim didnt work in my S7. Can anyone doing this successfully share their firmware version number? Thanks.

people are having problems with the data now on the s7 for t mobile check this thread it just started yesterday!

people are having problems with the data now on the s7 for t mobile check this thread it just started yesterday!


Well it looks like they done messed it up now. I too get re-directed to the my.t-mobile.com website when trying to connect. Read the thread above for what possibly happened.

I knew it was too good to be true. Read the thread.

Sorry guys!

Mods: you may want to unsticky this as it is now causing problems.
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Well it looks like they done messed it up now. I too get re-directed to the my.t-mobile.com website when trying to connect. Read the thread above for what possibly happened.

I knew it was too good to be true. Read the thread.

Sorry guys!

Mods: you may want to unsticky this as it is now causing problems.

I think everyone who has t mobile and this device should send an email to Robert Dotson (CEO of T Mobile)

robert.dotson@t-mobile.com & rdotson@t-mobile.com

I sent to both since I dont know if one is being used and one not ect.

anyways I think people should at least send emails to him and ask for support on this issue...
I apologize if my investigations with T-Mobile caused others to loose service. I can't believe these are related but it's very coincidental. I agree duceiare. We should mount a campaign imploring T-Mobile to let the "grey" devices on their network. I for one, can't understand why the won't take our money. I'd gladly volunteer the time to lobby T-Mobile. Web site? Blog? Poll?

As a follow up, I went to the local AT&T store yesterday. They have a pre-paid/pay-as-you-go data service called DataConnect. I went into the store and inquired about it. They gave me a 3G SIM for free :-o) and sent me to this Web site: https://buyasession.att.com . You'll need your IMEI and the ICCID from the SIM card. I plugged both in and gave them my credit card and bought the day pass. I waited a few minutes and I had connection to the AT&T network. I did have to manually add the APN with these parms: APN Name: AT&T, APN: broadband (all lower case), MMC: 310, MNC: 410. It works great but the AT&T plan is a little pricey. $15-1day/1mb, $30-1week/3mb, $50-30days/1gb.

Personally, I would rather use T-Mobile but at least I have a work around.
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Can a data plan be added to the S7 with the SIM card that I am using for the Web Day Pass?
Can a data plan be added to the S7 with the SIM card that I am using for the Web Day Pass?

The TM store told me I needed a new sim to switch to a data-only plan. No charge for the sim, just the prepaid data charge. Expires after 90 days if no refill. Can keep the old sim for phone calls. You can't add a data plan to the current sim because the S7 "isn't a smartphone." It's either data or voice - but not both. :(
mrook15 - After signing into your my.T-mobile account try this link: https://my.t-mobile.com/Plan/Prepaid/SessionPass.aspx I'm not sure if it will work in your situation. People seem to be getting varying results.

I was able to successfully purchase a day pass using the t-mobile WAP page on the browser with my T-Mobile prepaid SIM inserted. Problem was, it did nothing but charge $1.49 to my account, and still provides no data access on the S7 (it just re-directs back to T-Mobile log in). So I'm pretty certain this doesn't work (or won't work)...please prove me wrong!
I think we should be careful to refer to our S7s as "smartphones" since that's what they really are. Calling them tablets will only confuse the issue more, since tablets can't make/receive calls...
The TM store told me I needed a new sim to switch to a data-only plan. No charge for the sim, just the prepaid data charge. Expires after 90 days if no refill. Can keep the old sim for phone calls. You can't add a data plan to the current sim because the S7 "isn't a smartphone." It's either data or voice - but not both. :(

I believe stephndudb is correct. I just got home from TMO store and I purchased a (believe it or not) a Huawei UMG1691 Webconnect Jet Kit (USB Stick Modem). Got that activated on a month-to-month plan (NOT PREPAID, NOT PAY AS YOU GO, BUT A POST-PAID PLAN WITH NO CONTRACT)...the EM+WebConn Discount NoOverage plan... (no contract as I paid full price for the Modem) and for $40/month you basically get unlimited data (5GB with soft cap/throttle down and no overage). The SIM works fine in the S7 as data only (no phone service provided)....but the Edge data speeds are S L O W... We went this way because we can use the SIM card in the S7 or pop the SIM card into the USB stick and use in a laptop as needed.
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