@sakis It's Android 2.2 because it's a buggy beta, but the key take-away is that it is not going to be powerful enough for Adobe Flash. People like the Samsung 'Herotab M816' now for tweaking, but the iMX515 is dropping fast in price, and the only main drawback is the possibly horrible touchscreen. But the devices themselves at this price range with these specs are actually decent, if you would believe me. It depends on your needs.
Thanks a lot for your advice xaueious. As you always stress "it depends on your needs".
I am a chemical engineer by profession and I am looking for something to accompany my mobile phone (NOKIA 5800) and carry around (My EEEPC seems a bit heavy and bulky
- E-mail checking
- Web browsing
- E-books & Manuals reading (mainly PDFs)
- Word files VIEWING (mainly report reviews etc) - the main work is done on the PC
- Excel files VIEWING - the main work is done on the PC
- If time allows, some music (classic rock
- If time allows, some tampering with the system - even some programming (you cannot teach an old dog new tricks - he sticks with the old ones!)
As you can see my needs are not that "CPU demanding" (although I find these particular CPUs VERY fast - or "handheld supercomputers" - compared with the ones I once used i.e. the 6502 based Apple II & BBC micro which, by the way, were GREAT machines)
I have studied the contents of this site (including http://www.androidtablets.net/forum...tablet-buying-list-what-get-what-avoid-7.html). Both of the machines I mentioned in my earlier post fit into the recommendations.
However, I am worried about the final quality. What you pay is what you get of course, but will this HiPAD be a HiPAD or a HiPAD "clone" ??? Is there any way to tell the difference ???
Thanking all of you in advance