The One 'Do I Buy This', 'What Do I Buy', 'I'm Looking For' Thread

@camycam178 Nothing is easy. If you want all the bells and whistles without any hassles, your only choice is the Galaxy Tab. The Archos 70 is also a good choice.

I've been looking into buying the flytouch 2, any input on that? :/ It is compatible with most games it says, and it's fairly cheap for a 10 inch. I'm just not a tablet user yet, and I don't know how much of an issue not having a capacitive touchscreen is.
If you were comfortable with the G1, you should really try the Nook Color. It should meet your requirements (in time). The iPad cannot do Adobe Flash. PDF capabilities for the Nook Clor is solid. It's good enough that people are importing the Nook Color back into China.

You could also move up to something like the gTablet. But I think the Nook Color will be sufficiently good for you.

It takes works to get to a working state, but nothing complicated like what you would have had to do to a G1 (radio flashing, goldcards and such).

After some more reading. Wouldn't the Archos 70 Internet Tablet be a more powerful/better option than the NookColor for my needs? Or am I missing something about either?
@Carbira1 I'm not aware of anything other than the Archos 43 in that category at the moment :(

@faceman The Nook Color has double the RAM and a much better screen. It also happens to cost a little less. The community support is actually better on the Nook Color. The hardware is loved by many.
@TK421 Toshiba released the Folio 100. So far it's not a worthy device of mention. I wouldn't have high hopes for them.

@xaueious What is it about the Folio 100 that makes you put it in the 'not worth mention' column?

As for what I'm looking to accomplish in a tablet, well here's my wishlist of capabilities:

1. 7"-10" for the screen-I want to be able to view whole pages of PDFs and still be able to read them. This makes me think I'll have to go with the 10", but I can't just drop the idea of the 7-incher's convenient carrying size.

2. Needs to be able to handle Office documents. A great deal of capability is not necessary here, but I need to be able to open them and make small changes. I'll use a laptop/desktop for actually production.

3. As mentioned I'll need good PDF capability. Something that won't lag out on me, and potentially be able to handle multiple PDFs at once. I also need one that handles searchable PDFs.

4. Not sure this is a possibility right now: Have a file open that I'm able to use a stylus/finger to draw lines across/through things and then have that saved.

5. I'm willing to wait for Honeycomb as everything I've heard says this is a much more capable and stable OS.

6. 3G or 4G, WiFi connectivity are necessary while Bluetooth is not a real big selling point for me.

7. I'd like at least 16GB internal storage that is expandable.

8. USB 2.0 connection, HDMI would be nice but not necessary.

9. Cost is not so much an issue for me if the system can do everything I want it to. I'd prefer to keep the system around $300 US.
@TK421 The Folio 100 was a failure considering a company of Toshiba's profile: toshiba foilo pulled - Google Search. This is actually a really bad sign.

The Huawei S7 is on sale this week. Try it.

I know some apps have compatibility with Evernote. RepliGo does PDF annotations, but I have not really looked into how. Check out the Huawei S7 forum to get an idea of what people do with it.
Hi guys

First post!

Hope this is the right place to ask this - I'm sure the veterans would be able to assist me here.

I'm looking for a tablet with the following specs:

* 7" Screen
* Capacitive touch
* Android 2.1 (min)
* 800mhz-1ghz CPU
* 8 hour battery life with Wi-Fi on

The tab would be used for a single purpose and only needs to have one app running. No web browsing required. It must just be able to run one app (which needs Wi-Fi access) for 8 hours with the screen on.

If necessary the CPU can be underclocked to make the battery last longer, but the touch screen must be responsive and the reaction time good.

Is this a pipe dream or does such a tablet exist?
Hi everyone

what im looking for is a 7 inch tablet that is NOT an ipad clone
it needs to have good battery life run 2.1 or above and run it smoothly have tv out a decent set of hardware specs and be able to edit .doc files
also something fairly inexpensive would be nice im not on a budget or anything but be nice

Hello everyone and I am glad I found this site, I just seen the galaxy tab at my local sprint store, but I am not looking for the 3g since I have an evo and can use the hotspot.

The galaxy tab retails for around $600.00

what are the top 5 tablets with no 3G that arent Ipad clones that have the latest android OS thats in the 600.00 price range thats equal to or better then the galaxy tab?

My plan is to buy the best high end tablet for the money based on value. I will end up using it to develop android apps.
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@Carbira1 Don't know anything other than the Archos 43.

@Cloud I think the Nook Color will do the trick. Needs some tweaking out of the box though. Archos 70 also fits your needs.

@The_Fang Archos 70 is the cheapest tablet with TV out out of the box and decent speed

@icreepin There hasn't been a whole lot of high end tablets. None of them really look like they are any good out of the box. Viewsonic gTablet, Notion Ink Adam, Advent Vega, Toshiba Folio 100, Malata Zpad (all these are dual core Tegra 2 variants $350-500).
@icreepin There hasn't been a whole lot of high end tablets. None of them really look like they are any good out of the box. Viewsonic gTablet, Notion Ink Adam, Advent Vega, Toshiba Folio 100, Malata Zpad (all these are dual core Tegra 2 variants $350-500).

So then I should look at the Tegra 2 and the galaxy tab then? I also heard while I am not 100% sure that the galaxy tab for sprint and US cellular had there raidos disabled and that they could be used for phone calls?

Well I will research each of them. Any idea on where online I could do a side by side comparison?