The One 'Do I Buy This', 'What Do I Buy', 'I'm Looking For' Thread

well personally as i own a 10.2 wow/super/wotsit epad I can't speak highly enough of it. after 2 weeks it hasnt let me down. its got the works and at 185 ozzy dollars (which is on parity with the u.s dollar these days ) delivered, ime not complaining.
for the price of an lpad I could buy 4 of these and have change left over. use one up every year and still be in front.
OK, I will play too. I bought a superpad off eBay, but hate it.

Looking now to keep it under $400.
Front camera
4-8GB storage
HDMI(not a huge requirement), USB, Bluetooth, TFlash, micro USB charging, WiFi, 3G capable is ok but not necessary either but need to be able to tether wifi to my DX.
Stylus would be nice
Multitouch screen
Android 2.2, hardware able to upgrade to 3.0+, I know Android pretty well (so rootable as well)
Most android apps native (gmail, maps, market, etc)
Prefer a 10+ inch screen
1Ghz processor, at least 512 memory
Battery that lasts more than an hour (lol, ok, more than 4 hours would be nice)

Viewsonic GTab (and my battery goes 9 hours using Wifi without going below 40%)
I am looking to buy a android tablet in the next day or two and would like to find one that will be around $ 200. 2.1 or upgradable would be nice
really needs to play flash so my kids can play farmville and youtube.
Need it to watch video's on, I can convert to watch.
also need to be able to have the kindle app on is a must !!
Does not need to have a camera but I don't want to have to use a stylus.

Is it possible to watch Hulu plus and netflix on an adroid tablet?

I have rooted my adroid phones and would prefer not to have to if it is complected.
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Hi i have been looking for a tablet for a while and i am looking to buy in the next 2 months.
I just want one with wifi
android 2.2 or above.
Between 7 and 10 inches.
Nice design.
Does not feel cheap
easy to search the internet and get to email.
Full access to a reliable app market.
over 4 hours of battery life
Iam little unsure exactly what brand I want to look at.. I recieved a Kyros 7015 for Christmas.. It did not do most of what I wanted and my son broke it by accident lol so I do not think I want another Coby tablet.

What Iam looking for is:

at least 7 inches
at least 4 gb memory with a card expansion of up to at least 32gb
Multitouch screen with stylus
At least Android 2.2
Ability to surf the web including flash
Ability to do my email
Ability to download a decent amount of android apps
Ebook reader functions
I would like to be able to play Facebook games such as Farmville for example
Ability for it to connect to my home network and Wi Fi when not at home
Max budget of 500.00 but would prefer to spend less
Access to the Android App market and not AppLibs!
I do not want to have to root or other wise hack the device to get it to do what I want.

Iam primarily a gamer so having it run facebook and android app games is very important to me.

Looking to buy in the next few weeks..

Thank you,

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Been reading the forums for a while, great community, first post. What I'm looking for is:

1) Primary use: eBooks (mainly PDF and CBR format), videos (can convert on PC to necessary format but would like not to have to, do not need super high quality), Japanese Dictionary (requires writing Kanji so need a resistive screen)
Secondary use: web browsing, reading email (but could also do this through the browser as do not want/need to store mail on the tablet)
Would be nice use: games, just seeing what a tablet can do (first time purchase) so planning to root, etc.
Do not need: camera, bluetooth
2) <$200 (realize this limits choices but if all goes well will buy another later when better models come out)
3) Main thing is portability thus 10' is too big but 5' too small (for me to read books) -- is there a big difference betwee 7' and 8'?
4) Will be first experience with Android but am very computer literate (this could be my achilles heel as I am always wanting my devices to do more than advertised)
5) live in Tokyo, Japan

Looking through the forums it seems that currently something like the Coby 7015 would fit the profile -- low performance but has the basic specs I need, an established web presence (has a company website that has firmware, manual downloads, etc.), a large and supportive user community and don't need to buy from China (though it's obviously made there). I'm just wondering why it doesn't get more recomendations, everything seems to point to the Archos devices though they are more expensive (and the reviews don't seem to be that much better).

If I do go with the Coby, I'd wait for the 7025/7026 models as they will still be priced under $200 (just wondering when they would be out).

Anyway, thanks for your thoughts.
Does this sound like a reliable tablet for what I am looking for? I am really only looking to internet surf, check emails, and watch movies that I rip from dvd's.

7" screen.
Android 2.1 OS
Rockchip 2818 1.2 mhz
Wi Fi
2* USB
card port
expandable memory via card slot up to 32gb

Price is $169 on this model.

****After reading around some more, it sounds like Rockchip may not be the best processor available?
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I'm looking for the following features in a tablet. Looking to pay around $200 preferably or more if the tablet could do exactly what I wanted. Was wondering if a higher end ePad with a better chipset like the Telechip might be better as I hear the VIA chipset is pretty crappy (in particular the MW8505). My computer skills are intermediate to advanced so I have no problems with researching and reading up the technical side of things. Also, would the Nook Color be a reasonable option for what I want to do or would it still only be an "e-reader?". I'd like to have a enough power to comfortably to use my tablet to run most things.

I would like to play some basic games / 3D Games, browse the net, run most (if not all apps), watch videos, etc.

Features I'm Looking For

-7 inch screen
-Android 2.1 OS or Higher
-Rootable if possible (so other modifications can occur).
-256MB - 512MB RAM
-2 - 4 GB HD
-HDMI (would be cool, but not really required)
-GPS (again, would be cool but not necessary)
-Adobe Flash Support (would be really awesome if a device supported it)
-Expansion Slot though MicroSD (preferred)
-Support through a community based forum such as this website.

I welcome your suggestions on what I should purchase. It should be a 7 inch tablet as I already have an ePad case with built-in keyboard (would like to make use of that). Unfortunately I bought an ePad off of eBay and it never arrived, luckily I was able to get my money back through Paypal... but that's another story. Thanks.
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This is what I'm looking for:

1. Price: If I can get it for less than $200 OR $150 that would be great!
(are these cheap pads from china any good?)

2. Can someone post a size comparison of a 7in vs. a 10in.....I'm not sure which I need. Im thinking 7 inch so I can toss it in my purse and go.
3. I don't use all these "app" thingys....I just need one that has perfect WIFI so I can browse the net and watch flash videos (youtube and stuff).
4. I don't have time to do all this technical tweaking. It needs to work out the box..
5. I need to purchase 1 for my 4yr old. also. Does anyone know of any kiddy apps so he can play and learn on it?
Ok so what's the best tablet for me

I'm pretty tech, I've rooted many phones

I'm not as worried about what firmware it comes with as I am what it is capable of

Wifi, Stability, android 2.1 capable are prob my main concerns

And I don't care if it COMES with these things if there is a way to add or fix them

I don't care if it comes with the android market as long as it can be added and be proper once added

I want the cheapest possible tablet that is stable (Or can be made stable) and fast enough for casual use, surfing, games, calendar type stuff

I might pay $20 extra for a better processor or something, but if there is a slower processor that's stable and fast enough for me to use I wouldn't want to pay $50 extra to get the faster one

I mean I might even be willing to sideload apps if I get a solid tablet with no market or whatever

I don't care how easy it is to use, just that it works good, or can be made to work good

I am cheap as heck, cheap, cheap, cheap

But if it wasn't gonna connect to wifi good or there was some other issue like constant freezing that was gonna make it un-useable that would be a deal breaker

It just has to be cheap and be hackable into something solid and working (I don't care what hoops I have to jump through to get to that state, I'd even sideload apps like I was saying, wouldn't be the first or 50th time I sideloaded some apps on an android device)

I've had lots of android devices so I have a rough idea what's involved, be as tech as you want, I've have vibrants, mytouch slide, mytouch, G1s, behold 2s etc by the dozens

I've rooted and unlocked more than 1 vibrant, I'm not afraid to hack a $400 phone, but I'm CHEEEEEEEEEEEAP, no way did I ever spend $400 on a vibrant that's what I sell them for not buy them

Thanks in advance for any advice
Hello. Thanks in advance for your reply. I have been obsessively looking at all my tablet options and simply can't make up my mind. I'm going crazy deciding on which one so hopefully you can help. I'm looking to pay under $300 for a:

- 10" capacitive screen
- stable
- access to Android market or easy ability to modify
- upgradeable
- reputable maker (Chinese okay if there is real support/accountability)
- ability to watch Netflix movies, read the occasional book, play games, etc.
- long-term viability
- wi-fi only is okay
- ability to Skype with video
- decent audio

I'm willing to wait I guess for the new wave coming with Tegra and 2.3 if necessary.



My father wants a tablet with 3g.

Capacitive tochscreen
to in the max $450 with shipping!
Android 2.2

Any recomedations?? Thanks.
Thank you Xaueious for the help I ended up buying the Archos 70 8gb version. If anyone else is looking and has them in stock right now.
I travel frequently between US and Central America and am looking for a decent tablet. I like the Android OS but am debating whether I should wait for devices with Android 3.0 installed or get a device with 2.x installed. If I get a device with 2.x installed, is it possible/difficult to upgrade to 3.0? Any recommendations for a tablet in the $200-300 range?