The One 'Do I Buy This', 'What Do I Buy', 'I'm Looking For' Thread

I am looking for a 10" tablet that I can use for education and also for watching a few movies on trips. Currently I have an iPhone because I didn't wait long enough for a good android phone:( I am looking for a good Andorid tablet that will keep me from getting an iPad2.
I would really love one that can connect with the Google App Inventor.
Should I keep waiting? I am disapointed in the Xoom costing $800. I was really hoping to use the pressure sensor.

I am blogging about my search here:
i am very very new to Tablet PC's. I ended up here after I started searching for a PDA type device to keep track of my busy life. After a little looking it seems I need a Tablet PC. Husband hates i-os so I think that leaves me with Andriod. Here is what I am wanting:
Music/MP3 player
Video Player (you tube, plus whatever my husband has our movies saved as (i dont have a clue) )
A Bible app for church
Wi-fi (no cell phone contract)
Word type program
Calender (with alarm)
USB connection to hook it to my Desktop
able to download apps like games
SD card slot for extra storage
built in speaker for music
good battery life for days im on the go
maybe GPS capable (would be really nice)
Touch screen that isnt tooo touchy but isnt too unresponsive
I would like to be able to take pictures/Video if needed on a spur of moment basis (i have a nice camera for my regular use)
I dont know what version OS either... something i can use for a few years and not need to upgrade next month

From my reading the Coby Kyros 7015 looks good but i am really considering holding off for the Kyros 7026. Budget is < $200
Im in Alabama but will most likely order online. I have no clue what some terms you guys talk about are (rooting, syncing, flashing) but Hubby is a tech geek and can figure it out ;)
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Hi all,
I am looking for the best UI i can get for around £2-300, and I think the archos 70 fits the bill. The main other considerations in order of importance are:
7" screen (seems to hit the sweet spot, if its not pocket-able Im not going to use it, if its to small I wont use it)
Stable Wifi (Archos seems poor on this)
Ability to use skype voice (video not required, using an external bluetooth headset is acceptable)
long battery life (7/8hrs would be good)
Good Internet experience (downloading new browsers is fine, and I will probably want to use opera mini anyway)
Capacitive screen. (Unless a resistive is as good)
videos/music/flash are secondary concerns. I would like them, but they are not essential.

I dont mind tweaking to get a good end experience, for example I'm currently writing this on a dell mini 9 running a heavily customized debian install, but I want the hardware to be good quality and reliable. The nook would be perfect if it just had a microphone slot.
I also probably wont be getting this for another month or two, so if theres anything coming out soon please tell me.
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@joeblow2006 Normally I wouldn't classify these as tablets, but there is the Archos 32 IT.

@cheekymcgee I wouldn't consider the WITS a quality device, but if you get lucky, it should do the right things for you. Considering the shipping costs and quality of the WITS, you are better off with something else unless you plan on modifying the device firmware.

@archat68 There are many options, but you need to narrow down your requirements before anyone can give you a recommendation. The problem is that I am not familiar with what is available in your locale with regards to trustworthy (branded) tablets.

If I had to pick from your list of cheap tablets, I would get a Flytouch II or the Haipad M701 depending. These are not products I normally recommend though, but if your selection is limited, these are okay. Both tablets should be no more than $200USD.

@Saxon747 You typically do not want a random Chinese tablet. Get the Nook Color or the Viewsonic gTablet.

@club There is a $200 capacitive tablet that uses a Rockchip RK2818 processor, but it is not something I would recommend to most people. The Nook Color at $250 is actually nice capacitive tablet and what I would recommend, but has a steep learning curve. People here will walk you through how to get the device to do what you want. If you think that might be too difficult, look for the Archos 70 at $300.

@homeschooltablet I am not sure what your requirements are for 'home school education'. I have owned a few Windows tablets, and found them to be very helpful during my education. Android and Apple iOS tablets are mere toys and do not have sufficient capability to be replacements at the moment.

@avic77 It is not wise to hope for any future Coby devices considering that Coby is no more than a electronics rebrander. The MID7015 is a rebranded Chinese tablet good enough as an entry level device that will suit most of your needs, except for GPS and multimedia capture. If your husband is tech savvy, ask him for a Nook Color and let him tinker with it, because it is a very nice tablet at $250.

@Tilan I would just keep waiting if I didn't need one right now, but you sound like you would have the budget for an Advent Vega, which is a lot more fun than any of those Archos tablets.
i'm looking for a tablet that is good for viewing dance video that i load (SD/flash,is that even possible) -- email, game apps, e-reader (B&N)/periodicals-- 7" and around 1lb., touch screen and honeycomb -- after all if i'm buying it now does it make sense to go Gingerbread??? ' am not an expert but i have a working knowledge and my husband has a full IT unit at work -- would like $350 but would go to $600 if needed-- WiFi only--- don't really need a data package-- even if they give you $250 off the price why should i pay Verizon $30/mo to top off at $360/yr each year if i don't need to
maybe i am confused Coby website has the MD7026 listed. A couple other places list it as preorder for $189.99 from what i have read it will release in March. Is it worth waiting for?

Nook Color: totally confused since it is marketed as a reader how does it become a net tablet? It's $250 and I am not sure i can go over $200

Archos 70 is too expensive right now.

So i think that leaves me with buy now and get Mid 7015 or wait for a Mid7026
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Viewsonic GTab (and my battery goes 9 hours using Wifi without going below 40%)

Just wanted to thank you for the recommendation. I picked up a Gtab yesterday. I actually was going to get it Saturday, but the sales lady at Sears talked me out of it, guess she was tired of all the returns. So i went back and did more research and decided i can hack it enough to be happy. Now running the Adam ROM, nice and smooth. And I actually didn't mind the stock ROM although I didn't play with it much.

Here is what I would like:
  • Android 2.2
  • 8" + screen size
  • upgradeable firmware
  • Flash able
  • Good resolution
  • 1080p (if possible)
  • Dual boot option would be sweet (Android / Windows 7/Vista)
  • Mulit Touch
  • Under $400
  • Movies
  • Games
  • Internet
  • Hobby
  • General wasting of time
Location: Democratic Republic of the Congo... ya ya I know... crappy place to be but I work for the government so I move every 1-2 years.

I need something that has WIFI and is not network based for the US. I don't care about GPS because its useless here. If it has it great if not... oh well. I am willing to hack if I must. I'm not novice user but im no Android pro. I'm sure there are pleanty of help from this site to do the job.

Basically I'm looking for the best thing out there. My budget is liquid but to please the wife I said I wouldn't spend more than $400.

Ive looked at:
Any help and suggestions are appreciated,
@dedicatedshopper There are no Honeycomb or Gingerbread tablets on the market. The highest they go up to is Froyo (2.2). If you must get something now, try the Archos 70 IT.

@avic77 We have no idea how the new Coby lineup will turn out. I am not particularily looking up to what Coby has planned considering they type of company they are.

@Fuganater I actually do not know what you can get in your area. The gTablet would be a decent choice if you can get your hands on one. It might be easier for you to get the Archos 101 IT, even though I think the gTablet is a better choice if you do not mind the hassle of installing custom firmware though.
Ok. I'll be the first one.

Here's what I'm looking for:

Flash, Wi-Fi, and multi-touch. 7-10 inch size should do the trick. Preferably a budget model since this is for my children. So far, the least expensive I've found is aPad A8 at $160ish, but I'm not sure that it's capable of multi-touch. I have rooted a Droid Eris, following well-laid out and simple instructions. I'm comfortable rooting a device if I need to in order to increase functionality. However, I would need a robust dev community who has clear instructions laid out and volunteer support ready to answer questions. I know some devices are more hack-friendly than others. I'm even ok with waiting until March/April to see what shakes out in the up and coming market.

Any suggestions?

Now that we're past CES, is there any thing more suitable for my needs/wants or is hacking up a Nook Color still my best bet?

Revised desires:

Capacitive multi-touch screen
7in size - I've decided that 10in is too big. :D
Flash support
Full Google experience - Market, Gmail, Google search
WiFi - I do not need 3g

I've also changed the budget. I'm willing to cough up ~$4-500 for it. If I have to hack it to get decent functionality, then I don't want to spend more than $300. I'm still willing to hack a nook color. Especially since I hear the guys at xda have a working honeycomb build in progress.
@JDoumo There is no indication that the new Coby tablets will be inexpensive. They will also be American branded, so it does not make sense for your locale. Go to Akiharaba and look for APAD shops. There are many tablets there, and your selection much greater. You should be able to pickup something you like there. The selection is much greater than what I am aware of. You are still probably looking at either a Telechips based tablet (Cherrypad, Nanopad, EM71, M701), or the Marvell based Leader G10 (GPS).


Many thanks for the advice. Although I live in Tokyo I haven't been to Akihabara in a while as it takes a long time to go through things there (due to the real estate limits one shop can be spread over3~4 physical locations and of course the crowds) and I don't have a whole afternoon free very often. But as a first time user it is best if I actually play around with one first before buying. Thanks again, JDoumo
hey guys, my dad's birthday is coming up and i figured that a tablet would be of great use to him and would make a great gift as well.

im a student, working 10 hours a week part time, so dont have much money. i would appreciate it if you guys could recommend me some android tablets, for preferably less than 200 bucks and having the following:

- android 2.2 (if there are only android 2.1 for below 200 bucks, then can you please recommend tablets which have the potential to be upgraded to 2.2)
- screen size of 7" or 8" or 9.7" (i had a look at some of the 10" and 10.2" ones and they kinda look ugly, since their frames look oversized)
- capacitive screen (again if there are only resistive screens for less than 200 bucks, then can u please recommend ones which have a slightly more sensitive screen than usual)
- decent processor and RAM (personally i would prefer atleast 500MHz and 512mb, but i would settle for anything which you advice is quick enough)

my dad wont be playing too many games ofcourse. as long as it meets the above requirements and is good enough for checking emails, facebook, general internet browsing and maybe come document reading and creation. preferably with minimal lag

thanks for your time.
@dansamy Nook Color should be just fine. There hasn't been any exciting post CES tablets in this bracket just yet.

@JDoumo Check AtWiki for a list of shops in Japan.

@dpakrr Coby Kyros MID7015 would be decent enough, especially he wont be playing games.