The One 'Do I Buy This', 'What Do I Buy', 'I'm Looking For' Thread

Hello All,

Love reading through this thread - great info and impressive knowledge - so I've decided to add my wish list:

My Background

  • IT professional
  • longtime PDA and smartphone user, starting with Palm Pro through Droid; Droid X currently (Droids not rooted)
  • original laptop was a Fujitsu convertible tablet, so I fell in love with the features of a tablet (including stylus writing). Current laptop is HP ProBook 5310m
  • loved my Sony Reader until it died


  • in a sense, I'm looking for something that has the capability of my Droid X but in a tablet form (ie - bigger screen). Things I use regularly on my Droid: gMail, web access, social media, texting, Pandora, YouTube, simple games, doc viewing, Skype, Google maps/navigation, MP3 player, flash, WiFi, GPS, airplane mode, etc... all with simultaneous "windows". Don't get me wrong - I love my Droid X's capabilities and great screen. It's just that sometimes I want to be able to do these things on a bigger screen, somewhere 7-10", without having to take my laptop with me whenever I'm meeting with clients or traveling.
  • I really loved the clarity of the e-Ink on the Sony Reader. It was a joy to use, especially with the variable font size, and the convenience of having a library in such a small device was divine. I'm concerned about being able to use a tablet as an eReader, wondering about text clarity and screen glare. Whatever device I end up with, I want to be able to read converted PDFs and free ebooks I get from the library and the web
  • I was strongly considering the Xoom until I heard it would be $799. That's a show-stopper for me, I'm afraid. I'm struggling with the price of the Galaxy, too, though I might be persuaded to purchase that if it is the best option for me.
  • I know a lot of things were announced (or at least strongly rumored) at CES, so it might be that my best bet is to wait a few months. Really, the main reason I'm looking now is I'm going on an overseas trip on 2/22 and I'd love to take an eReader with me. But I'm not inclined to purchase now just for that if the recommendation is to wait.
  • I'm open to rooting the device to obtain the capabilities I'm looking for, though I'd have to study the forums and instructions to do so. I've especially looked at the Nook Color threads to see what success people have had, and I'm encouraged by the latest announcements of a functioning Honeycomb on it
  • I want a device that will be upgradable as new versions of the Android OS, and the apps that run on them, become available. I also want to be able to easily upgrade firmware as it comes available
  • I want the screen to work just as well in portrait as it does in landscape in all apps, and to adjust the screen portrait/landscape just like my Droid X does.
  • I'd love to be able to run all, or nearly all, of the apps I currently run on my Droid X. I'd also like to be able to have Android Market loaded.
  • I currently tether my phone to my laptop for internet access in locations where WiFi isn't available. I'd like to be able to access my data plan with the tablet, either via a tether to my phone, a wireless phone tether, or some kind of internal 3G device. Of course, the ability to access WiFi natively in a hot spot is preferred, but it's not always available
  • is it better to buy a tablet with eReader capabilities, or get an eReader with tablet capabilities?
  • is it easy to type on a tablet (answering emails, composing docs, social media updates, web searches, etc), or am I going to need some kind of wireless keyboard?
  • what kind of RAM, hard drive, ports, drivers, etc are the minimum that should be considered? I'm not looking for something that I can do serious gaming on, just something that can handle the capabilities described above

Bottom Line
Is there anything out there that comes close to what I'm looking for, or am I just drinking the "I-want-it-all" Kool-Aid? If by some chance something currently exists that fits, is it something I could get and configure by 2/22?

Closing with a HUGE thank you in advance for your time in reading through this loooooong posting, and even more so for your advice and recommendations.

@axeten I meant the same thing in my reply. The Archos 101 IT has 256MB RAM.

@Eggtastico I have no first hand experience with these. These fisher-price tablets seem to be varying in quality depending on who you get it from, so I wont recommend AliExpress. There is a minor screen shake issue as well from what I've been reading. Buying this tablet makes no sense to me here in North America. The firmware is a mess to boot. I think the WITS is the only Android 2.2 Chinese tablet I would throw my money at right now if you forced me to choose, and maybe the Freescale 8" IF I can get a screen shake fixed model.

@TechieJ The Nook Color is the next most fun tablet to play with at 7" not named the Galaxy Tab. The eLocity A7 is a good learning platform because it is Tegra 2, but the Nook Color community is good awesome to ignore right now.

@gokieks Archos seems to produce in batches. I think you want to contact Archos directly for advice on placing a batch order like this. Running Android tablets to perform what you need to do doesn't make any sense to me. You also have major security issues with any Android device that is going to be dedicated for public use like this. A dedicated embedded solution probably makes more sense, even if it will cost a lot more. But going to your specific requirement of easily installing applications without modifications to the device, the Archos 70 IT and the Archos 101 IT are my only recommendations.

@hopkins85 Notion Ink Adam, or wait for the Motorola Xoom. I'm guessing your locale is the USA.


Short answer:
Get the Nook Color.

Long answer:
The Nook Color for $250 and the Viewsonic gTablet for $350 is where the bandwagon is for people who have the ability to tinker a little bit with what they buy. I think the gTablet is going to get more Honeycomb loving because of its specification similarities with the Xoom. Nook Color is might be underpowered entering the Honeycomb era, with Google trying to push more and more diverse functionality on the new platform, but the Nook Color has a large enough backing that I wouldn't be overly concerned. Besides, Android 2.x on a tablet device is quite decent as it is, despite what the media says.

I think your choice would come down to portability. 7" fits perfectly in one hand for most people, and in my opinion much more portable, and fits in big pockets (ie: coat pockets). It is also easier to show people things on a 10" screen than a 7", making it more of a personal device. The Nook Color screen is also very good in portrait mode, which is crucial for a eReader type device, where as the gTablet's screen isn't so good in this regard. Since you are travelling, the 7" makes more sense for the shortterm for sure.

With regards to e-ink, if you think you can use a laptop for extended hours in a day, you can use an LCD in a tablet. It wasn't that long ago that everyone was still using CRTs everywhere. You can turn down the brightness levels too. Most people wont even notice.

You are not going to get a device that is going to be upgradable to all future versions. Tablets are generally less upgradable than your phones. You must rely on community support, which the Nook Color currently has.

There is no distinction between an Android eReader and a tablet except for the marketing and the software skin on top. Typing on a tablet is great, especially on Android, where multiple software replacements are available if you ever do feel unsatisfied (see Thumbkeyboard if you were wondering how that would work: Thumb Keyboard for Android).

Whatever runs Android well on a phone translates to a tablet. The Nook Color is essentially a Droid X without the phone capabiliites. My recommendation minimum is the HTC Hero hardware equivalent for entry level, and further recommendations depend on specific requirements.
@gokieks Archos seems to produce in batches. I think you want to contact Archos directly for advice on placing a batch order like this. Running Android tablets to perform what you need to do doesn't make any sense to me. You also have major security issues with any Android device that is going to be dedicated for public use like this. A dedicated embedded solution probably makes more sense, even if it will cost a lot more. But going to your specific requirement of easily installing applications without modifications to the device, the Archos 70 IT and the Archos 101 IT are my only recommendations.

Well, the plan is to configure the device to directly boot into the application (kind of like the Nook does), and then disable the buttons (or enclose it in a casing that prevents physical access to the buttons completely). Honestly, we do not expect the things to get much use at all (but are continuing with it because it's what happens with bureaucracy) - it's main use will be as a glorified web browser, and will be prevented from any other kind of network access. But good idea on contacting Archos, I'll probably do so.
@xaueious, thanks for your thorough and very helpful reply. You have confirmed many of my thoughts on the NC, so I'll likely try to get one before my trip. A few more questions/clarifications/comments:

  • "The Nook Color is essentially a Droid X without the phone capabilites." PERFECT!
  • "Android 2.x on a tablet device is quite decent as it is, despite what the media says" Is it worth attempting the Honeycomb upgrade when that gets stabilized (and there's good instructions for those of us who've never rooted)? What would I gain with 3.0 that I don't have with 2.x?
  • "Nook Color might be underpowered entering the Honeycomb era" How might that manifest itself in practical terms?
  • "With regards to e-ink, if you think you can use a laptop for extended hours in a day, you can use an LCD in a tablet" Is there a glare issue with reading in direct sunlight? I'm thinking of the commercial with the guy unable to read his iPad in the sun next to the woman with the Kindle who can.
  • "The Nook Color screen is also very good in portrait mode, which is crucial for a eReader type device, where as the gTablet's screen isn't so good in this regard" Good to know. I didn't realize this.
  • "The Nook Color for $250 and the Viewsonic gTablet for $350 is where the bandwagon is for people who have the ability to tinker a little bit with what they buy." This is really the main hesitation I have, never having rooted anything before. I know there's a great NC community out there, upon which I will depend heavily, but I don't want to end up with a $250 brick. Is it really that easy to turn the NC into a fully-functioning Android tablet?
  • "the 7" makes more sense for the shortterm for sure." Realizing, of course, that no one has a crystal ball and you don't know me personally, do you have any sense if this would likely be a three-month purchase or a year or more purchase? Meaning, am I going to realize after six months that I should have waited, or am I likely to still be going strong with it in a year or two. Completely subjective, I know, but I thought I'd ask.
  • do you have an NC? If so, what are your pros/cons for it? If not, what tablet do you use?
Okay, I think that's all for now. Again, a huge thanks for the advice.
This is what I want. What do you recommend?
Must be able to read ebooks from any store: Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Borders & others
Must support EPUB
Must let me adjust type font
Must support PDF
Must have Wi-Fi
Would be good to have sound so I can listen to audio books.
Must let me browse the net & get my domain web mail
Would like to pay under $200
What is a good place to purchase?
Should I be thinking an Android device or something else? Have considered a BeBook. Don't know what kind of browser it has.


I have computers but don't want to have to travel with them.
@melrowgo You have to watch the Honeycomb preview video to get an idea. Google is obviously targeting the dual-core Tegra 2 as the development platform, so it will leave less powerful hardware such as the Nook Color in the dust for at least some of the flashier applications. I haven't tested any devices in the outdoors extensively, so I don't know the answer of the e-ink versus LCD question. Since you are an IT professional, I expect you should be able to figure out the Nook Color. I actually don't have first hand experience of many of these devices, so I'm really telling you from my research and my experience with other tablets. I don't have all the answers, but I'm trying to direct people to the best suitable device.
Took the plunge last night and purchased the NC from BestBuy because they offered a free case with the deal. (I got the Industriell Easel Cover, but the jury's still out on whether I'll keep it.) Played around with the NC a bit and got this far (observations preceded with **):

  • charged it fully and went through the Getting Started video
  • ** screen clarity and color is much better than I expected. Very impressive
  • connected successfully to our home network and registered with B&N
  • ** surprised at how much slower web browsing is on NC than Droid X
  • ** accessed GMail okay, but it looks like I'll have to get used to the NC window (different from both my laptop (Firefox) and my DroidX)
  • ** realized how much I'm looking forward to using my DX apps on my NC!
  • upgraded to latest version on B&N, now running 1.1.0
  • read through the entire thread on rooting
  • downloaded appropriate software for rooting from 1.1.0
  • ** the micro USB tip didn't seem to connect properly to the NC; I had trouble getting it to go all the way in
  • had to stop because I didn't have a microSD adapter
  • read about adding a custom ROM, but I'm not understanding the purpose of this yet
  • looked at info about flashing Nookie Froyo or Honeycomb to the NC. Not sure which is best to do
  • ported my library of eBooks from my laptop to the NC and was able to open them
  • ** still having problems with the USB tip "seating" or connection properly. Seems to be getting worse
  • ** I like the way the easel cover lets me keep the NC sitting upright for reading or to refer to, but when I'm using the NC in landscape mode, the cover flap seems to move under my hands quite a bit
  • ** the "flick" scrolling on the NC is much slower than my DX. Can this be modified?
  • ** touch-typing on the NC keyboard was okay, tho it was a bit strange to be looking down on the screen while I was typing on it. Are there other virtual keyboards that one can run besides the stock one, perhaps similar to the one on the DX? Also, I know there are external keyboards that hook into the iPad, effectively making it into a laptop. Is it possible that something like that could be developed for the NC, either tethered or via Bluetooth? I actually have an old IR mini keyboard that I used with a Palm that would be perfect size-wise, but the NC doesn't have an IR
  • tested another microUSB tip in the port to see if it was a problem with the port or the tip, and decided it's a little of both. My other tip goes into the port a little better than the NC tip but it's still stiff, and the NC tip is a little trickier to get into my DX. Maybe it's just the nature of the beast, so to speak, but I'm a little leery to go through the whole rooting process and then find out the USB is faulty...
  • ** was surprised to find that the NC will only charge while plugged into a wall, not a computer. Any ideas why? Also noted that it won't charge using the microUSB I have for my DX. Its battery status changes from "discharging" to "not charging", so I know it recognizes that it's been plugged in to the wall, but it will not charge.
Enough posting for now; I'm off to get a microSD adapter and card. I'm also going to take my receipt with me to see if BB will honor the coupon I just received where I get a $25 gift card if I spend $250. :)

Looking forward to any and all replies. TTFN, melrowgo
Hello, I am a wireless internet service provider and i am looking for a tablet to replace my laptop that has no battery life anymore plus maybe a couple for my technicians. I am looking for a 10'' that must have a RJ-45 connection and WIFI. I have a Samsung Epic and am pretty familiar with rooting and new ROM's. ( I had my phone rooted within 30 min of activation lol) I need to be able to access my network and customers radios on the go and also be able to setup and troubleshoot these network radios. My phone does a great job but is a very small screen to do much work on, and I have to rig up a wireless access point because it lacks the network port. I am very interested in the Android 3.0 devices coming soon and am willing to wait a bit if I need to. I looked at the Chinese versions and had a hard time finding any thing that had what i wanted. Budget is preferably under 350 but I have no problem paying up to 600 to get what we need. If we have to get that is cheap and upgrade in 6-9 months that would be fine so a quick list:
android 2.2+ with or without ROM's
fast and easy to use web browser since this is where I will spend most of my time
Would like to use as media center in the truck while am commuting (3+ hours a day)
Thank you SO MUCH for all you do here!
Danio Farnese
Took the plunge last night and purchased the NC from BestBuy because they offered a free case with the deal. (I got the Industriell Easel Cover, but the jury's still out on whether I'll keep it.) Played around with the NC a bit and got this far (observations preceded with **):

  • charged it fully and went through the Getting Started video
  • ** screen clarity and color is much better than I expected. Very impressive
  • connected successfully to our home network and registered with B&N
  • ** surprised at how much slower web browsing is on NC than Droid X
  • ** accessed GMail okay, but it looks like I'll have to get used to the NC window (different from both my laptop (Firefox) and my DroidX)
  • ** realized how much I'm looking forward to using my DX apps on my NC!
  • upgraded to latest version on B&N, now running 1.1.0
  • read through the entire thread on rooting
  • downloaded appropriate software for rooting from 1.1.0
  • ** the micro USB tip didn't seem to connect properly to the NC; I had trouble getting it to go all the way in
  • had to stop because I didn't have a microSD adapter
  • read about adding a custom ROM, but I'm not understanding the purpose of this yet
  • looked at info about flashing Nookie Froyo or Honeycomb to the NC. Not sure which is best to do
  • ported my library of eBooks from my laptop to the NC and was able to open them
  • ** still having problems with the USB tip "seating" or connection properly. Seems to be getting worse
  • ** I like the way the easel cover lets me keep the NC sitting upright for reading or to refer to, but when I'm using the NC in landscape mode, the cover flap seems to move under my hands quite a bit
  • ** the "flick" scrolling on the NC is much slower than my DX. Can this be modified?
  • ** touch-typing on the NC keyboard was okay, tho it was a bit strange to be looking down on the screen while I was typing on it. Are there other virtual keyboards that one can run besides the stock one, perhaps similar to the one on the DX? Also, I know there are external keyboards that hook into the iPad, effectively making it into a laptop. Is it possible that something like that could be developed for the NC, either tethered or via Bluetooth? I actually have an old IR mini keyboard that I used with a Palm that would be perfect size-wise, but the NC doesn't have an IR
  • tested another microUSB tip in the port to see if it was a problem with the port or the tip, and decided it's a little of both. My other tip goes into the port a little better than the NC tip but it's still stiff, and the NC tip is a little trickier to get into my DX. Maybe it's just the nature of the beast, so to speak, but I'm a little leery to go through the whole rooting process and then find out the USB is faulty...
  • ** was surprised to find that the NC will only charge while plugged into a wall, not a computer. Any ideas why? Also noted that it won't charge using the microUSB I have for my DX. Its battery status changes from "discharging" to "not charging", so I know it recognizes that it's been plugged in to the wall, but it will not charge.

Enough posting for now; I'm off to get a microSD adapter and card. I'm also going to take my receipt with me to see if BB will honor the coupon I just received where I get a $25 gift card if I spend $250. :)

Looking forward to any and all replies. TTFN, melrowgo

Moving to the Nook Forum from here on. Many thanks for your assistance!

Ive looked at both those tablets and I really like the Archos 70 and 101 but I cant seem to find them in stock anywhere so I have been looking at the alternatives if anyone can shed some light on these tablets. I looked at the Huawei Ideos S7 at best buy and didnt like the feel I gues it just may be a personal prefferance. To be honest Ive looked at reviews, sites, and stores till there all running together.
1. Android 2.2 Froyo OS Android Tablet PC with Texas Instrument CORTEX A8 CPU, GPS - US$214.90 :
2. Sears: Online department store featuring appliances, tools, fitness equipment and more

Avoid like the plague. Shoddy product, shoddy service.
@melrowgo Yes, please go to the Nook Color forum for those questions, because I can't answer those for you :D

@Danio The Gome Flytouch II / Wowpad / Superpad (same tablet, different names) is the only tablet that I know of with a built-in RJ45 jack. These things cost about $200USD. No multitouch. The Viewsonic gTablet has a dock with built-in RJ45 that might work better for you.
I'm looking for a android paid that gives me the best experience like an iPad.

looking for multi-touch screen. 10" etc.

Also which one is the cheapest and where do you suggest I buy for the cheapest one?

Last edited:
I'm looking for a android paid that gives me the best experience like an iPad.

looking for multi-touch screen. 10" etc.

Also which one is the cheapest and where do you suggest I buy for the cheapest one?


Cheapest is the Viewsonic gTablet. I wonder if you can order it from Sears in Hawaii.