Tips and Tricks I have found useful for my Tablet

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I notice you have a Wits 81e, could you recommend a screen rotation app.



I use the ScreenD apk. there are others. There are both prototypes and now available A81 models with G-Sensors. If I were considering an alternative 7 inch right now,it would be one of the A81 with a G-Sensor, an X5A-G, or an Archos 70. But that just shows my familiarity with the units I have now.
Good info here.
I've started using Wi-Fi Switch to control the wireless radio on my Haipad m701-r.

I haven't found a utility or widget that will successfully toggle the wireless radio automatically on hibernate and wake. -THAT would be ideal.
Good info here.
I haven't found a utility or widget that will successfully toggle the wireless radio automatically on hibernate and wake. -THAT would be ideal.
I would like the same. I would just be happy to tap on the icon at the top to enable/disable. I am sure there is one, but I have not found it yet.
Good info here.
I've started using Wi-Fi Switch to control the wireless radio on my Haipad m701-r.

I haven't found a utility or widget that will successfully toggle the wireless radio automatically on hibernate and wake. -THAT would be ideal.

Maybe you can use 'Locale' an app which can swith on and off base on your settings.
Hi, I have a 10.2 tablet with 2.1 firmware. I cannot get the Google voice search app to work, says "Audio Problem", any ideas how to correct?
Chuck - does your particular tablet have a microphone? Not all of them do...
I've similar problem. Only the microphone program which came with it works... Everything else just makes white noise come from my speakers...

Sent from my Flytouch 2 via the app
By Richardo Crispus
Hi, I have a 10.2 tablet with 2.1 firmware. I cannot get the Google voice search app to work, says "Audio Problem", any ideas how to correct?

Maybe you can use vlingo voice an smilar app to google voice. Try google it.
Hi there,

I am a seller of Tablet PC's and have noticed that customers are complaining about the Battery draining out quickly, is there anything they can do to make it last longer? Also, thank you for the information about not draining the battery fully. It explains why the Tablet PC's sort of die once theyve completely drained.

Thanks in advance

help - i dont know how to get anything out out my andriod - i bought it for my 7 year old daughter at xmas - all i need is some games and apps for her but cant seem to get anything - she gets her facebook but no moshi monsters - someone says you have to pay a contract or pay as you go like a mobile - is it true or is there another way of managing to get things on for her -(i am not very good at this sort of thing so needs to be explained in kiddy language)

please help thanks
Did you buy a tablet or phone?
Extra details would be good ie are you using the official market app etc?
Hope I can help,

Sent from my Flytouch 2 via the app
By Richardo Crispus
2. Keep a Task killer. This is essential to me. There is some disagreement about this(See Link). I disagree with this Narrative. I use Linux and while some of his points relevant do not seem to hold true for me thus far with my Tablet. My experience has been; the more apps running, the more memory used and will impact CPU utilization which will slow your machine and eat into your Battery life. This is the Task killer I use. Simple and to the point. I run it once a day. Just because you close the app, does not mean you have stopped it running. Please Note I am not saying remove all tasks. Just the Applications you are not using such as the MP3 player or the RDP remote control app.

I also use ATK, and people yell at me all the time. If it works for you, that is all that matters. I understand both arguments having a task killer and not having one. All that matters is, what is best for you :)
Hi there,

I am a seller of Tablet PC's and have noticed that customers are complaining about the Battery draining out quickly, is there anything they can do to make it last longer? Also, thank you for the information about not draining the battery fully. It explains why the Tablet PC's sort of die once theyve completely drained.

Thanks in advance


Well, one thing for sure turn off wifi if you are not using it.
And if possible turn the device totally off if not using it lets say for half hour our so because on stand by it still eats up battery. You should feel the different.
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