Trying to Identify Kernel, Possible Overclocking Possibilities for DM7022 Radio

hi liton, well Mark already beat me to it. This has happened to me before too, its seems like the pad and the stereo get out of sync some how.

I will add this tho, to avoid the "crazy' screen with the lines and bouncing around, press the power button on the pad before removing it and press power before putting it back on the dock. Doing so will avoid that problem!
Thanks steve. I'll try that and let you guys know :) Btw, I'm having another problem. I create some playlist using Winamp. When I put the music and playlist on the SD card and put the card into the PAD for the first time, the PAD erase the playlist. But If I copy the playlist again they stays. Also sometime they playlist vanish for some reason that I could not figure out yet.
I'm thinking about buying a ES777A, but i have two questions:
1.-Is it possible to connect a display, in the rear seats for childrens, and see GPS navigator in ES777 display and a film from DVD or hard disk in childrens display? I think it is called "dual-zone"
2.-Is it really an usable device or it has so many bugas and fails that it is no possible to use it and one have no confidence on it?
3.-Is there any other device of this type (with Android and extraible display) and with good quality?
Thank you

I cant answer the dual zone question as i still havent set up my rear screen.
There are newer models than the es777 that
Cost no more money so i would suggest you buy the newest model as it should have less bugs and better specs.
The es666 had quite a few bugs which featured in the first pages of this topic the es777 was a big leap forward, i know cos i own both. My 777 had the upgraded tablet specs and later andriod version, it also had the gps bug fixed.
I find my es777 very useable & I use mine everyday, it has a few niggles Such as occasional messed up screen but the functions that it offers far outweigh the niggles.
I believe there is another double din android available but it dosent have a removeable tablet front


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I have some doubts:
1.-Is PAD rooted or not?
2.-Which GPS program comes with original SD card? The SD card comes with a GPS Navigator sw and maps or not?
3.-Can I install more GPS programs for Android (Sygic, Igo, Navigator, ...) in this device or not? All of them will work ok and i can hear GPS navigator voice intsructions and music form my radio, SD, ...?
4.-Maps must be on SD card or it can be in PAD memory too? In which card, the one in the unit or the one in the PAD? have i to put only maps or software too(normally, on tablets you install the software, application, on the tablet and data, maps, when you want to (SD, internal memory)?
5.-With only PAD it is only possible to navigate via 3G or WiFi or i can navigate without data connection with, for exemple, Sygic with maps stored in tablet memory, as i can in my ASUS Andorid Tablet? In general, i have no clear how GPS Navigaton works in this device. Does it works as any normal Android tablet, like my Asus transformer, and i can use any GPS Navigator software I used in my Asus tablet?
6.-What is the SD car of the unit for?
7.-I mhave read that the radio, it just show the dial number, but no station, and anly digital Radio can show the station name. So you don´t show radio station name, is it true? So, radio is not RDS?
8.-As i know reading, Erisin ES777 (or similar 778, 779) Android has not: Phonebook in bluetooth9, PIP, real dual-zone, bass/treble/balance control, radio station names, bluetooth in PAD, GPS navigation on Windows CE.
Am I right or not?
9.-Do anybody know a device like this (with Android and detachable dysplay) with these important features?

Excuse me for so many questions. Thank you for your help.
I have some doubts:
1.-Is PAD rooted or not?
2.-Which GPS program comes with original SD card? The SD card comes with a GPS Navigator sw and maps or not?
3.-Can I install more GPS programs for Android (Sygic, Igo, Navigator, ...) in this device or not? All of them will work ok and i can hear GPS navigator voice intsructions and music form my radio, SD, ...?
4.-Maps must be on SD card or it can be in PAD memory too? In which card, the one in the unit or the one in the PAD? have i to put only maps or software too(normally, on tablets you install the software, application, on the tablet and data, maps, when you want to (SD, internal memory)?
5.-With only PAD it is only possible to navigate via 3G or WiFi or i can navigate without data connection with, for exemple, Sygic with maps stored in tablet memory, as i can in my ASUS Andorid Tablet? In general, i have no clear how GPS Navigaton works in this device. Does it works as any normal Android tablet, like my Asus transformer, and i can use any GPS Navigator software I used in my Asus tablet?
6.-What is the SD car of the unit for?
7.-I mhave read that the radio, it just show the dial number, but no station, and anly digital Radio can show the station name. So you don´t show radio station name, is it true? So, radio is not RDS?
8.-As i know reading, Erisin ES777 (or similar 778, 779) Android has not: Phonebook in bluetooth9, PIP, real dual-zone, bass/treble/balance control, radio station names, bluetooth in PAD, GPS navigation on Windows CE.
Am I right or not?
9.-Do anybody know a device like this (with Android and detachable dysplay) with these important features?

Excuse me for so many questions. Thank you for your help.

Hi ii141c,

I will try to answer your questions,

1) No, but its easy to do the details are earlier in this thread.
2) My DM7033 came with sygic igo & key gen on micro sd card, mine also had google maps on the main nand memory.
3) Yes i currently use co pilot live eu full & previously used live ver 8 & route 66
4) Maps can be on either pad nand memory or sd card but not on main unit sd
5) basic navigation in google maps is possible using 3g network but not in other programs. there is no gps in pad unit.
6) media files such as music or video
7) mine shows freq station name & is rds fm not dab digital radio
8) Sorry i do not understand
9) none that im aware of

Hope this helps you decide.

Thank you for your complete answer. You help me a lot.

Which device do you have? Is this Erisin ES777A 3G WiFi Tablet MIDI PAD + HD Car DVD Player [ES777A] - US$293.00 : ?

When you say "7) mine shows freq station name & is rds fm not dab digital radio" do you mean that you can see FM radio station names in your device display for FM stations that you have stored? For exemple, do you see "BBC" or "100.5"?

In relation with "8) Sorry i do not understand", phonebook, I mean that if you can download phone book, contact information from your phone, to this unit and you can select the name of the person you want to call from this phonebook in the device and when you received a phone call you can see the name of the person who calls you (if this person is in your contacts) or you only see the phone number?

if you say "9) none that im aware of" is because your very happy with your device and I think it is a good signal.

Thank you for your complete answer. You help me a lot.

Which device do you have? Is this Erisin ES777A 3G WiFi Tablet MIDI PAD + HD Car DVD Player [ES777A] - US$293.00 : ?

When you say "7) mine shows freq station name & is rds fm not dab digital radio" do you mean that you can see FM radio station names in your device display for FM stations that you have stored? For exemple, do you see "BBC" or "100.5"?

In relation with "8) Sorry i do not understand", phonebook, I mean that if you can download phone book, contact information from your phone, to this unit and you can select the name of the person you want to call from this phonebook in the device and when you received a phone call you can see the name of the person who calls you (if this person is in your contacts) or you only see the phone number?

if you say "9) none that im aware of" is because your very happy with your device and I think it is a good signal.


Hi ii141c,

Yes I have a es777 at the moment, before I had es666, the es777 has a anologue tv tuner, most countries are going digital, if your country is going digital you should get a later model with a digital tv tuner.

ref question 7 yes my unit shoes frequency (102.5) & station name (bbc radio 2)

ref question 8 I cannot access the phone book of my phone on the unit, this may be because, a) my phone is not compatible b) I dont know how c) the unit cant do this .
I honestly dont know the answer to this.

ref question 9 Im very happy with mine because it suits my needs very well but please understand that your needs might be different to mine ! I'm not aware of any other unit that can do what this does.

Hope this helps clear things up for you.

Hello satelitemark,

You have solve my doubts about FM Radio station name and RDS.
Of course, everybody can have different needs, but I know that ES778 (with digital TV tuner) has all what I need. So, when i say that it is a good signal I mean that it is a signal that the device works well, has no important bugs and works fine.

About phone book, can you make me a favour, please? Please, go into Bluetooh display of ES777 and tell me which buttons are on screen (if you can take a photo, much better).

Thanlk you a lot.
Sorry for the poor picture quality, you should be able to see despite the flash.

Mark :cool:

Sent from my Slingloaded Samsung Galaxy Note using Tapatalk


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Thank you a lot.
If you pair your phone with device bluetooth, the buttons for bluetooth screen are the same or there is another new button?