[Tutorial] Craig CMP741D - CWM Install Instructions


Jan 13, 2013
1. You need to download the CWM Generic ROM:
CWM-based Recovery images for RK2918 devices | androtab.info

2. Rename the RK29GENERIC_CWM.zip to Update.zip

3. Place the Update.zip in the SDcard

4. Put the SDcard in the CMP741D

5. The tablet will ask if you want to do the update, say INSTALL.

The tablet will reboot to normal recovery and then it install the CWM.

To then get into CWM recovery, boot into Android and use abd to boot into recovery:
adb reboot recovery
**If you have ADB setup correctly you do not need root for it to boot to CWM**

To navigate you can use the bottom corner of the LCD and navigate down and up while touching the screen.
To select use the POWER button.

Now you can do nandroid backup, flash SuperSU, flash Gapps plus lots more!!
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1. You need to download the CWM Generic ROM:
CWM-based Recovery images for RK2918 devices | androtab.info

2. Rename the RK29GENERIC_CWM.zip to Update.zip

3. Place the Update.zip in the SDcard

4. Put the SDcard in the CMP741D

5. The tablet will ask if you want to do the update, say INSTALL.

The tablet will reboot to normal recovery and then it install the CWM.

To then get into CWM recovery, boot into Android and use abd to boot into recovery:

**If you have ADB setup correctly you do not need root for it to boot to CWM**

To navigate you can use the bottom corner of the LCD and navigate down and up while touching the screen.
To select use the POWER button.

Now you can do nandroid backup, flash SuperSU, flash Gapps plus lots more!!

Just curious if this generic CWM would work with the Proscan PLT 7035B tablet without bricking it.
Thanks in advance.
can anyone here confirm this works on the CMP741D? it installs OK and backs up OK but after restore this tablet is stuck on ICS logo.
To then get into CWM recovery, boot into Android and use abd to boot into recovery:
anymore details available on the part quoted above? the way I have been booting into CWM on mine is press and holding the power and escape buttons. I can back up this way but the restoration of that back up soft bricks my tablet. after that I follow post #17 by DerpiTails here: http://www.androidtablets.net/forum/craig-tablets/53810-tutorial-cmp741d-jellybean-install-2.html to factory restore. I really need to get CWM or orther reliable way to make full back ups. please help if you can. thanks
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