Wifi connects - but can't browse web


Apr 18, 2011

First off I'm a new tablet owner - first one ever a viewsonic G tablet - and although I'm new to android and tablets, I'm a computer geek at heart.

I've already managed to flash 3 or 4 new roms - brick my device, recover using NVflash and I'm now back to "factory defaults". Here is my issue - Wifi has always connected just fine (at work, at home, at local coffee shop), but it has never allowed me to browse the web. Actually nothing that requires an internet connection works.

I can see at home on my wireless router the mac address of my G tab, and that it is succesfully online, however I can't ping my tablet when I give it a static IP.

Any thoughts on this? Perhaps I just got a defective device from woot?

Thanks all in advance for your help.

**BTW, I'm running TnT 3588, with Kernel version, build number FRF91
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Are all you setting correct on the G-Tab? Are you MAC filtering on the routers?
Are all you setting correct on the G-Tab? Are you MAC filtering on the routers?

No I'm not MAC filtering on my wireless (and I have 2 Iphones, and 2 laptops that work fine on it).

As far as setings on the G-Tab being correct? I only have set up the security and the password - I also changed the channels to match what I broadcast from my wireless (after I couldn't connect as a troubleshooting step). The G-Tab shows connected to my wireless. I think on one of the ROM's I flashed it showed an IP of for the G-Tab. That doesn't make sense since *.255 should be reserved in the scope and never handled out by DHCP, but the first 3 octects are correct for my home wireless - so it had to get that from my router.
Quick update.....

I was finally able to get everything to work at a coffee shop this morning on their wireless. It must be something with my router. Perhaps I'll update the firmware and all the "standard" things with it.

It is a westshell (from a DSL provider) not sure if there are compatibility issues between the devices.

Thanks for the views all.