Wifi will not stay on

In re-reviewing your previous posts I noticed this response.
The Disgo firmware is reported to start with 12 not 11, 11 was Sylvania.

config_company.ini from InfoTM Update Wrap tools (IUW.exe Version 1.2)

What does the boot animation show after the infoTMIC logo?

Again, we were not aware of 2.2 for the Disgo version of the tablet. While it's been confirmed the update would install on a device, it seems to be fraught with issues. The WiFi issues could be compounded by the seller putting the Sylvania (Digital Gadgets) update on a Disgo tablet.

If supported by Disgo, possibly contacting them may get the proper update that would benefit us all. Many Sylvania tablets have been returned to Digital Gadgets just because the automatic update process failed to work. What is Disgo's response if you report the Update Check does not work?

They are planning on coming out with a 10" version like Sylvania so they are in the tablet business. How are they going to support users if their last update was Tablet 6000 - Update 1.1 December 2010. Good luck!

Thanks for this post m8. Hmm Interesting.
I did wonder about the f/w version having seen another post, I think on this forum somewhere, showing what f/w was supposed to be on what tablet. I don't have this to hand now, but the only line listed for the Disgo was not the same as what mine shows ( - I double checked)

The animation shows the infoTMIC logo, followed by a Disgo logo (Blue on White background), then on to the animated Android 2.2 logo, then on to the welcome screen.

WRT the automated update checker - yes it does not work for me also. Never has.
It just hangs at the update checking bit and has to be cancelled.

I have read here and on the XDA forum IIRC that this is a common issue with 2.2, so have not worried about it to date. Maybe its time to start.
If I can get an update sent to me that fixes this issue thats great and stops me returning the item. If I do, I am happy to share it here.

If I can find a contact number for the Disgo team I will phone them later today.
(The 'Instruction manual' is quite frankly pathetic - thin, lacking in detail, and quite frankly not much more use than toilet paper).

I probably need to hurry here as I raised a Returns ticket with the supplier - Scan Computers (scan.co.uk) last night, so I expect their tech team to be contacting me later today.



(BTW, I'd add a 'thanks' to your post, but haven't been able to find that icon on the forum for the last day or so)
Re contact details for Disgo - from their web site:

If you’re having trouble with your disgo please fill out the support form below and we will contact you with regards your problem. We aim to respond as quickly as possible.Please ensure your mail box will accept replies from email addresses ending in @clever-stuff.ie.
We cannot guarantee a response if our reply is handled by third parties or your mail box does not accept it.
1) All support queries must be in English
2) We do not have telephone support for technical queries

So I am not expecting a fantastically fast response :(
Meggiedude looks like we have the same tablet and software - was yours a today only deal from scan like mine?

I'll try and get a dump/hwver in a day or so.

Sent from my disgo6000 using Android Tablet Forum
Meggiedude looks like we have the same tablet and software - was yours a today only deal from scan like mine?

I'll try and get a dump/hwver in a day or so.

Sent from my disgo6000 using Android Tablet Forum
Yep, same deal m8. Bought it last Friday.
I suspect we have the same unit, with same (poss wrong??) f/w.

Let me know how you get on.
Right my hwver using 'cat /proc/cmdline' is I've produced the dump using dd but can't find my microsd adaptor/get busbox to install/get gmail to attach but i'll keep trying.
Right my hwver using 'cat /proc/cmdline' is I've produced the dump using dd but can't find my microsd adaptor/get busbox to install/get gmail to attach but i'll keep trying.
Same as me then, which is not a surprise as we got them both from Scan at approx the same time.

I have a return ticket raised with Scan, as my wifi perf is not as 'good' as yours.
Scan tech support should give me a call at some point as a consequence, so will be interesting to hear what they say.

As per the other thread I also have a ticket raised with My_Disgo. I did find their London phone number via Twitter, but you just get an Irish guy's recorded messagae directing you to their web support site.
Yes I purchased mine Friday (delivered sat). Shame your having so many wifi issues - Mines a bit hit and miss but good enough for me.

cfrockit - My dd dump is here: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/33973185/mtd2.img - been a while since I've had to dd anything!

Hope it helps.

Edit: Image of screen $DSC_0089.jpg
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Well im pretty sure i did it correctly. I use to develop on linux so im quite familar with using the command line. Does this mean i have no recovery partition?

Sent from my disgo6000 using Android Tablet Forum
I'm sure you did it right, it is common apparently on these to have nothing in mtd2 from what I understand. Someone with more info may step in and give more details, but you most likely did nothing wrong at all. Just wanted to post that it was all FF to save people time downloading.
Just so you know, I ran through the "update" process on my SYTAB10MT when I first got it, and that seems to have populated mtd2 with the infoTM .IUS image for me...
That might explain it. The update process never does anything other than stating 'Checking for updates'. I've left this message up for 10 minutes and nothing happens.
I'm sure you did it right, it is common apparently on these to have nothing in mtd2 from what I understand. Someone with more info may step in and give more details, but you most likely did nothing wrong at all. Just wanted to post that it was all FF to save people time downloading.
OK, thats encouraging.
So to echo cheesemp question, does that mean those of us without anything in the mtd2 partition, (I assume like me also), we have no ability to recover, should everything go pear shaped, i.e are we running at risk.

Edit: Sorry I am being stupid here, I assume it copies the orig files to the recovery partition prior to a successful OTA update. So a 3-finger factory reset is unaffected by this - so no risk, yes??
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Edit: Sorry I am being stupid here, I assume it copies the orig files to the recovery partition prior to a successful OTA update. So a 3-finger factory reset is unaffected by this - so no risk, yes??
That's my current understanding based on various reports posted. Users that have never automatically updated (Over The Air "OTA") but did successfully manually update, can do a factory reset "three finger method" but the mtd2 "resv" partition is blank (filled with padding). This is leading to the assumption, based on the visual inspection of the NAND flash image U0 "u-boot-nand.bin", that a zSYS.img is saved somewhere allowing the recovery back to the last burned update. More details are in the http://www.androidtablets.net/forum/sylvania-tablets/13447-custom-sylvania-rom-development.html thread. Again, another Work In Progress.
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That might explain it. The update process never does anything other than stating 'Checking for updates'. I've left this message up for 10 minutes and nothing happens.

For what it's worth, mine gets stuck checking for updates when I have it on Ethernet... it only worked when I was on WIFI for some reason. I assumed having it on Ethernet would be better & more stable, but apparently someone who threw this thing together did not agree.