Would not boot up with SD card!


Dec 29, 2010
I was scared - the boot was stuck on the words before the N shows up - figured up it was from the SD card - what is weird is i can put it in after it is booted up - and see my stuff, but it wont boot with it. So I have copied over the couple books that were on there, and am going to reformat it, and then see what happens. I've rooted it and love it, was scared it was bricked!
yep, that worked - what is odd is i have been using that sd card for days with it - it is an 8gb that used to be in a nokia phone, that i formatted on the computer and put in empty in the nook right after it was rooted. but all good now...
It's probably superstition, but once I learned that formatting the card in the NC is the best way to repartition (after programs like winimage create a partition), I now format the card first in the NC!
