Here are some quick tips and recommendations to trick out your new S7 because why would you buy something and expect it to work PERFECT off the shelf, right?
Steps should be followed in order to maintain all aspects of modding, Skipping step one will not keep you from being able to ROOT and follow thought with additional steps:
A) Upgrade to Candidate 60 Build 11 (keep you S7 updated with latest software release)
Original thread here :
huawei ideos s7 firmware
My recommendation for this:
Download the Update tool, the driver (drivers for all OS), and Get the Candidate 60 ROM.
1) When trying to put the phone into Update mode make sure the USB and POWER are unplugged.
2) Turn off the device
3) Insert the SD card, should have a folder called <dload> with UPDATA.APP and unlmt.cfg files stored inside
(read the S7 T-touch tab Upgrade Guide located inside the update tools folder if you need more details on this process)
3) HOLD the BACK (arrow under the menu key) and the GREEN CALL button, press power and continue to hold BACK and CALL till the progress bar shows up (grey wont move)
4) Start the update tool, select the UPDATA.APP file and the S70.xml file
5) Next
6) Connect phone to computer with USB
7) Scan & Download
8) Once S7 reboots and gives an OK screen (will see progress bar move thought download and then start over) you can THEN remove battery and SD card
9) Reboot and Enjoy
IDK if anyone has noticed this but I found a handwriting input method in this build, is it included in other builds? (check keyboard input settings)
B) Use z4root to "Permanent root" phone (If you still need to know what root is, start elsewhere)
C) Install SETCPU from market, (enjoy 998MHz Overclock) set up profiles for screen off and charging to minimal (for quick charges) and set a profile for temperature so the processor will "down step" if it gets to hot
D) Install BUSYBOX (first thing you should ALWAYS do after root
)from the market via BusyBox Installer
E) Fix the lack of AD-hoc network support (connect to rooted android phone using wireless tether)
1) Get the wpa_supplicant file from THIS LINK 1) unpack it and rename the file wpa_supplicant (take off the _froyo_eap)
2) use a ROOT explorer ( I use Super Manager from the market its free ) enable ROOT in the settings and enable the system folder to be R/W
3) navigate to /system/bin and rename wpa_supplicant to wpa_supplicant.old
4) copy and paste the downloaded wpa_supplicant file into the /system/bin folder
5) turn on an AD-HOC network and connect
(NOTE I used the wpa_supplicant file from my droid 1 because I was having a hard time with the wpa_supplicant file found on this forum before, I've added the link above to test when i flash after I fix a CSC error in the C60 rom)
The only issues I see so far is that using some apps (TIKI touch to talk to be specific) throws an "Invalid Country Code" when trying to use the app (could be that I have never activated the phone, working on a work around)
The Hand writing input also seems to be defaulted to want to do Kanji and english letters are "ok" at best when trying to write instead of just use the keyboard.
Now use Super Manager to make a Full backup
Steps should be followed in order to maintain all aspects of modding, Skipping step one will not keep you from being able to ROOT and follow thought with additional steps:
A) Upgrade to Candidate 60 Build 11 (keep you S7 updated with latest software release)

Original thread here :
huawei ideos s7 firmware
My recommendation for this:
Download the Update tool, the driver (drivers for all OS), and Get the Candidate 60 ROM.
1) When trying to put the phone into Update mode make sure the USB and POWER are unplugged.
2) Turn off the device
3) Insert the SD card, should have a folder called <dload> with UPDATA.APP and unlmt.cfg files stored inside
(read the S7 T-touch tab Upgrade Guide located inside the update tools folder if you need more details on this process)
3) HOLD the BACK (arrow under the menu key) and the GREEN CALL button, press power and continue to hold BACK and CALL till the progress bar shows up (grey wont move)
4) Start the update tool, select the UPDATA.APP file and the S70.xml file
5) Next
6) Connect phone to computer with USB
7) Scan & Download
8) Once S7 reboots and gives an OK screen (will see progress bar move thought download and then start over) you can THEN remove battery and SD card
9) Reboot and Enjoy
IDK if anyone has noticed this but I found a handwriting input method in this build, is it included in other builds? (check keyboard input settings)

B) Use z4root to "Permanent root" phone (If you still need to know what root is, start elsewhere)
C) Install SETCPU from market, (enjoy 998MHz Overclock) set up profiles for screen off and charging to minimal (for quick charges) and set a profile for temperature so the processor will "down step" if it gets to hot

D) Install BUSYBOX (first thing you should ALWAYS do after root

E) Fix the lack of AD-hoc network support (connect to rooted android phone using wireless tether)
1) Get the wpa_supplicant file from THIS LINK 1) unpack it and rename the file wpa_supplicant (take off the _froyo_eap)
2) use a ROOT explorer ( I use Super Manager from the market its free ) enable ROOT in the settings and enable the system folder to be R/W
3) navigate to /system/bin and rename wpa_supplicant to wpa_supplicant.old
4) copy and paste the downloaded wpa_supplicant file into the /system/bin folder
5) turn on an AD-HOC network and connect
(NOTE I used the wpa_supplicant file from my droid 1 because I was having a hard time with the wpa_supplicant file found on this forum before, I've added the link above to test when i flash after I fix a CSC error in the C60 rom)
The only issues I see so far is that using some apps (TIKI touch to talk to be specific) throws an "Invalid Country Code" when trying to use the app (could be that I have never activated the phone, working on a work around)
The Hand writing input also seems to be defaulted to want to do Kanji and english letters are "ok" at best when trying to write instead of just use the keyboard.
Now use Super Manager to make a Full backup
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