Zooming PDF on Coby Kyros 7024


Jun 4, 2012
Ok, so I have a Coby Kyros 7024. I imported PDFs in Aikido. The help function tells me to use the pinch technique to zoom in and out of PDFs if I have Android 2.2 and multi-touch capability. It seems like I don't. So now, what do I do?

The browser has a pretty rudimentary zoom function (a button in the botton right of the screen)... I don't even find that with the pdf viewer. Something tells me there's a way to zoom in pdf, and I hope you guys can tell me. Thanks!
Welcome to the forum!

I moved your thread to the Coby Generation 2 forum so that other Coby 7024 folks will find the thread easier.

I am not too familiar with this tablet, so I apologize that I cannot be much more help.

Enjoy the forum!
Be been looking for the same answer on my 7125... Just so you know, the reason it isn't is because the screen is resistant, not compactive(multitouch).