
Sep 4, 2011
In my never ending attempt to improve my FT2 experience, I was looking around and came upon this thread in the FT2 Variants (FT3) Forums:

So, out of curiosity I downloaded the apk and installed it on my FT2 that has Rgocal's 3656 custom ROM on it and guess what?

Full color, EMBEDDED FLASH video in sites like Youtube, and others!

The video performance is still choppy. It still drops frames, but the audio is actually in sync with the video, more or less compared to previous versions of Flash.

Now, my biggest question is for the Mods:

The thread states there is an even better version of this Flash in Tim's v4 ROM for the FT3.

Do you, or anyone else have access to just the apk file you could upload for FT2 users to test and see if there really is an improvement?

The performance is almost there which is amazing considering these ARM6 processors were never meant to run Flash at all. Even if t his is not true Flash, whatever it is helps extend the functionality of these tablets to be more complete Mobile Internet Devices in the true sense of the word.

Any help in this matter would be most appreciated :)

OK. After doing more research, it turns out this is Flash 10.1.106 (What Is My Flash Player Version?)... But it is a special version designed for InfoTMIC / ARM devices like the Flytouch tablets:

However, my initial question still stands:

If an even better (unofficial) version exists in Tim's v4 ROM for the FT3, could someone possibly isolate and upload the flash.apk if possible? I would like to test it on the FT2, to see if there is any improvement in our device vs. the FT3.

Also, the technical reason Flash does not work on Android 2.1 is because that version of the OS is missing a code call that activates and embeds the Flash into a browser. So, you can install it on Android 2.1, but it won't be called whenever a Flash video/app requires it. Hence, why there is no real Flash support for Android 2.1, or below.