CM10 Coby 9742

I am unsure if that is an option anymore...
1) After setting up the SD card with the signed CWM, I only get a white screen; should I set the SD card up with a stock recovery img?

2) I am only able to access the device through adb in the SD card recovery, when I run an edited, with my stock recovery img, the console flashes 'done' in a split second. Rebooting afterwards leaves me with a black screen.

3) I still see the Coby logo at boot; I can see /dev/block/nandg when I ls the directory; I have no idea how I can replace my recovery using the tools available to me.

I have uploaded my edited sh file as well as my stock recovery img.
And I guess my final question is....

Would you consider this to be a 'worthy' successor to replace the 9742-8?
It seems to be roughly in the same price range, with comparable features...

It seems it is an ArchOS elements tablet, with a rockchip cpu, it seems to have a rooting method, as well as a custom ROM.

I have the most expierience with this tablet, to be honest, so i was just reaching out for a word of advice on the issue. Should I replace the Coby, or 'upgrade' to an ArchOS, and re-reoot the new tablet using the guide posted here:
And I guess my final question is....

Would you consider this to be a 'worthy' successor to replace the 9742-8?
It seems to be roughly in the same price range, with comparable features...

It seems it is an ArchOS elements tablet, with a rockchip cpu, it seems to have a rooting method, as well as a custom ROM.

I have the most expierience with this tablet, to be honest, so i was just reaching out for a word of advice on the issue. Should I replace the Coby, or 'upgrade' to an ArchOS, and re-reoot the new tablet using the guide posted here:
No ideal, if like the tablet get it.

sent from my kingSing T1 via taptalk
I am unsure if that is an option anymore...
1) After setting up the SD card with the signed CWM, I only get a white screen; should I set the SD card up with a stock recovery img?

2) I am only able to access the device through adb in the SD card recovery, when I run an edited, with my stock recovery img, the console flashes 'done' in a split second. Rebooting afterwards leaves me with a black screen.

3) I still see the Coby logo at boot; I can see /dev/block/nandg when I ls the directory; I have no idea how I can replace my recovery using the tools available to me.

I have uploaded my edited sh file as well as my stock recovery img.
You need to post output of mount.
Is adb root?
Stop using scripts use commands as they should show output.
and so forth.

sent from my kingSing T1 via taptalk
You need to post output of mount.
Is adb root?
Stop using scripts use commands as they should show output.

Thank you for the response.
Here is the output; I assume I have a root shell since I can push files....
I can confirm that busybox exists and functions, I had to use to run a few .sh files.

:>adb shell
~ # mount
rootfs on / type rootfs (rw)
/dev/root on / type ext2 (ro,relatime,errors=continue)
devtmpfs on /dev type devtmpfs (rw,relatime,size=156944k,nr_inodes=39236,mode=755)
tmpfs on /dev type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,relatime,mode=755)
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,relatime,mode=600,ptmxmode=000)
proc on /proc type proc (rw,relatime)
sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,relatime)
~ #

I only have access using a CWM prepped microSD. I can access adb shell, but only when the tablet is in recovery mode via this SD. I still wonder if I should rplace the recovery on the microSD with my stock recovery, because for now I only get a pure white screen with this card, and a pure black screen when the tablet is powered on without it.

Other than that, maybe I need to mount the right partitons with r/w access so i can truly overwrite my recovery with the original signed CWM?
You should try and mount cache and system via adb.

mount -t ext4 /dev/block/nandh /cache

mount -t ext4 /dev/block/nandd /system

then I need output confirming mount.


busybox df -h
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output from below as well

ls /sbin

cat /etc/recovery.fstab
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only nandg exists in /dev/block...

but I will post the output of those commands below:

:>adb devices
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
List of devices attached
20080411        recovery

:>adb shell
~ # mount -t ext4 /dev/block/nandh /cache
mount -t ext4 /dev/block/nandh /cache
mount: mounting /dev/block/nandh on /cache failed: No such file or directory

~ # mount -t ext4 /dev/block/nandd /system
mount -t ext4 /dev/block/nandd /system
mount: mounting /dev/block/nandd on /system failed: No such file or directory

~ # mount
rootfs on / type rootfs (rw)
/dev/root on / type ext2 (ro,relatime,errors=continue)
devtmpfs on /dev type devtmpfs (rw,relatime,size=156944k,nr_inodes=39236,mode=75
tmpfs on /dev type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,relatime,mode=755)
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,relatime,mode=600,ptmxmode=000)
proc on /proc type proc (rw,relatime)
sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,relatime)

~ # busybox df -h
busybox df -h
Filesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root                 7.2G     40.1M      6.8G   1% /
devtmpfs                153.3M     52.0K    153.3M   0% /dev
tmpfs                   153.3M     52.0K    153.3M   0% /dev
~ #

I am of course assuming that replacing the CWM on the SD with my stock recovery would yield the same results. As for the other two commands, there output is here, as well as the output of 'ls /dev/block':

~ # ls /sbin
ls /sbin
[                false            modinfo          sleep
[[               fdisk            modprobe         sort
adbd             fgrep            more             split
ash              find             mount            stat
awk              fix_permissions  mountpoint       strings
basename         flash_image      mv               stty
bbconfig         fold             nanddump         swapoff
blkid            free             nandroid         swapon
bunzip2          freeramdisk  sync
busybox          fuser            nandwrite        sysctl
bzcat            getopt           nice             tac
bzip2            grep             nohup            tail
cal              groups           od               tar
cat              gunzip           parted           tee
catv             gzip             patch            test
chattr           head             pgrep            time
chgrp            hexdump          pidof            top
chmod            id               pkill            touch
chown            insmod           printenv         tr
chroot           install          printf           true
cksum            kill             ps               ttysize
clear            killall          pstree           tune2fs
cmp              killall5         pwd              ueventd
cp       rdev             umount
cpio             length           readlink         uname
cut              less             realpath         unexpand
date             ln               reboot           uniq
dc               losetup          recovery         unix2dos
dd               ls               renice           unlzma
dedupe           lsattr           reset            unlzop
depmod           lsmod            resize           unxz
devmem           lspci            rev              unyaffs
df               lsusb            rm               unzip
diff             lzcat            rmdir            uptime
dirname          lzop             rmmod            usleep
dmesg            lzopcat          run-parts        uudecode
dos2unix         makedevs         sdparted         uuencode
du               md5sum           sed              volume
dump_image       minizip          seq              watch
e2fsck           mkdir            setconsole       wc
echo             mke2fs           setprop          which
edify            mkfifo           setserial        whoami
egrep            mkfs.ext2        setsid           xargs
env              mknod            sh               xzcat
erase_image      mkswap           sha1sum          yes
expand           mktemp           sha256sum        zcat
expr             mkyaffs2image    sha512sum

~ # cat /etc/recovery.fstab
cat /etc/recovery.fstab
# mount point   fstype          device                                  device2

/boot                   emmc            /dev/block/nandc
/system                 ext4            /dev/block/nandd
/data                   ext4            /dev/block/nande
/misc                   emmc            /dev/block/nandf
/recovery               emmc            /dev/block/nandg
/cache                  ext4            /dev/block/nandh
/sdcard                 vfat            /dev/block/mmcblk0p1    /dev/block/nandk

~ # ls /dev/block
ls /dev/block
loop0      loop2      loop4      loop6      mmcblk0    nandf      ram0
loop1      loop3      loop5      loop7      mmcblk0p1  platform   ram1
~ #
I don't care for any of your output, it's not good, upload your stock recovery and boot.img.
are you using your kernel from stock recovery? if not you should try using it, your results show only that sdcard is working, no communication to tablet. Basically you are just talking to sdcard, which can't do anything if it can't communicate with tablet.