Coby Kyros MID9042 Stock ROM

Just tested this file. Renamed to and loaded from ext-sdcard via stock recovery. This worked on my tab.

This is a great addition to allwinner tablets repair/recovery. Thanks again for all your work. Bootloops beware !

Yeah this is really great, but when I had boot loop problem, even installing this file couldn't solve the problem!
Yeah this is really great, but when I had boot loop problem, even installing this file couldn't solve the problem!

Installing the recovery won't fix a bootloop, the recovery provides several ways to fix the bootloop.
One the recovery provides adb support from adb support almost all problems can be fixed.
Other methods are flashing roms, formatting partitions, installing dumps.
I could install it from sdcard
It didn't give any error during the installation progress
But after rebooting the tablet, CWM didn't show up!
Thats why I had to use LiveSuit!
I could install it from sdcard
It didn't give any error during the installation progress
But after rebooting the tablet, CWM didn't show up!
Thats why I had to use LiveSuit!

That means it didn't install, most likely. you had a damaged cache, nothing really installs on a damaged cache, The install goes through, like you say but on reboot nothing has changed.
So no need to worry about bricking the tablet as long as there is a working LiveSuit img for the tablet?
Since I have a working LiveSuit img for my tablet, I can mess up with it as much as I want without worrying about brick issue?!
I want to test rooting / installing custom roms / etc ...

But then again I am still worried about this warning :
The warning was posted because LiveSuite completely overwrites EVERYTHING. When some users last year flashed CWM through my root tool they ended up permanently bricking their tablets. The warning was posted because of this possibility. Some people have had success flashing CWM over a LiveSuite image, but they understood the risks, and they understood that they were on their own if they ran into trouble.

By the way, your previous posts were edited. Links to LiveSuite images aren't permitted in this section of the forums, so I removed the links.
The warning was posted because of this possibility. Some people have had success flashing CWM over a LiveSuite image, but they understood the risks, and they understood that they were on their own if they ran into trouble.

By the way, your previous posts were edited. Links to LiveSuite images aren't permitted in this section of the forums, so I removed the links.

This can still happen, I don't recommend livesuit at all, most people simply don't really understand how livesuit works. It works for some causes problems for others. Livesuit changes the entire tablets structure to the image inside the livesuit, problems happen when the tablets hardware can't support this change.
Coby does use different hardware on same tablet models.
@ Traveller1701
I believe you are making a mistake
You are saying that we should not keep a knife at home as it can be dangerous!
The solution is a good tutorial with a disclaimer warning
I was about to give up when I found the LiveSuit img and it saved my dear tablet
Once my tablet was as good as a brick but now thanks to LiveSuit I can use it again
By the way, why are people here keep saying LiveSuite while it is actually LiveSuit?!
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The solution is to not use LiveSuite to try and root a Coby tablet. Fixing a tablet with LiveSuite when there are no other alternatives is something completely different. However, whether you think I'm making a mistake or not is irrelevant. Links to LiveSuite ROMs are forbidden in the Generation 3 section, period. This is not open for debate or discussion here on a thread.
@ Traveller1701
I believe you are making a mistake
You are saying that we should not keep a knife at home as it can be dangerous!
The solution is a good tutorial with a disassembler warning
I was about to give up when I found the LiveSuit img and it saved my dear tablet
Once my tablet was as good as a brick but now thanks to LiveSuit I can use it again
By the way, why are people here keep saying LiveSuite while it is actually LiveSuit?!

There is mainly two guys here that have been providing support for Coby tablets. Traveller1701 and I have spent a lot of time trying to undo the damage livesuit has done. I have no interest in reliving this stuff.
Traveller1701 has taken a lot of his time cleaning up the threads and removing livesuit stuff from posts, as well as providing help, support and tools for others to use.
As far as why an e is sometimes added to livesuit makes your entire post pointless.
Honestly, I thought "LiveSuit" was Engrish for "LiveSuite". :)
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There is mainly two guys here that have been providing support for Coby tablets. Traveller1701 and I have spent a lot of time trying to undo the damage livesuit has done. I have no interest in reliving this stuff.
Traveller1701 has taken a lot of his time cleaning up the threads and removing livesuit stuff from posts, as well as providing help, support and tools for others to use.

We all owe you guys a debt of gratitude for all your work.

recovery from livesuit(e) is a last-ditch, throw it away otherwise method. Thankfully that point just got pushed back further with this recovery tool provided by vampirefo.

When I read the report from 5arid, had to try it on my 7042. Sorry if my post led anyone to think that alone would fix their tab. Just another tool in the tool box.

For someone with a stock Coby allwinner and a bootloop problem, chances for recovery just went up 1,000%
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The warning was posted because LiveSuite completely overwrites EVERYTHING. When some users last year flashed CWM through my root tool they ended up permanently bricking their tablets. The warning was posted because of this possibility. Some people have had success flashing CWM over a LiveSuite image, but they understood the risks, and they understood that they were on their own if they ran into trouble.

By the way, your previous posts were edited. Links to LiveSuite images aren't permitted in this section of the forums, so I removed the links.

This policy has definitely saved numerous tablets from brick status. And I have yet to see you remove posts or discussions on the subject, so the policy doesn't really ban the topic, just the links.

Thanks for your work.
Exactly. I don't care if people talk about LiveSuite, but they need to do it without posting links because those links will be removed. However, the rule isn't open for debate.