Coby Kyros MID9042 Stock ROM

Finally I managed to fix my camera too
The problem was caused by a missing bootloader.img from :9042 - Download - 4shared - kahrloz paz

If anyone have the same problem :
Take out META-INF from 9042 - Download - 4shared - kahrloz paz (Build Number : 20120828.130802)
And system, boot.img, bootloader.img from Anthony0903, original post (Build Number : 20120523.144753)
Then pack them all into a zip file and install it through CWM :


This method worked for me, I don't take any responsibility if it brick your tablet, so be careful!
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Finally I managed to fix my camera too
The problem was caused by a missing bootloader.img from :9042 - Download - 4shared - kahrloz paz

If anyone have the same problem :
Take out META-INF from 9042 - Download - 4shared - kahrloz paz (Build Number : 20120828.130802)
And system, boot.img, bootloader.img from Anthony0903, original post (Build Number : 20120523.144753)
Then pack them all into a zip file and install it through CWM :

<img src=""/>

This method worked for me, I don't take any responsibility if it brick your tablet, so be careful!

Something doesn't sound right, the META-INF used here is from my mobiz port, I dont remember flashing bootloader.img with it.
The camera problem most likely is in the boot.img just using cat command to install boot.img should work.
But anyway glad you got yours fixed and posted how you done it should help others.
I had already installed and tested all of MID9042 stock roms submitted here :
System Dumps Index
But none of them fixed the problem
Because I didn't install their bootloader
I guess this is something related to permission
The error message says that it can't connect to the camera
Installing bootloader may give permission to use hardware
Inflammatory, non-productive comments removed.
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Something doesn't sound right, the META-INF used here is from my mobiz port, I dont remember flashing bootloader.img with it.
The camera problem most likely is in the boot.img just using cat command to install boot.img should work.
But anyway glad you got yours fixed and posted how you done it should help others.

Hi, I have a problem with the camera on my Coby 9042, the method by 5arid does not work for me. Help me fix boot.img
How to do it? What is cat command? if you can - tell us in detail how to do it. Many thanks
Something doesn't sound right, the META-INF used here is from my mobiz port, I dont remember flashing bootloader.img with it.
The camera problem most likely is in the boot.img just using cat command to install boot.img should work.
But anyway glad you got yours fixed and posted how you done it should help others.

that's totally right, however i recall editing it with notepad++ to be able to flash everysingle file...
Hello, I have almost same problem, like 5arid...
I got this tablet, and it was bricked by someone else...
I repaired boot loop, with livesuit, and then, camera problem...

well, I installed recovery, and flashed a lot of dumps, and now I have camera back....

but.... now it says "no external storage"

it says I need to install a sd card before.....

I know sd card and slot works ok, because I installed dumps from external sd....

any ideas?

Hello, I have almost same problem, like 5arid...
I got this tablet, and it was bricked by someone else...
I repaired boot loop, with livesuit, and then, camera problem...

well, I installed recovery, and flashed a lot of dumps, and now I have camera back....

but.... now it says "no external storage"

it says I need to install a sd card before.....

I know sd card and slot works ok, because I installed dumps from external sd....

any ideas?


You were quite lucky that Livesuit did not brick your tablet. It often does not play nice with ADB and CWM recovery....

The most common cause of loss of external SD card is filesystem corruption on the card. Try putting it in a card reader on a PC and formatting to FAT32.

Where exactly does it say "no external storage"? When in CWM recovery or in Android OS?

Sometimes it can help just to physically remove and reinstall the microSD. One dust particle can make the difference, and Coby tended to use low-end connectors.
Hello, I received the tablet, in a boot loop, only way I was able to fix, was via livesuit...

sd card is ok, I can read it in recovery mode, I can install dumps, etc via sd...

problem is inside android... if I enable camera, message appears...

if I try to browse files, I can not see SD....

but sd is ok, I can use it via recovery...

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I would still try to format it. Or try a different card. Are we sure we are looking in the right place? And is the camera app the only one giving you problems? What file browser are you using? There is often confusion between the internal and external storage, because Android names its user-accessible internal storage "/sdcard/", while the external card may be "/extsd/" or "/storage/sdcard1/" or who-knows-what. I know all this sounds like I'm talking down to you but it's very easy to miss some obvious stuff, I do it all the time.

Try this: in adb shell or terminal emulator, enter:
cat /proc/partitions > /sdcard/partitions.txt
and post the output here. Chances are that once we have that info, we will then be over my head and need to call on the devs to sort it out. There will be an init script that mounts the external SD, but I am not developer enough to know where it is, and even if I did I would not be comfortable editing it. Your tablet has already been bricked once.

If the camera app is the main problem, try installing a different one, there are lots of them and many free ones. If you don't already use it, install ES File Explorer (also free) and see if it finds your external SD.

Another thought: Install Onandroid and run it. Its logfile will give a filesystem layout, assuming that it works with your tablet. As a side benefit it will give you a nandroid backup of your current system that is, after all, mostly working. Save and post the logfile here too.
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I must have been very, very tired last night. Forgot the KISS principle. Go to settings > storage. You should see 2 headings for internal storage, one for extsd or similar, and one for USB host. Look at extsd. If it says "insert card for mounting", remove it and re-insert it. If it says "Mount SD card" tap that. If it says "unmount sd card" it should be working, but you might try unmounting it and remounting.

I think, maybe wrong, it's a "PATH" problem...

here some pictures...

as you can see, sd is mounted and detected by system...

if I use ES file explorer, it tries to search at /SDCARD/ but it's empty....

if I try to open gallery, it says "no storage" no external storage available...

if I open ES task manager, and then SD card analyzer it tries to scan /sdcard, and of course, 0 files...
but... here the interesting part....

if I select "disks" inside ES task manager, I can select /mnt/extsd and I can see all files inside my sd...

so, I think there must be a way to edit sd location... maybe VOLD.fstab or some other file..... :D

thanks for your big help :)

P1030380.JPG P1030372.JPG P1030375.JPG P1030376.JPG P1030377.JPG P1030378.JPG P1030379.JPG
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In ES file explorer (or any file manager), "/sdcard/" is the internal memory storage. /mnt/extsd/ is your microSD card. Sounds like your system is having problems mounting its internal storage during boot. Makes actually more sense, as the camera and gallery should work without an external SD. Did you recently install a large app, maybe a game?
no, I did not install anything...

I tried livesuit, but I had camera error, so, I googled and got here...

then I installed cwm, and dumps from this post...

I dont remember which one, but I think the very first one, fixed camera error, but with errors about storage....

I think I did not try all dumps, I could try them, maybe one is completely ok....

I dont remember if livesuit image was ok about storage....

what do you advise?

thanks again