[Confirmed] Widgets Seem to Work Fine Over Here on my S7? (ADW Launcher)

This is great, have been running it and getting it set-up all day. I have ADWLauncher EX and it is running great. I love to be able to rotate the home screen to portrait mode and have it work as well. There is no doubt in my mind that with all the improvements that have been made this is the best device for the money out there.
I'm wondering what other applications I could move to system. I'm thinking of moving ADW launcher there. Why? Just because I can :p.

I'm somewhat enjoying just playing with things. Seeing how it works, and if it doesn't. Try something else.

I'm still learning the ins and outs of android. It's still new too me. Had a lot of fun flashing my coworkers Nexus One this afternoon. Lots of fun.



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I deleted launcher.apk but I still have the gray status bar and adb is not working anymore please help!!

Sent from my Ideos S7
Worked perfectly for me until I`ve deleted the Huawei Launcher .apk. From that point AppWidgetPicker doesn`t workes.
Can somebody copy the APK from the device and post it here? thx alot!
Not sure what you have done wrong. Are you sure you got the right AppWidgetPicker from xda and that you have set the permissions correct?
Not sure what you have done wrong. Are you sure you got the right AppWidgetPicker from xda and that you have set the permissions correct?

As I already said, it worked good with ADW.Ex. Than, as it was much better than Huawei Launcher, I`ve decided to clean up some memory. My failure was not moving but deleting the apk.
btw, what permission are You talking about? SuperUser?
no...the chmod command to change permissions on the AppWidgetPicker file.
no...the chmod command to change permissions on the AppWidgetPicker file.

As I use RootExplorer, i`ve done nothing more than placing renamed .apk into system\app and it used to work. But I`ll give a try for adb methode, if you think it will help.
Hey i am trying to get this.. lol i got root explorer and i got the download now.. the root explorer will not let me paste it in the system/app folder and i don't know why please help i really want widgets on the AWD.EX it would make this tablet soo much better so get back to me as soon as possibaly my email is spazzpyro1@gmail.com get back to me!
@ spazzpyro- google how to use root explorer and appwidgetpicker. It should bring you to several sites with help. I'd point you to it but don't remember the variuos sites.

Sent from my S7