Froyo (Android 2.2) Running on FT2 Series Tablets! CONFIRMED!

I am running 3245.
MyPad reports:

Settings-> SD card & device storage settings reports:
0.91GB Available space

I have pulled a 'cat /dev/block/mtdblock5 > localdata'
(actually did it for ALL blocks...)
and got a sequence of 8192 '00's followed by 8192 'FF's.

I wish I knew what an 'empty' /local looked like... Id try fixing it manually!
I know that an 'empty' flash will have ALL 'FF'... but I suspect it is supposed to be formatted YAFFS2... and I have no clue what that would appear as...
Havent seen any way (yet) to do it thru mkfs... but will keep looking.

Thanks for the info! I think the pad has been like that since I got it... If I could get in there 'deep', the 'damage' might be able to be cleaned.

But at least its RUNNING... and pretty well.
GPS still doesnt seem to do anything. Now couldnt care less.
Noticed that if I attempt to attach my 130gb (FAT32) hard drive, it will reboot. That might be a problem.. might not. Dunno.

Other than the waiting for the touchscreen (becoming a thorn in the side), Im quite happy now!
I'm trying to update my FT2 from 2.1.3245 version to 2.2. I follow all the process succesfully, but at the last moment, the tablet freezes on calibrating screen.
Can anybody help me, please?
Thank you.
I have tried installing it. Flashing and installing goes fine, but it gets stuck at android animation. After a while, "white line" that goes across ANDROID text, will freeze and everything will stop.

It seems to be problem with 2.2 builds on my device, since I have same issue with 3656 2.2 build, but 3245 2.1 works without problems.

Logs are attached.

Any idea, what could be wrong?


  • $
    16.8 KB · Views: 568
View attachment $success.txtFlashing was successful with the updated v5 version on the Infotmic FlyTouch II.
However, it freezes soon after boot, either when the android logo is still there or it asks for calibration.
When adding a USB mouse, it moves for some seconds and then freezes as well.
The success.txt file on the SDcard seems to have recognized all devices (attached). However, we had problems with WLAN before.

Any hint, how to get into debugging mode? Is there any log file like /var/log/messages ?

Thanks, really want to have this rooted version ! --rasos
It seems to have nothing to do with the calibration, sometimes it freeszes earlier.. If you plug in a USB mouse, you can better see when it freezes. Would be good to have a debug mode and see what is happening.
View attachment 4218Flashing was successful with the updated v5 version on the Infotmic FlyTouch II.
However, it freezes soon after boot, either when the android logo is still there or it asks for calibration.
When adding a USB mouse, it moves for some seconds and then freezes as well.
The success.txt file on the SDcard seems to have recognized all devices (attached). However, we had problems with WLAN before.

Any hint, how to get into debugging mode? Is there any log file like /var/log/messages ?

Thanks, really want to have this rooted version ! --rasos
Interesting that the success.txt log does not have a complete /proc/cmdline entry for Hardware Id "hwver".

Kernel command line: console=ttySAC3,115200 androidboot.mode=normal bmagic=0xdb6db610

The entry is sometimes seen on other builds, as in the example below, which may point to incompatible U0 "u-boot-nand.bin" image for the specific hardware.
Console=ttySAC3, 115200 bootdelay=15 mem=500M bmagic=0xdb6db610 hwver=

Caution using the incorrect U0 image may cause irreparable damage (brick) the tablet.
console ttySAC3]enabled

Can't see a console output when it boots (only tux). Is there any option (maybe with attached USB keyboard?) to show boot messages or store them on the SDcard?

Caution using the incorrect U0 image may cause irreparable damage (brick) the tablet.

Re-flashing should be possible, though.
Several users are affected by the freeze problem, so we need to debug this.
aiuto ....ho tentato l'aggiornamento al firmware 2.2 tramite porte usb, alla fine mi è uscito il messaggio di resettare, ed ho fatto così con il tastino posto nel lato di sotto, ma...non è più ripartito, e non si accende proprio più.....lo devo solo buttare? aiutatemi per favore....è nuovissimo!!
ho cercato vari modi per aggiornarlo al 2.2, ma niente, alla fine ho usato il metodo con la porta usb, sembrava che fosse andato tutto a buon fine, alla fine mi ha chiesto di fare il reset e così ho fatto con il tastino piccolo, ....da allora non si accende più!!
my WINHEX allways says access denied, when I try to copy the image to micro sd card. Which mistake make I?
Regards Günter
my WINHEX allways says access denied, when I try to copy the image to micro sd card. Which mistake make I?
Regards Günter

You did not follow the instructions, each instruction provided. Especially the one where it tells you to redirect "temp" files to an actual place on your hard drive. Then you'll have to follow each instruction thereafter, just like you read them.

Make sure you have a Superpad / Flytouch II, before you try this.

Be sure you point the image to the physical drive, not the logical drive.
I cannot find a working version of WinHex, unless I pay € 38. -(
A little overdone for a single action.
Do you heve a spot where I can obtain a working 1-tiem version??
Regards Anjo
Hi, greetings to everybody and thank you for all your help. I succesfully updated my ft2 to rom 3245 and it worked like a charm but I got a little bit curious about froyo 2.2 and I re-updated my ft2. Now my tablet is too slow and overall performance is not good.

I've read all the forum posts trying to find a way to downgrade the tablet back to 3245 which was a lot faster than it is now.

Please, anyone, post a method, it doesn't matter if it is dangerous, I'm willing to take the risk, to put it back to 3245 2.1.

Thanks in advance for all the help you can give me.