Hacking the S7

From memory I tried both options. Partition was actually ext2. It mounted successfully and I was able to copy all of the/data/apps directory. BTW I stopped working on it till we have a complete recovery boot available. It would be hard to change the apps directory while apps are running. We need a recovery mode.

Sent from my Ideos S7 using Android Tablet Forum App
This worked for me....

mount -rw -t ext2 /dev/block/vold/179:2 /sdcard2

That mounts a 1.5G partition I set up as ext2 on the sdcard.

Just need some way to boot to the os in recovery or terminal to switch out the /data/app directory using a symbolic link and a way to auto mount and we have an apps2sd.

Would love to know how to compile the kernel for this.

Sent from my Ideos S7 using Android Tablet Forum App
Can you boot the tablet into recovery from ADB and do it through the remote ADB shell ?

I know the guys here are having a crack at getting custom recovery done, so i hope that will be up and running soon...

We did something similar to this on my old Acer Liquid back when it was only 2.1. Same issue, not enough internal memory. It was set up as a batch file that would run via ADB while in recovery and that set up the symbolic link. At least that's what i think i can remember :) I dont even think i have the old files from then so i can see how they did it. I've not done a lot of dev work on these phones for a while, or anywhere for that matter, so i am a little rusty.. still reading and learning...
Currently what I'm doing is learning how the machine runs through it boot strap process.

I'm having fun hacking this little box, reminds me of the fun I had with the N810 way back 3 or so years ago.

one thing I'm enjoying to do is:

adb logcat | ccze =)

heh I'm such a dork I like watching log files. Why I do not know.

On some devices you can install updates from a signed zip file on recovery boot. I believe that is how they patch the galaxy. On S7 I think we use the Huawei update tool, we just need to figure out how.

Sent from my Ideos S7 using Android Tablet Forum App
So you think recovery won't work at all on the s7? I am compiling a kernel now so I might be able to improve the chances of clockwork recovery working.

Sent from my Ideos S7
Something I've noticed that has interested me, is that the kernel for the telstra branded s7 and the best buy s7, while they have the same version number (2.6.29-s70) The telstra branded s7s kernel was compiled on Wed Oct 27 21:55:55 CST 2010, while the best buy kernel was compiled on Thu Oct 28 08:05:03 CST 2010.

Just odd to me to be honest, I'm going through both of the config files for each of the kernels to see if there is anything different.

One thing that could of caused this though, is their build environment, could do a complete build from scratch for each vendor.

If anyone is running other firmware, I'd be interested if they could via the adb shell, run dmesg and give me the top line which would look something like:

<5>[    0.000000] Linux version 2.6.29-s70 (hid@localhost.localdomain) (gcc version 4.4.0 (GCC) ) #4 PREEMPT Thu Oct 28 08:05:03 CST 2010
Do the files that are used to flash a full reset from MicroSD have any value?
Well, this is how I got the bestbuy firmware on my tablet, though I might revert to the telstra one due to a couple of small issues.

But I can't see the info from dmesg until the machine has booted, as I'm not sure how to unpack the firmware as of yet to see what's in it.

Are there any guides or tips on how to unpack the firmware images?

It loock like you are hunting something with no bullet in your gun.
Why do you think i put that file here on your thread?
You can use that tool to unpack the updata.app.
If you are runing on windows run under cmd the bootimg.exe and you will see al the commands. If you are on linux use the python script on console (python bootimg.py)
Later I will upload a pearl script that is doing the same thing.
The only problem is that this tools are not maded for our tablet but they are for devices maded by Huawei and they are use the same algorithm to pack the firmware. Same people on modaco forum are ready to relese a tool for packing back,the only missing thing is the right crc algorithm.
About the release of different firmware for different vendors they do this becouse they are not selling direct this tablet and each vendors are claim that this are theyr tablets.One example is Telestra tablet.
The difference betwin them is by the localization in language and them by budeled software and them by hardware.In europe they have just front camera.In australia they do not have internal storege.And now they relese a version with capacitive screen.
Sent from my S7 using Tapatalk
I didn't see your link there thanks heaps =)

I generally do most of my things via a linux box, or my mac, and only tend to use windows at work.

The telstra branded tablet, comes with way too much additional software, thankfully most of it can be removed.
