Haipad M701 latest firmaware: Android 2.3 (2G Samsung, Micron 4G).

Hi thanks for the response. Well, problem is that when I connect my HUawei E220, it will not show the "X" Icon on the menu. But I do see it while I was back in 2.1. And when I tried running the script, it just show unrecognized option '/dev/ttyUSB0'.

thanks for testing it out. This error you got suggests this 2.3 version (by albertdsh) has not included driver module for USB aircard whereas the official haipad 2.1 version (like fw 1116) has. That's why the /dev/ttyUSB0 device is not created when you plugged in your aircard and thus no "X" icon showed up. I guess either we need to install the aircard driver via "insmod" or wait for the official 2.3 version w/ aircard support from haipad if they plan to do it for M701, which I kind of doubt it, since I think they'd rather spend time on firmware development of newer product first.
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BTW i've just realized that the calendar is not working, is there anyway to fix it? I really need it :s

In a closer inspection neither the calender nor the contact APK works, i have tried to install different version of those but none of them seems to work on this rom :(

They didn't install the sync settings. Use this, to push via adb into the /system/app/ directory and install from there. You should be able to sync your calendars and contacts.


  • $Sync Tools.zip
    225 KB · Views: 393
They didn't install the sync settings. Use this, to push via adb into the /system/app/ directory and install from there. You should be able to sync your calendars and contacts.

Tnks so much for the apks, both work correctly but now i have a problem :p i dont have the calendar.apk, may you share it plz?
thanks for testing it out. This error you got suggests this 2.3 version (by albertdsh) has not included driver module for USB aircard whereas the official haipad 2.1 version (like fw 1116) has. That's why the /dev/ttyUSB0 device is not created when you plugged in your aircard and thus no "X" icon showed up. I guess either we need to install the aircard driver via "insmod" or wait for the official 2.3 version w/ aircard support from haipad if they plan to do it for M701, which I kind of doubt it, since I think they'd rather spend time on firmware development of newer product first.

How do you manually install the aircard driver? Could the 2.1 be able to use ?
How do you manually install the aircard driver? Could the 2.1 be able to use ?
I'm not expert in linux driver compilation. From what I understand, if the driver is not already built into the linux kernel, to install a driver manually you would need a ".ko" file of the device and use the command "insmod" to install it. The .ko file must be generated by compiling its driver's source code for the specific linux kernel to be used. I don't have experience in compiling driver under linux environment either. Maybe someone else knows or can provide the .ko file for the aircard?
I'm the happy owner of a new M701 which came with this 2.3 firmware. In general, things work quite OK, but I can't help but wondering that the Wifi transfer speed is a bit on the slow side, even when sitting right next to the access point. E.g., playing youtube videos often pause due to buffer underruns.
To follow up on my own post, I found that resetting my routers improved the throughput from 0.5 Mbps to 3 Mbps...

Has anyone had a problem where near the end of the update (end of working with the .img file) there is a CRC ERROR? It tells me the crc of the target is something, and the crc expected is something else and cancels. I've tried searching the exact answer and can find nothing.

I'm using an M701-R from merimobiles that has 4g memory, asked them and they said it was the HY version. I was installing the android 2.3 HY version from haipad when this happened. Has now happened three times altogether. Any help would be very much appreciated.

Tried once more to get the error message, it's:

CRC ERROR - Target CRC = 0xD9F25014 / File CRC = 0x2E110412

then the download cancels and said it failed.
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Try flashing the non-HY version. Maybe Merrimobiles was wrong and yours has Micron chips?
Thanks for the reply,

I thought the same thing and was going to do just that, but I can't seem to download it from either website. haipad.net sends me to the usual download site, but has a password on the archive and won't let me download it. In the case of 99pad, the firmware link isn't a link and when translated says something about 'the posts needs to restore the hidden content can browse' or something like that. Is there somewhere else that you know of where I can get it? Or a way around this to start it from one of the other sites. Thanks again for any information.
Thanks for the reply,

I thought the same thing and was going to do just that, but I can't seem to download it from either website. haipad.net sends me to the usual download site, but has a password on the archive and won't let me download it. In the case of 99pad, the firmware link isn't a link and when translated says something about 'the posts needs to restore the hidden content can browse' or something like that. Is there somewhere else that you know of where I can get it? Or a way around this to start it from one of the other sites. Thanks again for any information.

Try flashing 2GB instead. I read from some other forums, the person managed to flash the 2GB ROM with no problem.
Tnks so much for the apks, both work correctly but now i have a problem :p i dont have the calendar.apk, may you share it plz?

Hi sorry.. I overlooked your post. Anyway, attached is the calendar.apk...


  • $Calender.zip
    591.8 KB · Views: 305
Try flashing 2GB instead. I read from some other forums, the person managed to flash the 2GB ROM with no problem.

I'm hoping to try the other version (the one by albertdsh) that is for 2G and 4G Micron models, but none of the download links work for me. Going to haipad.net manually or using the link at the start of the post both lead me to 115 download site as expected, but it says the download contains controversial content and asks me for an extract code. Using the link to 99pad to get it directly from albertdsh has a broken link, and the translated version doesn't make sense directly for me to figure it out.

Does anyone know the extract code for 115? Or perhaps have another way I could download the 2.3 non-HY firmware?


Is there another download link. The one at szhaipad doesn't seem to work anymore.

OK: Found them in the M701 group, thanks
Thank you very much OffWorld! I have it downloading now, will try flashing it in a couple minutes when it's done. You're the coolest! :p

It's all done installing now, that one worked much better. I'm going to have to email the guys at merimobiles to let them know, try to prevent it from happening to anyone else. Thanks again OffWorld!
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