Haipad M701 latest firmaware: Android 2.3 (2G Samsung, Micron 4G).

Problems I've found with my installation of this 2.3 firmware:
-Slower than last Froyo, unless I use 'performance' setting for CPU
-DungeonHunter 1 does not work anymore, even after downloading more resources from web. Used to work on Froyo firmware quite nicely
-I can not seems to log-in to google account. Old or new accounts the same. Always saying about "can not established reliable connection...". WiFi work fine, and is not in airplane mode. But whenever I run sparePart->Batery history, SparePar FC, this suggest Android Phone service not running no ??.. any body have nay idea ?

My device:
-2GB micron
-Sd halfway inserted
Problems I've found with my installation of this 2.3 firmware:

-I can not seems to log-in to google account. Old or new accounts the same. Always saying about "can not established reliable connection...". WiFi work fine, and is not in airplane mode. But whenever I run sparePart->Batery history, SparePar FC, this suggest

Did you try to install the synctools ? (http://www.androidtablets.net/forum...oid-2-3-2g-samsung-micron-4g-5.html#post87053)
You need this to sync your account. It is not in the firmware package.
If you want to use the Calender, you need to install it too. (there is a big android in overlay :( , but it works)
YouTube is also not installed. Use AppPlanet to install the latest YouTube app. Works great.

I have the same device as you, but mine seems more responsive after this update.
i did an adb push to system/app for sync stuff before i post here, no joy so far. youtube i used from froyo, works great.

Sent from my M701 using Tapatalk
Did you fill in a MAC address in the FDWN tool when you did a Firmware update. I have read somewhere that you could get in trouble when not filling in the MAC address in the FDWN tool. I do not know what kind of trouble, because first thing I did was filling in the same MAC address as my original firmware.
Maybe other users can enlighten us about this matter.
Tried DungeonHunter: Did not work :(
bad thing: can't boot up with only USB connected if battery is too low, i only got a "battery low" image at boot. damn... if someone can help me, i can crc fix the lt.rom boot image, so i want to disassemble it and patch the code that check the battery... thanks
Did you fill in a MAC address in the FDWN tool when you did a Firmware update. I have read somewhere that you could get in trouble when not filling in the MAC address in the FDWN tool. I do not know what kind of trouble, because first thing I did was filling in the same MAC address as my original firmware.
Maybe other users can enlighten us about this matter.
Tried DungeonHunter: Did not work :(

Yes, I've used the same MAC address as my original firmware when flashing with FDWN tool.

Games I've tried:
Asphalt 5 work, but very slow. G-Sensor okay though.
NFS Shift, 39MB APK version does not work.
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Would you mind giving a little bit more detail on how to do this? I downloaded android-sdk_r10-linux_x86.tgz, but it does not seem to contain that file...

r10 is Android 2.3.3 - you'll need to make sure you download the 2.3.1 platform (API level 9). Create an AVD (Android Virtual Device) running API level 9 and start the Emulator. Open another terminal and cd into your SDK /platform-tools/ folder:

./adb devices (should say "Emulator")
./adb pull /system/app/LiveWallpapersPicker.apk ~/Documents (or where-ever you want).

Shut down the Emulator, plug in your tablet:

./adb devices (should say "device")
./adb remount
./adb push ~/Documents/LiveWallpapersPicker.apk /system/app/

Then you'll need to download some live wallpapers and set one to be used on your homescreen.
OK. Guys.. For those of you who are using 2GB version. Try using this calendar instead. I pulled it from froyo, maybe it would solve the android overlay. Let me know if it works..


  • $calander_2_2.zip
    279.6 KB · Views: 267
OK. Guys.. For those of you who are using 2GB version. Try using this calendar instead. I pulled it from froyo, maybe it would solve the android overlay. Let me know if it works..

Just crashes and needs to be force closed. Did you do anything to the manifest so it works on 2.3.1, or is this just the stock 2.2 Calendar.apk?
r10 is Android 2.3.3 - you'll need to make sure you download the 2.3.1 platform (API level 9).
Thanks for taking the time to give detailed instructions!

Unfortunately, Google does not seem to offer r9 anymore. From the 2.3 series, I only seem to be able to install r10...
I extracted it from sdk. Looks like that didn't work. I didn't do anything to it, as it was pre-installed with the firmware. Hmm.. Maybe I'll try extracting it from the 2GB firmware and see how it goes.

Sent from my Android for Telechips TCC8900 Evaluation Board using Tapatalk
Thanks for taking the time to give detailed instructions!

Unfortunately, Google does not seem to offer r9 anymore. From the 2.3 series, I only seem to be able to install r10...

Once you have the SDK installed (whatever the "r" release number is) you can download the earlier ones. I use Eclipse to keep my SDK updated and create AVDs. Install that (if you haven't already) and go to Window>Android SDK & AVD Manager
Then you just use the "Available Packages" check the ones you want and download them. Once installed you can go to the "Virtual Devices" option and create an AVD that runs in the Emulator.

Oh, last thing is that there is a difference between the "Target Name" ones that say "Android 2.3.1" (or whatever version) and the "Google APIs" ones - namely that the latter have the Google services apps like GMail, Maps, etc.
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I extracted it from sdk. Looks like that didn't work. I didn't do anything to it, as it was pre-installed with the firmware. Hmm.. Maybe I'll try extracting it from the 2GB firmware and see how it goes.

The problem may be which API level it is targeting. The system apps seem to be the most picky about targeting the same level (which for our Gingy build is 9). I know I accidentally had pulled some apps from the Gingerbread 2.3.3 SDK (which is level 10) and they won't work on 2.3.1 at all. I did look at the manifest xml files for the Calendar.apk files and they DO say the specific version in them, so I'm guessing you have to have the apk from the EXACT level of the firmware build or it won't work (and I don't see the calendar apps in the 2.3.1 SDK or I'd have pulled them).
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Once you have the SDK installed (whatever the "r" release number is) you can download the earlier ones.
I know, but even there I cannot seem to find API 9 anymore (this is just using the 'android' executable that came with the SDK)...
Yes, the "android" executable is the same one Eclipse launches. It looks like Google does move older "point versions" into their "Other Platforms" section that no longer appear in the repository list. I suppose they want devs to use the latest point version of a release, but for our purposes we need the exact point version used when our firmwares were cooked! Here's a direct download link to the 2.3.1 platform for the SDK:

For Linux: http://dl.google.com/android/repository/android-2.3.1_r02-linux.zip
For Mac: http://dl.google.com/android/repository/android-2.3.1_r02-macosx.zip
For Windows: http://dl.google.com/android/repository/android-2.3.1_r02-windows.zip
Google API for Level 9: http://dl.google.com/android/repository/google_apis-9_r02.zip

Download the platform for your desktop system (Win/Mac/Linux) and unzip the file to your "platforms" sub-folder inside your Android SDK folder.
If you want the Google API too download that and unzip it into the "add-ons" sub-folder.

Now when your run the "android" executable (or run the AVD & SDK Manager from inside Eclipse) you *should* see API 9 Android 2.3.1 is now available.