[How-to] Root + Gapps for Coby Kyros MID4331-4


Dec 26, 2012
The purpose of this guide is to show others my method of acquiring root access and installing Google apps on the Coby Kyros MID4331-4 mini-tablet. This is an educational guide only and you are responsible for any and all damages you may inflict on your device by attempting this method. And other standard disclaimer stuff.

Alright, so for this method you will need a few things to get started:

Bin4ry's Root Utility available here: Root MANY ANDROID! [Upd: 27.03.2013] - xda-developers
7Zip: Download
ICS Gapps Package: Goo.im Downloads - Downloading gapps-ics-20120422-signed.zip

Now here's how you root it-

1. Install 7Zip and Extract Bin4ry's utility to a folder on your desktop (I named mine root)
2. With USB Debugging Enabled on the tablet, plug it into the computer.
3. Run the root utility batch file from the folder you just created.
4. Select option 1.
5. Follow on screen prompts.
6. Once the process is complete you now have root access. Enjoy Responsibly!

And for the Gapps-

NOTE: Since there is no custom recovery available for this device yet (I will try to develop one, however I am not a developer so don't hold your breath.) you cannot flash the zip with the stock recovery since <3e> more than kinda sucks.
There are several ways to go about this, I believe I took the "scenic route" so if you have a better method please inform me.

1. Extract the .zip into a location on your sdcard.
2. Enable root access for ES File Manager.
3. Open the extracted file and locate the system file. Open it.
4. Manually copy everything to its respective place in your phones /system directory. (I.E. everything in the apps folder to /system/app and so on)
5. After completing reboot the phone before doing anything else.
6. Enjoy!

Please note: I did not have any part in developing the Gapps or Bin4ry's script. I merely compiled this guide for those of you who are curious about this. All credit for those go to Google, and Bin4ry over at XDA. However if this guide helped you out, Click the thanks button!

Feel free to comment with any issues you find, and solutions if you find them, as this will help everyone out. This is a preliminary rooting method til someone develops a utility for it, if that happens. If anyone has anything they think may make this process easier. Let me know.



UPDATE: There are currently compatibility issues with Google Play. I believe this ids due to something in the build.prop that google doesnt like. I am troubleshooting as I have time, will post a fix when I find one. Any help appreciated.
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When I got my 4331 I was a bit worried that I couldn't get Google play working. 1 google search, and 5 min latter I have it rooted and gapps on it. So I just wanted to say thanks for this. Works great. I was able to install all my apps except for 3 problems. Crackle and TTPod say it doesn't support my product, and the youtube says it needs play services, that doesn't work. However, this supports XBMC, so I don't need any of them. :)

So, thanks again. Not only did you help me get Google Play, but also root in less then 5 min of using it.
Received my 4331.Downloaded the two files and unzipped them the a folder on the desktop. Started the root process but part way through it said missing file "/system/bin/ric". then said "Root_with_restore_by_Bin4ry_v31\ric" cannot be found and went on to finish the process. Didnt think it rooted by downloaded the gapps file and it loaded Google play app but it wont work and it is apperant that it didnt root. Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bill {ole dog hunt'n new tricks}
The purpose of this guide is to show others my method of acquiring root access and installing Google apps on the Coby Kyros MID4331-4 mini-tablet. This is an educational guide only and you are responsible for any and all damages you may inflict on your device by attempting this method. And other standard disclaimer stuff.

Alright, so for this method you will need a few things to get started:

Bin4ry's Root Utility available here: Root MANY ANDROID! [Upd: 27.03.2013] - xda-developers
7Zip: Download
ICS Gapps Package: Goo.im Downloads - Downloading gapps-ics-20120422-signed.zip

Now here's how you root it-

1. Install 7Zip and Extract Bin4ry's utility to a folder on your desktop (I named mine root)
2. With USB Debugging Enabled on the tablet, plug it into the computer.
3. Run the root utility batch file from the folder you just created.
4. Select option 1.
5. Follow on screen prompts.
6. Once the process is complete you now have root access. Enjoy Responsibly!

And for the Gapps-

NOTE: Since there is no custom recovery available for this device yet (I will try to develop one, however I am not a developer so don't hold your breath.) you cannot flash the zip with the stock recovery since <3e> more than kinda sucks.
There are several ways to go about this, I believe I took the "scenic route" so if you have a better method please inform me.

1. Extract the .zip into a location on your sdcard.
2. Enable root access for ES File Manager.
3. Open the extracted file and locate the system file. Open it.
4. Manually copy everything to its respective place in your phones /system directory. (I.E. everything in the apps folder to /system/app and so on)
5. After completing reboot the phone before doing anything else.
6. Enjoy!

Please note: I did not have any part in developing the Gapps or Bin4ry's script. I merely compiled this guide for those of you who are curious about this. All credit for those go to Google, and Bin4ry over at XDA. However if this guide helped you out, Click the thanks button!

Feel free to comment with any issues you find, and solutions if you find them, as this will help everyone out. This is a preliminary rooting method til someone develops a utility for it, if that happens. If anyone has anything they think may make this process easier. Let me know.



UPDATE: There are currently compatibility issues with Google Play. I believe this ids due to something in the build.prop that google doesnt like. I am troubleshooting as I have time, will post a fix when I find one. Any help appreciated.

I've tried this on both Windows XP and Windows 7 and I can't get either OS to work. I tried adb devices, but the device doesn't show up. I can't seem to find drivers for this tablet, so I can't figure out how to get it to work. Any ideas?
Hi all sorry for my English I use a translator, I'm from Ukraine. Where can I find a driver for Coby mid4331. thank you