Jellybean (Android 4.1.1) Update for 7022 [Root and Gapps]

Johnston411, The answer to your SDCARD question (which seems to mirror my original issue) is easily fixed by going back to the thread that told you how to increase the partition size and to be certain that you flash both the CM7 image (presuming you used that) and the NAND DATA file you made during this process. I originally had done so and then second guessing if I needed it or not redid mine leaving the NAND file out. After I went back and recreated the NAND file and flashed both it and the CM7 image all was right with my setup for the SDCARD. The way I got around the activation popup was I Googled and discovered a You Tube video (in German so I turned on the closed captioning to read what was being said) for the official way you need to "upgrade" these things. I had to temporaially setup my wifi setup to use a German proxy server I also found using Google as the Coby Germany site will only allow you in with proper German IPs. The last piece involved me looking at the You Tube screen at the example serial number (which was 101110010351) and using trial and error to find one that started the same where the last 4 numbers were different and were not already used (be sure you record this number for future use). This is because the one I have bought in the US did NOT have its serial number on the back, if you do then by all means use the one for your device.
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Cheers for getting back to me.

I'm pretty sure I flashed the file I created but maybe I didn't.

I'll give it all another go.

Thanks again :)
Hey, I'm new in the forum but have quite experience flashing roms on mobiles\tablets, I have sucessefully booted with this rom but I have just one problem:

The touchscreen does not work. Physical buttons do. I don't know why this happens. (Corby Kyros mid7022 with CWM)
Is there any way to get the full-sized tablet UI instead of the 7" tablet UI?

Thanks in advance.


Figured it out. Everything I'd read about changing to a different UI said to change it to ~170.

Well that's the wrong way to go. On the Coby, you need to change it to 110.
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Is there any way to get the full-sized tablet UI instead of the 7" tablet UI?

Thanks in advance.


Figured it out. Everything I'd read about changing to a different UI said to change it to ~170.

Well that's the wrong way to go. On the Coby, you need to change it to 110.

How did you get it to go into full tablet mode? I changed my lcd density to 110 in my build.prop and it still won't change
Yeh I rebooted and it still didn't change. Mine only changes to tablet mode when I change the density to 105, kinda strange.

Odd. It may be different per tablet.

On a side note, I changed my hardware buttons:

Original: New:
Back = Home
Home = Volume Down
Menu = Volume Up

;) If anyone's interested, I will create a new thread about changing them.
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Is there any way to update my Google Play (I have installed gapps for JB from german site Google Play version is 3.7) to new version 3.10.10, I have MID7022 and Jelly Bean on it update 030. Now I have problems with downloading becouse my WiFi connection stopped (router stop sharing wifi signal) only when I want to download or update from Google Play.
The directions in this post, and the how-to for expanding the memory for apps were great and everything went off with no problem... until I rebooted the 7022 with the shiny new JB rom. Then, after a wait, it booted back to the CWM. The logs were unremarkable. I restored the device back to CM7 and it started up just fine. Re-flashed (after clearing and formatting per instructions) and checked the logs BEFORE rebooting- everything looked great. Same story. I went back and forth a couple other times, fixing permissions, clearing more of everything, etc.

I'm a bit of a serial rooter and rom installer with a variety of devices, and I've learned to back my way out of some hairy scary spots, but this one has me stumped. Has anyone else seen this behavior? Any thoughts, given the lack of error messages on screen or in the CWM log? Thanks in advance.

First of all, I'd like to say sorry for not posting this when I said I would, I've been busy with some college stuff.

Since most of you were having issues with the rooting and Gapps installations I decided to post this new thread.

I was able to get Gapps including Google TTS to work without force closes

-Boot into CWM recovery
-Wipe cache
-Format system
-Format data
-Format boot
-install zip from sdcard
-select rom zip file

Some devices might need to flash Superuser zip (like i said before, not all Coby tablets are 100% the same)

Without delay, here's the download link:
-fixed EVERYTHING!!!

Just in case SU does not respond, here's the flashable zip needed: - - online file sharing and storage - download - Alexis Diaz

care to help...
Amazon email:
Hey,thanks for this update. I've been watching this thread for a couple of months, and just past week I gave it try. It did work like a charm. But there are a few problems, like the accelerometer doesn't work. It does rotate in the lock screen but once it is unlocked the display will be stuck at landscape mode. The other problems that I face are; camera doesn't work, Chrome browser doesn't run and of course there is a performance issue with that it which is expected (I ain't complaining about the performance). I'm pretty happy with the updated and would be great if I could run chrome browser and if the accelerometer could work.

PS: I'm not using a Coby 7022 tablet, but I'm using a re branded version of the same; called the HCL ME X1. This appears to be visually similar to Coby 7022.

Thanks :)
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Guys, do you know how to root MID8128 with stock Jelly Bean? Or how to edit build.prop without root? I've managed to install Play Store but it got almost no apps so it is useless :(
Guys, do you know how to root MID8128 with stock Jelly Bean? Or how to edit build.prop without root? I've managed to install Play Store but it got almost no apps so it is useless :(

Flash custom recovery (if available) via fastboot then flash the superuserzip in the recovery
Hi, I have a Coby Kyros 7022 and i have installed paintballeralex07 4.1.1 rom, also i expanded the internal memory using the other instructions, I want to thank everyone for sharing these valuable information and making my kyros more usable and infact a lot better than stock.

I am facing one issue in which every time i reboot or start my tablet it download some sort of OTA update but its not able to install it, after downloading the tablet asks me if i want to install it and when i hit install button it goes into recovery starts installing reaches around 50% and fails.

Any help would be appreciated. I tried looking around for a fix but didnt find any so thought of asking you guys here , I think paintballeralex07 is busy with some other tablet and apps development but if you are still following this thread and reading it please help . Thanks in advance to everyone.