[Kernel][Eclair][Froyo][CM7][Honeycomb] Dalingrin's OC kernels

Should I have installed SetCPU or anything beyond what the CM7.95 came with?

Well, I use SetCPU. I've got no complaints. Battery life is darn good (maybe could be great). I also installed CPU Spy and can see that my NC now goes to Deep Sleep most of the time aside from toggling the CPU speed. (oh yeah, I'm still on 94)
I think that deep sleep is responsible for the extended battery life. Very nice.
Sorry guys lost this thread yesterday. :-(

I will be back this evening with an update to lay out how I get reeeediculous battery life. Been unplugged for 2.5 days still at 30% with moderate use and 5 re-boots last night????

The new over-clocking potential with Dal's new kernal and the CPU governors in the Tablet Tweeks app were a little too much to leave alone. I think I saw 2500mhz more than once in trying to get a stable clock. Yeah!!! 2500mhz full lock-up 5 re-boots and a re-flash of my back up. Whew!. Currently running 1300mhz like butter and I lost 2% battery life over-night.

Just sayin'.

I think it is a combination of Set CPU and Juice defender. I know JD works wonders for my Aria but on the NC I sorta "set it and forget it". Like I said I will be back later to suss it out for you and I am sorry I missed this conversation I was too busy posting vids in the Cafe Nook (http://www.androidtablets.net/forum/nook/12567-off-topic-discussion.html)

Gotta Run Be Back Later.

I gave up on 95 and flashed 100 this morning. I also put the 6/9 kernel on there.
I gave up on 95 and flashed 100 this morning. I also put the 6/9 kernel on there.
A word to the wise if you are using Dal's Nook Tweaks app for over-clocking proceed with caution. Do Not, I reapeat, Do Not tick the "set on boot" box unless you are sure you have a stable clock.

I would hate for anyone else to go through the cavalcade of re-boots and re-flashes that I did.

With that being said this [NIGHTLY] [CM7] Discussion of Nightlies - CyanogenMod Forum - Page 66 seems to be the sweet spot.



:eek:Again best of 5, 2900, 3100, 3095, and then above..:eek:

CPU stepping via NC Tweaks 300,600,900,1200,1350

Stable>will report back on battery life when I get home from work.;)
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:eek:Again best of 5, 2900, 3100, 3095, and then above..:eek:

CPU stepping via NC Tweaks 300,600,900,1200,1350

Stable>will report back on battery life when I get home from work.;)

Simply unbelievable LS. I knew the Nook had great potential but I never thought it would hit those numbers when this all started. I thought my Nook was running pretty good on CM7 from SD card but hadn't checked my score in a while. A little disappointed to find I am only getting around 1300 at 925MHz. Feels a little better than that in use.

Why don't you add those scores here http://www.androidtablets.net/forum...6579-nook-performance-increases-settings.html

Rebooted, it's been a while, reran and got a 1382 that is a little better. I was sort of hoping to see 1400-1600.
Dang JP, I get 2000 running CM7.1 @ 925.

I don't know what I did right but I like it here. I'll stick.