[Rom][Kernel] Calkulin+Clemsyn4 . . a GREAT combo !


Senior Member
Mar 21, 2011
Ref: Calkulin+Clemsyn OC/UV kernel (1.5 ghz) Froyo Combo NFS enabled VERSION 4 is up! - xda-developers
Ref: [KERNEL] Clemsyn Ver 11 1.5ghz with PIMPMYGTAB for "OntheFLy" Voltage control - xda-developers
Ref: [KERNEL] Clemsyn Version 11 PimpMyGtab Underclocking control - xda-developers
Ref: [APP] 15 Apr 2011 : Pimp My Cpu 2.6 (OC/UV kernel control tool) - xda-developers How to use PimpMyTab
Ref: Overclocking Tegra 2 - xda-developers

While the gtab world are getting over-excited with overclocking all the way up to 1.7 ghz. Yes, 1.7 ghz ! xda-developers - View Single Post - [KERNEL] Clemsyn Ver 11 1.5ghz with PIMPMYGTAB for "OntheFLy" Voltage control, a jewel (best Rom and killer Kernel) is being over-looked.

That is the reason for this thread.

I belong to the very few's who are shy of 'overclocking' but appreciate 'battery life', 'functionality' and 'stability' even at the cost of 'speed' (to certain degree, of course). Therefore this 'Clemsyn_Caulkin4' Rom and the non-overclocking + under-voltage are most appealing. Needless to say, they are my favorite.

A> The Rom basics:
1. Adobe Flash Player 10.2 pre-installed
2. Replaced Gallery 3D
3. Added Chenglu's USB Huawei's (confirmed Huawie 1550 working by archat68)
4. Commented sprint stuff in build.prop
5. Automated voltage and OC's settings (no need for SetCpu) via init.d profile
6. Undervolted at lowest speed settings (700mv at 21600) for improved battery life when screen is off (sleep fix enabled)
7. Undervolted at highest speed settings (1175mv at 1500000)
8. Added NFS client V3 and NFS server V3 in kernel.
9. Added Synman's boot logo

B> The Kernel basics:
1> Support CIFFS, PPTP, VPN, MPPE, PPOE, Proxy, EXT4, NTFS, Joystick/GamePad,; 3g Modem is also enabled in this kernel
2> Overclocking code using CPajuste's.
3> PimpMyCPU (apk) working on the fly.
4> Non overclocking with undervoltage setting for Better Battery life, Less heat and Stability.

C> Recommended Installation Steps:
. Read the above links for more information and to understand other users' success and failure.
. ClockWorkMod v0.8 pre-installed on stock 1.1.3588 firmware or on any pre-installed 1.1 based custom rom.

DISCLAIMER: Use the instructions below at your own risks although I tested it and it worked fine for me.

1> Back up your data (i.e. nanoidbackup, titanium back-up, or other means).
2> Download necessary files from the links at the bottom of this thread.
3> Boot to CWM recovery with Pwr and Vol+ until a tiny message appears on the top right corner then release both buttons.
4> Choose "advanced", then "Partition SD Card", then select 2048M for Ext size, then 0M for swap size, then press the Home button.
5> Wait for the partioning to complete, then wipe Dalvik Cache.
6> Connect the tablet to PC using USB cable. Go to the "mounts and storage" menu, then choose "mount USB storage". You should see the tablet's internal SDCARD folder on your PC. There should be nothing shown in the root folder of the SDCARD.
7> Create a directory in the root SDCARD and name it 'Rom'. Copy all the downloaded files to the tablet's 'Rom' directory.
8> Select 'unmount' and return to main menu of CWM. Disconnect the USB cable from the PC.
9> Choose "install zip from sdcard" then "choose zip from sdcard" then select "Calkulin's_FORMAT_ALL.zip" and click the Home button to install.
10> Go to Advance, and Clear Dalvik-cache
11> Choose "install zip from sdcard" then "choose zip from sdcard" then select "Clemsyn_Caulkin4.zip" and click the Home button to install.
12> After the Rom successfully installed, boot into CWM and choose "install zip from sdcard" then "choose zip from sdcard" then select ClemsynVer10FroyoUndervolted.zip (or the kernel file of your choice, either overclocking or non-overclocking+undervoltage) then click the Home button to install. There is an alternate kernel for gingerbread in the download list.
13> Go to Advance, and Clear Dalvik-cache then wipe the cache partition after installing kernel.
14> Reboot and enjoy the jewel (Rom and Kernel).
You can repeat steps 12 and 14 to test different kernels.
14> If you selected ClemsynFroyo1.5PIMP.zip or ClemsynFroyo1.0PIMP.zip, then after booting, you can install the PimpMyGtab.apk and enjoy 'ontheFly' voltage control.

Note: I only use the non-overclocking and undervoltage kernel. Therefore I can't vouch for the overclocking and over-voltage kernels. In addition, let me know if I miss anything.

Download Link
. ClemsynCalkulin4 Rom: https://rapidshare.com/files/457938403/Clemsyn_Caulkin4.zip
. ClemsynVer10FroyoUndervolted ClemsynVer10FroyoUndervolted.zip
. Clemsyn10GingerbreadUndervolted Clemsyn10GingerbreadUndervolted.zip
. ClemsynFroyo1.5PIMP.zip: xda-developers
. PimpMyGtab.apk: xda-developers for under-clocking
. ClemsynFroyo1.0PIMP.zip xda-developers
. Calkulin's Format_all.zip xda-developers
. Clemsyn1.5FroyoUV2.zip (4.14 MB, 162 views) xda-developers
. Clemsyn1 .5FroyoMed2.zip (4.14 MB, 135 views) xda-developers
. ClemsynVer1.5Froyoextra2.zip (4.14 MB, 138 views) xda-developers
. Stock voltage with OC to 1.2 ghz xda-developers


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I'm gonna try it out. I never really consideered it cause for some reason I though it was gB and not froyo. Been using vegan 5.1.1 but ill give this a shot.
This is a pretty good Rom, Its fast. The stock!browser is worse than other stock browsers so dolphin HD was the first thing I put on it. It wont let u use thumb keyboard Orr any other I tried without a special fix that u have to have root explorer for.
LOVE this ROM!!! I have one issue though...sometimes when I click on a program.. a movie for example...a window will pop up asking me which player I would like to use. The problem is the window goes crazy..flickering and what not. It won't let me select a player. Is there a fix? Also, some web pages display Error 404.. any help would be greaet!!THanks