[ROM][4.4.4] Cyanogenmod-11 for Lenovo A2109 (20160510)


How did you make it?
Step by step.
Please share is for us!

Hi, to install cm 11, first update your recovery. Instructions are in the first post. If you run into further issues, please be a bit more specific in phrasing your question :) And let us know if you succeeded. Good luck!
Hi, to install cm 11, first update your recovery. Instructions are in the first post. If you run into further issues, please be a bit more specific in phrasing your question :) And let us know if you succeeded. Good luck!


I do this!

I can't install PAC ROM. I've already flash recovery. (CWM-based recovery v6.0.2.8) see in the picture

1. I reboot to recovery (see in the picture)
2. I go to the wipe cache partition and YES - Wipe Cache
3. I go to advanced and go to wipe davlik cache YES- wipe davlik cache (E:unknow volume for path [/sd-ext]) Davlik cache wiped.
4. I go to install zip from SD card
5. choose zip from external sdcard
6. choose PACROM_kai_port_dblake_20151006.zip - click YES - PACROM_kai_port_dblake_20151006.zip
This package is for device: kai; this is A2109A
E: Error in /external_sd/PACROM_kai_port_dblake_20151006.zip
(Status 7)
Installation aborted

What can I do, to install this rom for my Lenovo A2019!


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Hi again!

I have windows 10.

How can I install cm 11?
What is repo???


You need another recovery, a newer one and JB bootloader. Please find details below.
P.S. Read the thread carefully, everything is described here.

Just download JBBootloader from that thread Useful Files, From Drivers To Modded ROMs | Android Tablet Forum and flash it from the custom recovery you use. Then you are ready to flash the latest CWM from this thread (I used rashr from play store for this purpose). And after that you can flash the recent build of CM11 using new recovery. Good luck!
You need another recovery, a newer one and JB bootloader. Please find details below.
P.S. Read the thread carefully, everything is described here.



I make something wrong.

Now the tab don't turn on.

The win 10 doesn't recognize it. Just searching and unknow USb device.

What must I do now!

Please help me....

I make something wrong.
Now the tab don't turn on.
The win 10 doesn't recognize it. Just searching and unknow USb device.
What must I do now!
Please help me....

Hi Zoli, :)

with windows 10, life can be quite simple as far as drivers are concerned. Plug your Lenovo in, right click on the Start button, choose Device Manager, look for the unknown USB device, click on 'update driver', choose 'automatic update'. If that does not work, I am Hungarian, too, send me a PM :)
Hi Yaka!

Köszi, azóta megoldódott és bekapcsolt a gép.
A CWM recovery-be viszont nem lép be.
Tudsz segíteni a PAC ROM vagy egyéb újabb típusú megbízható ROM telepítésében?

1. Felteszek egy újabb CWM recovery fastboottal!
2. A recovery-ben elindítok egy újabb JB bootloadert
3. Na innen nemtudom mit kell csinálni.

Hi Yaka!
Köszi, azóta megoldódott és bekapcsolt a gép.
A CWM recovery-be viszont nem lép be.
Tudsz segíteni a PAC ROM vagy egyéb újabb típusú megbízható ROM telepítésében?
1. Felteszek egy újabb CWM recovery fastboottal!
2. A recovery-ben elindítok egy újabb JB bootloadert
3. Na innen nemtudom mit kell csinálni.

Szia Zoli!
1. Ezt a CWM-et tedd fel: http://floorenpj.xs4all.nl/kitkat-for-kai/cwm-
2. Ha fent van, rögtön telepítheted SD-kártyáról a ROM-ot és a GAPPS-t:
- PJBrs ROM-ja: http://floorenpj.xs4all.nl/kitkat-for-kai/cm-11-20151001-UNOFFICIAL-kai.zip
- GAPPS: gapps-kk-20140105-signed.zip | by SiteOwner for Generic Device
Szia Yaka!

Köszi. Megpróbálom ma, ha lesz időm.

Ha elakadok, úgyis jelzek.

Köszike mégegyszer.
Just download JBBootloader from that thread Useful Files, From Drivers To Modded ROMs | Android Tablet Forum and flash it from the custom recovery you use. Then you are ready to flash the latest CWM from this thread (I used rashr from play store for this purpose). And after that you can flash the recent build of CM11 using new recovery. Good luck!
I had this same problem where my A2109 would not boot into the posted cwm. I installed the JBBootloader as instructed here, and now it works. Thank you so very much for posting this solution!!!
Wow what a beautiful job it did on My A2109A work great except can not see my /sdcard1and if i go into ES file explorer it show /sdcard1 and /sdcard2 but they not working try to copy a file to it and kept saying not enouf space and brightness kept going dark by itself but chrome cast work with netflix,HDMI work with a cable to TV ,very nice Rom Thank you very much PJBrs to revive my Tablet.Ray
Wow man thank you very much for supporting this device!!! I thought there will be no more support after the CM10.2 before!! Keep up the great work!!!