[ROM][6.0.1] Unlegacy Android 6.0.1/Lineage-13.0 For A2109 [2017-05-28]

Tonight, one day later, battery is at 17%... What a drop. I left it open and start to recharge it. Will see tomorrow morning if deep sleep is back.

OK, @PJBrs was right, I left the tablet after a full charge open last night around 10 PM and, this morning, the battery was at 73% so deep sleep not working without a reboot after a full charge.
I hear people chanting "Nou-Gat! Nou-Gat! Nou-Gat!"

hmm, I wonder what the people want. Probably some Milky Way's
Hi Guys,
what exactly is the deep sleep problem. My Tablet gets turned off generally, so I probably won't see it.

I am assuming at this time that full standby isn't happening and the processor draws power at full rate?

At this time I am really happy with the build, it's fast and means my tablet can use most apps, apart from damned all4 app insisting i have root .
Let me re-phrase that.
all4 (uk tv app) doesn't like rooted devices. It insists my tablet is rooted(therefore no access). even though it is not rooted.
I hear people chanting "Nou-Gat! Nou-Gat! Nou-Gat!"

hmm, I wonder what the people want. Probably some Milky Way's

Hehe, well, as it is, I'm working on something quite different. I'm collaborating with the people from UnlegacyAndroid. The guys who first ported kernel 3.4 to tegra3 chipset (i.e., ours) are over there as well, working on grouper, and doing amazing stuff. Stuff that, I hope, will also help us as well. In fact, it has already fixed the reboot on wifi display disconnect, meaning we're more and more beyond original stock in terms of features. Also, I now use the grouper lollipop camera HAL, which means an important reduction in compatibility patches. Finally, they're rather close to aosp, so, with UnlegacyAndroid, we could be as well. In other words, I'm delaying Nougat while building a very solid basis for a tablet so old as ours.

Hi Guys,
what exactly is the deep sleep problem. My Tablet gets turned off generally, so I probably won't see it.

I am assuming at this time that full standby isn't happening and the processor draws power at full rate?

Indeed. In Android, both apps and kernel drivers can hold a wakelock, meaning that the device cannot suspend entirely. In our case this means battery depletion in one to three days on idle. Without deep sleep issues, our tablet might go for 16 days on a full battery. I'm testing a number of kernel patches that, so far, seem advantageous...
I just wanted to drop a line to express my amazement at the dedication you have, for constantly updating and improving our tablet. It proves that these devices never really go out of date, once there are people willing and able to adapt whatever software is out there. Thanks for everything.....
Hello all, I'm working at making AOSP right now. Part of it involves an OPEN SOURCE audio HAL. It is actually working nicely, as far as I can tell, meaning, that I haven't the faintest idea about whether hdmi audio is working. So, who's able to test that? Please let me know!

In other news, I've added a slew of security patches, I'm quite sure the battery wakelock is gone, on AOSP I still have a power manager problem but otherwise it is nice, and for the rest - I think we're now bordering on feature parity with grouper lollipop :D

But for now - please let me know if you can test hdmi audio!
Hello all, I'm working at making AOSP right now. Part of it involves an OPEN SOURCE audio HAL. It is actually working nicely, as far as I can tell, meaning, that I haven't the faintest idea about whether hdmi audio is working. So, who's able to test that? Please let me know!

In other news, I've added a slew of security patches, I'm quite sure the battery wakelock is gone, on AOSP I still have a power manager problem but otherwise it is nice, and for the rest - I think we're now bordering on feature parity with grouper lollipop :D

But for now - please let me know if you can test hdmi audio!

If you put the latest file up, I'll install it later and check the hdmi audio. I've a cable here.
Here you go, this is my most recent build:

(MD5: f9609bdae50b565324c8d893dd25ad73)

Also keep your eye on the battery. If you charge it with a 2A charger, please check whether it reaches 100%. I've switched battery drivers, is why.

Thanks for helping out! By the way, if it doesn't work, would you be able to do some testing? It would involve doing some stuff over adb. As long as you're able to get adb working, I can "talk" you through the steps of (hopefully) getting hdmi audio out working.
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Here you go, this is my most recent build:

(MD5: f9609bdae50b565324c8d893dd25ad73)

Also keep your eye on the battery. If you charge it with a 2A charger, please check whether it reaches 100%. I've switched battery drivers, is why.

Thanks for helping out! By the way, if it doesn't work, would you be able to do some testing? It would involve doing some stuff over adb. As long as you're able to get adb working, I can "talk" you through the steps of (hopefully) getting hdmi audio out working.

Ok, dirty flashed new ROM and OpenGapps. Cleared Dalvik and cache. HDMI video output seems to work, a bit jumpy but that may be the app I was using. No AUDIO. I tried a couple of different apps, and video files. Maybe someone else wants to check as well. Battery is currently at 95%. How do you suggest to load test the battery? Put something running, and let tablet battery empty? I have adb fastboot for windows. I've flashed a few ROM's, recoveries, so I know the basics for helping out. Do I need the Lenovo tools as well?
Okay... Hmmm... That's a pity. Let's see whether we can solve this. Do you get no sound output at all? So, not via hdmi, nor via speakers / headphone / bluetooth when hdmi is connected? Next, can you do the following (let me know if you need more detailed commands). Start with your device not connected to hdmi. Now give the following commands:
adb root
adb shell

Please report the output of the tinymix command here. Next, connect hdmi (DO NOT PLAY ANYTHING YET) and repeat the tinymix command and post the output here. Finally, play a video or something that has sound, and again repeat the tinymix command.

While you are doing all this, make sure you have opened a second shell on your computer to collect logcat, but only the output for the audio hal, like so:

adb logcat | grep tiny

(Are you on linux? I don't know if the grep thing works on windows...)

If you have time, it would also be great if you can repeat this entire procedure on the previous build.

I expect (hope) that the problem resides in how I configured the audio HAL. This is an xml file - /etc/tiny_hw.xml that defines audio routing. I already changed it to add proper bass boost on the headphone, and I hope that hdmi out can be fixed with just one command.
Okay... Hmmm... That's a pity. Let's see whether we can solve this. Do you get no sound output at all? So, not via hdmi, nor via speakers / headphone / bluetooth when hdmi is connected? Next, can you do the following (let me know if you need more detailed commands). Start with your device not connected to hdmi. Now give the following commands:
adb root
adb shell

Please report the output of the tinymix command here. Next, connect hdmi (DO NOT PLAY ANYTHING YET) and repeat the tinymix command and post the output here. Finally, play a video or something that has sound, and again repeat the tinymix command.

While you are doing all this, make sure you have opened a second shell on your computer to collect logcat, but only the output for the audio hal, like so:

adb logcat | grep tiny

(Are you on linux? I don't know if the grep thing works on windows...)

If you have time, it would also be great if you can repeat this entire procedure on the previous build.

I expect (hope) that the problem resides in how I configured the audio HAL. This is an xml file - /etc/tiny_hw.xml that defines audio routing. I already changed it to add proper bass boost on the headphone, and I hope that hdmi out can be fixed with just one command.

Heres a text file with the commands issued in the requested order - the adb logcat grep tiny doesn't work (grep is not recognised,etc, etc.). All the results in the text file look the same, did I do it wrong?


  • hdmi test.txt
    2.5 KB · Views: 271