[ROM][4.4.4] Cyanogenmod-11 for Lenovo A2109 (20160510)

Hi, @PJBrs , I flash new cwm & ROM from 29.01.16, tablet works nice. But I have a problem: when I charge tablet, it's suddenly shut down or when I plug charger tablet freeze (hepls only reboot).
Anybody has this bug?
Can I flash ROM from 01.10.15 again?
Can't use tablet on new ROM!!! Help!
I've had also had the screen flashing issue. I was ableto minimize them by going to Settings>Developer Options. Make sure Disable HW Overlays and Force GPU Rending are checker. Another thing that may help is turning down animation scaling. I have mine set to 0.2x.

I can't get YouTube to stream 480p in the app, only using the desktop website loaded in Google Chrome. Is anyone else having this problem?
Hi, @PJBrs , I flash new cwm & ROM from 29.01.16, tablet works nice. But I have a problem: when I charge tablet, it's suddenly shut down or when I plug charger tablet freeze (hepls only reboot).
Anybody has this bug?
Can I flash ROM from 01.10.15 again?
Can't use tablet on new ROM!!! Help!
Hmmm, that doesn't sound right at all. Did you check the md5sum of your download?

Can you drop to a terminal and do the following. First collect some data. Please drop to a terminal, become root (su), and return the output of the following commands (hash sign is the command prompt, it's not part of the command itself):

# cat /sys/block/mmcblk0/device/name
# cat /proc/board_version
# cat /proc/cmdline

After that, get a kernel log. Just continue with the same terminal and do:
# cat /proc/kmsg

First familiarise yourself with the output while the tablet idles. Perhaps this is easiest via adb over network, but using the terminal app itself should work also. Then plug in the charger cable and watch out for anything unusual.

By the way, flashing the previous version should not be a problem, apart from supposedly (I cannot be sure...) a higher risk of bricking your tablet. I advise not charging your tablet overnight.
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Md5 is ok, I checked.

Device name M8G2FB;
Board version D00;
When I try cmdline - permission denied? What I do wrong?

Md5 is ok, I checked.

Device name M8G2FB;
Board version D00;
When I try cmdline - permission denied? What I do wrong?

Are you root? You must do
$ su

First. If your prompt is a dollar sign, you are not root. If your prompt is a hash sign, you are root.

Have you tried reinstalling and first cleaning cache?
@PJBrs, thanks i prompt su and well done.Kernel log will be later.
Yes, i reinstall ROM with wipe cache and dalvic cache, before and after. :(
WE MAY HAVE ADDITIONAL PROBLEMS. I have two users that reported a brick with the new KitKat, and now I don't know what to do anymore - what would you prefer:
  1. Revert to the old, unpatched kernel - we know that it has a problem, but apparently it hardly ever occurs
  2. Add more patches that add additional hardware quirks
For now, I've put back up the October 1 version of KitKat.

Here's the details.
I'm worried that I haven't solved all of the problem, especially this bit:

        if (req->cmd_flags & REQ_SECURE)
                ret = mmc_blk_issue_secdiscard_rq(mq, req);
                ret = mmc_blk_issue_discard_rq(mq, req);

Google has commented out the secdiscard variant. A later patch makes it conditional, and skip the call for certain types of internal memory:

        if (req->cmd_flags & REQ_SECURE &&
                !(card->quirks & MMC_QUIRK_SEC_ERASE_TRIM_BROKEN))
                ret = mmc_blk_issue_secdiscard_rq(mq, req);
                ret = mmc_blk_issue_discard_rq(mq, req);

Looking at the rest of the patch, it appears that the following memory types are affected:
M8G2FA, MAG4FA, MBG8FA, MCGAFA, VAL00M, VYL00M, KYL00M, and VZL00M. The evidence provided by ourselves suggests that our devices are unaffected, because our memory is MAG2GA and M8G2FB. But others might well exist that we haven't found yet.

In the meantime, I honestly don't know what to recommend. I'll rebuild KitKat, and add e kernel with more patches, or one without the patches. (By the way, I'll certainly use a patched kernel for lollipop.)
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Okay found the problem. I'm very sorry, I messed up, I did include a new kernel, but somehow I didn't add the right one. My apologies.

I really don't know how this happened, especially since the recovery works as it should be, whereas the kernel that I accidentally shipped gives all kinds of glitches in recovery. I must have made a mistake using git.

I'll put up a new kitkat build within two days. In the meantime, it might be wise to downgrade to the 20151001 version.
Here's a new KitKat build. I've tested it for about 30 minutes right now, and I literally triple checked the kernel. If you're on the 20160129 build, then you should probably upgrade. This time, the kernel patches to work around the emmc firmware bug are included. The kernel branch is kernel-kai-clean. The important patches:

2f532b4 mmc: card: Skip secure erase on MoviNAND; causes unrecoverable corruption.
53e6b43 mmc: card: Use manufacturer ID symbols in card quirks.
18a29c9 mmc: core: Add quirk for long data read time
37b5f30 mmc: core: new discard feature support at Samsung eMMC v4.41+.

Here's the download:
cwm- (MD5: 2709d97274ebb8d09b14365695a46dc0)
cm-11-20160217-UNOFFICIAL-kai.zip (MD5: a17a2ce68596f28bf84ee508d5298356)

Advice - install recovery before upgrading the ROM.

... and man, do I hope we can now leave this bricking business behind us!
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... and man, do I hope we can now leave this bricking business behind us!

I install the new build 20160217 and test it.

No problem at the installation, I made and upgrade from the build 20151001. I test it a few hours yesterday and working well except for 2 thinks:
- There was somes gliches when listening to music.
- I had a video problem in the game Angry Birds 2.

I also left the tablet plug in the charger all night and it was still working in the morning.

I will do this for 1 week to be shure everythink is OK.

Thanks @PJBrs for all the work you done for this tablet.
I install the new build 20160217 and test it.

No problem at the installation, I made and upgrade from the build 20151001. I test it a few hours yesterday and working well except for 2 thinks:
- There was somes gliches when listening to music.
- I had a video problem in the game Angry Birds 2.

I also left the tablet plug in the charger all night and it was still working in the morning.

I will do this for 1 week to be shure everythink is OK.

Thanks @PJBrs for all the work you done for this tablet.
That's some thorough testing, THANKS!

I did my own little test today - I fully drained the battery and then rebooted. Successfully ;)
I test it a few hours yesterday and working well except for 2 thinks:
- There was somes gliches when listening to music.
- I had a video problem in the game Angry Birds 2.

I made a mistake, it is not Angry Birds 2 but Angry Birds Go that making video problem.

Hey @joebine, thanks for testing. What was the video problem?

In the game Angry Birds go, All the textures of the game are like small color blocks or pixel. The game is playable, we can see the cart and the track but all the surfaces are not as they are supposed to be.
I test the last build (20160217) for 1 week now and it is very stable.

I left the tablet plug to the charger all night every night with the tablet open without any brick.
I also try to leave the tablet open plug on charger all day long without any problem just to be shure.

I also test bluetooth and it is all working.
Some glitches in audio playback when the tablet get to black screen after 1 minute of no activities.

Good job @PJBrs