[ROM][7.1.2] Unlegacy Android 7.1.2 (Nougat)

At the time of installing the ROM when I want to put the Gapps that are nano. It throws me an error 70 in the recovery saying that I do not have enough space in the system
If you get error 70 with the nano package you have two alternatives. The first is to use the pico package. The second is to use a package of roughly the same vintage, like [GAPPS] [7.1.2] [ARM/ARM64] [July 25th] Beans GApps . The problem you're encountering is that the app sizes have increased in the intervening years between the release of this ROM and now, and unfortunately the system partition of the A2109 is too small for it.

Based on the link I provided, you'd want the mini package, as the apps in the full package - except the camera most likely - can all be downloaded direct from the Play Store.
well I solved the issue of the Gapps ... but I have a question, is it normal that it suddenly restarts with some apps? install firefox as a browser and I had to remove it because the tablet restarted. In addition, I also downloaded the plants vs zombies 2 and when I start it I have a black screen, something that did not happen before with the previous rom that I had which I do not remember what it is because the tablet was brought to me after so much in very bad condition and this before I remember that I had a boot image of a record player that put the rom but I don't remember what it was called
It's not normal. I assume you put the ROM on the device, but did you wipe data and cache? If you didn't properly wipe the tablet that could be the source of your problems, in which case you want to wipe the tablet and try again.

I rustled up two Acer Iconia Tab A500 Android 4 still working (8GB the first and 16GB the second one)

Being a newbie I don't have a clear idea from where to start to update version 7.1.2

I rustled up two Acer Iconia Tab A500 Android 4 still working (8GB the first and 16GB the second one)

Being a newbie I don't have a clear idea from where to start to update version 7.1.2

Hi, I have a Galapad 7 tegra 3. Which one would be compatible?

Many thanks!

These ROMs won't work on your tablets as they are specifically designed with the Lenovo A2109 in mind. Since the hardware drivers have to be compiled into the kernel installing this ROM on your tablets is likely to irrecoverably brick any tablet other than the A2109.
I recently was given a Medion Lifetab S9714 (= Lenovo Ideatab A2109). Installing TWRP was not too difficult.
The only newer ROM I could find was CM-12.1 for Lenovo a2109 (20160901).
Has anyone still access to
- ua_a2109-6.0.1-20170916175354.zip
- ua_a2109-7.1.2-20171102085214.zip
which I could not find anywhere?

Thank you!
I recently was given a Medion Lifetab S9714 (= Lenovo Ideatab A2109). Installing TWRP was not too difficult.
The only newer ROM I could find was CM-12.1 for Lenovo a2109 (20160901).
Has anyone still access to
- ua_a2109-6.0.1-20170916175354.zip
- ua_a2109-7.1.2-20171102085214.zip
which I could not find anywhere?

Thank you!
in my opinion, the best one is ua_a2109-6.0.1
This post is _long_ overdue, but hey!

The latest ROM for our tablet is UnlegacyAndroid 7.1.2 (Nougat). Downloads are here:

Unlegacy Android - Downloads

You may wonder - what is UnlegacyAndroid? It is a ROM that tries to stay rather close to AOSP sources, with support for various tablets with Tegra3 chipsets, such as 2012 Nexus 7 (grouper / tilapia), Acer A500, and more. The people for UA have been the first to port a 3.4 kernel to tegra3 successfully, and their work has made it much, much easier to build marshmallow and nougat. So, major thanks go out to to Ziyann and Sheffzor for their amazing work bringing kernel 3.4 to tegra3 and all the other team members of UA!

I currently have no plans for making a new Nougat build of Lineage, since UA is so much better. Then again, with the sources below, building Lineage is actually very easy!

Installation instructions
These are general installation instructions for people coming from marshmallow, who already have flashed a recovery image. I'm assuming that you're either using twrp or cwm- If you're using cwm, please ignore its offer to fix root after installation. I added some commands that work on Linux, I'm not familiar with Windows beyond XP, but please add your own instructions in the comments for the benefit of others:
  1. Put the ROM on your SD-Card
  2. (Optional) put opengapps pico on your SD-Card (all other packages are too large)
  3. Install fastboot and adb on PC (actually not necessary, but nice to have)
  4. Reboot to recovery (e.g., adb reboot recovery)
  5. (Optional) back-up current ROM
  6. Clean cache and dalvik cache
  7. Install new ROM, and optionally gapps to (if you want to use gapps, you need to do it right away)
  8. Reboot
Note that first boot takes ages.

Features and bugs
  • Adoptable storage for SD-Card
  • Kernel 3.4
  • Cast display to chromecast (BUG: Crash upon disconnect; REGRESSION)
  • Screen recording
  • Overall a much smoother experience due to newer blobs
  • Sound (mic and speakers)
  • EGL
  • Video-playback
  • HDMI-out
  • Bluetooth
  • Bluesleep
  • Wifi
  • Wifi-direct (wifi-p2p)
  • GPS
  • Camera
  • Video recording
  • External sdcard
  • SeLinux
  • Hardware rotation lock button
  • Crash on screen recording (REGRESSION)
  • Crash on disconnect screencast from chromecast (REGRESSION)
  • When connecting to usb while deep sleeping, it takes a long time for the device to wake up (REGRESSION)
  • You tell me!
Further development
Further development:
  • Backport google kernel security issues to kernel 3.4
  • Build newer twrp

Build instructions for UnlegacyAndroid
Sources are here:
GitHub - Unlegacy-Android/android_device_lenovo_a2109
GitHub - Unlegacy-Android/android_kernel_nvidia_tegra3
GitHub - Unlegacy-Android/android_hardware_nvidia_tegra3
GitHub - Unlegacy-Android/proprietary_vendor_lenovo
GitHub - Unlegacy-Android/proprietary_vendor_broadcom
GitHub - Unlegacy-Android/proprietary_vendor_nvidia
GitHub - Unlegacy-Android/proprietary_vendor_widevine

Note that the build instructions for UA as well as the assorted above trees should be enough to basically build almost any custom ROM. Only things needed (IIRC) are an additional patch to bionic and a patch to selinux to allow text relocations, and one patch to frameworks/base to support the rotation lock button.

Instructions:First install repo. Then create a root directory for your sources (e.g. ~/src/unlegacyandroid). Go into that directory and do:

repo init -u git://github.com/Unlegacy-Android/android.git -b aosp-7.1
repo sync
. build/envsetup.sh
brunch ua_a2109-userdebug

The -b switch selects which branch you'll build.

hello! im so sorry for replying so much im new here. 😅 i just recently got a lenovo a2109 tablet lenovo in version 4.0.4 and i honestly cant do anything with it. apps dont work and even the websites arent working so i decided to flash it. im very new to this and i was wondering, what programs and files do i need? i already have adb and an sd card but i dont know where to start. any help would be very appreciated!
You need the ROM: thank the Russians (ua_a2109-7.1.2-20200619-0106.zip). You need a Google apps package (The Open GApps Project). You need a custom recovery: thank the Russians again (twrp-recovery-

I leave it to you to follow the instructions you quoted above. Be aware that I do not have this device so I won't be able to help you. The people who had this unit have moved on to other devices, which given the age of this thread is no surprise, so they are unlikely to be able to help you. Bricking the device is a possibility, though slim. Nevertheless, if something happens you're pretty much out of luck.