[ROM] [Coby MID1042] Alien Droid (Advanced GUI customization) [11.18.12]

UPDATED 4/20/2013 7:09PM 19:09 20/04/2013

***indicates updates since last post - Moderator: I am editing the original post to keep things less confusing if this is not correct please let me


This posting is for the benefit of AlienDroid Users - a sweet ROM!

AlienDroid V1 & V2 bricking and Boot loops may be caused by Hardware Revisions as suggested by vampirefo - to add to the effort to determine is this is true I have tested

several ROM .img's and .zip's - I bricked my particular Coby MID 1042 following instructions to root it found on the internet (not this Forums method

- that worked very well) - when I used livesuit to unbrick all was fine except no WiFi - the log files indicate a failure to initialize the WiFi

module - hoping to get the WiFi back I have tested several ROMS so far - here are the Results of ROM Tests on Coby Kyros Mid 1042 so far.

***I no longer have the WiFi issue under AlienDroid V2 - everything on the 1042 works better than out of the box - for my particular 1042 tablet the WiFi issue was triggered during GooglePlayStore registration and was fixed by removing that GooglePlayStore and it supporting apps then installing the GooglePlayStore from the Po_ROM_Pompero_JB_1_0.img - This took me all night last night and most of today to figure out. The 1st clue was certain GooglePlayStore installs either included in a ROM or d/L'd would shut off the WiFi module and I could not get it back on after that and the USB WiFi dongles worked fine until I tried to register for GooglePlayStore. Neither the internal WiFi nor the dongles worked again until I reinstalled one of the ROMs that woke the WiFi back up. Other GooglePlayStores included in a few of the ROMs did not do this. So being a stunod I just used the GooglePlayStore that never stopped the built in WiFi. I have NO PROBLEMS WITH THIS 1042 at this time

livesuit 1.11 ROMS (1.07 thru 1.11 work on my 1042 s/n124120085516)

sun4i_crane_mid1042_120701(8GB)V1.img - will install - Coby MID 1042 ROM - Kernal 3.08 - Andriod 4.03 - Build 2012071.120000 - will root using

instructions from this Forum - will ClockWorkMod using instructions from this forum - Camera works - touch screen is good - runs a dash laggy No WiFi

for me

sun4i_crane_mid1042_120820Phip-V1.img - will install - Bootloop on 2nd COBY screen

sun4i_crane_mid1042-CrazyHamster-120808-v1.img - will install - Coby MID 1042 ROM -Kernal 3.08 - Android 4.03 - Build 20120808.180255 - will root

using instructions from this Forum - will ClockWorkMod using instructions from this forum - Camera works - touch screen is good - runs snappy No WiFi

for me

***Po_ROM_Pompero_JB_1_0.img - will install - Mobil Businessline ProTab 2 XXL ROM - Spanish, to change language press "Aceptar" on 1st screen, press

"Insetellingen" (Settings) on home screen, press "Idiomas y entrada de textos" in Settings, press "Idioma", choose your language - Kernal 3.08+

inet_idw@inetsuperserver #5 Mon Dec 17 20:39:56 CST 2012 - Android 4.1.1 - Build Po_ROM_Pompero_1.0_chujalt - ROM comes Rooted with busybox and

working Google Store - could not get ClockWorkMod installed using livesuit and CWM-recovery- (will not install) or recovery-clockwork- (screen flash boot loop) - ClockWorkMod thru ROM Manager results in "Device Not Listed" - Camera and WiFi work on my Mid 1042 -

Issues:volume down button not working - Observations: nice ROM, looks good responsive touch screen, snappy response, camera is clearer than stock

ROMS, text and icons are smaller but seem to be crisper than stock - there are instructions for installing ClockWorkMod on the internet will try them

later - at first glance this ROM seems to come with a lot more device drivers than stock and will initialize a number of USB devices that the stock

ROMs will not - very smooth ROM pleasing to use - could find nothing except the ClockWorkMod issue everything else is better than stock but a dash

less than AlienDroid V2 which unfortunately did not initialize my WiFi module
***did Root by installing superuser(install run it say ok close it) then supersu pro v1.05 patched (make sure WiFi is on install run it tap continue)

and ClockWorkMod istalled following the instructions from this Forum once it is rooted, ClockWorkMod ran immediatly after installing but tablet was in

1st Android logo screen boot loop (unless you wanted to play with ClockWorkMod ROMS CWM is not necessary as Google Play Store works fine w/o it)

***01F2-D1-H1-H01-1744.20121217.img - will install - Cherry M1007 ROM - Dutch, to change language press "OK" on 1st screen, press "Ajustes" (Settings)

on home screen, press "Tall en invoer" in Settings, press "Taal", choose your language - Kernal 3.08+ inet_idw@inetsuperserver #5 Mon Dec 17 20:39:56

CST 2012 - Android 4.1.1 - Build 01F2-D1-H1-H01-1744.20121217 - ROM is not Rooted - working Google Store !! shuts off the stock WiFi adapter during

verification connection manually turn it back on then will work fine!! - will not root using instructions from this Forum - will root with

Root_with_Restore_by_Bin4ry_v18 - once it is rooted you can use the root/unroot/dump tool from this forum to do a dump - ClockWorkMod will install

following the instructions from this Forum once it is rooted - Camera and WiFi work on my Mid 1042 - Issues:volume down button not working volume up

turns down volume, screen rotaation is manual so far will check settings and utilities for possible remedies - Observations: nice ROM, looks good

responsive touch screen, snappy response, camera is clearer than stock ROMS, text and icons are same as stock MID 1042 - there are instructions for

installing ClockWorkMod on the internet will try them later - at fisrt glance this ROM seems to come with a lot more device drivers than stock and

will initialize a number of USB devices that the stock ROMs will not - very smooth ROM pleasing to use - could find nothing except the ClockWorkMod

issue everything else is better than stock but a dash less than AlienDroid V2 which unfortunately did not initialize my WiFi module

****GCA103_120830.img - will install - GoClever TAB A103 - English - kernal 3.08+ andriod3@Linux#186 Thu Jul 5 14:59:27 CST 2012 - Andriod 4.04 -

Build crane_m1003h6-eng4.0.4IMM76D20120718 - ROM comes rooted with busybox and working Google Play Store - camera does not work but stock WiFi does on

my MID1042 - Google Store shuts off Stock WiFi (this happens with a lot of these ROMs whichever method GooglePlay was gotten on the TAB!) but WiFi

dongle works fine (WLAN 11N Micro USBAdapter.1T1R FC CE 1177 FCC ID: PANWL6200V1) - Issues:volume down button not working - Observations: nice ROM,

looks good responsive touch screen, snappy response, camera is clearer than stock ROMS, text and icons similar to stock - at first glance this ROM

seems to come with a LOT more device drivers than stock and will initialize a number of USB devices that the stock ROMs will not - very similar to

stock ROM but already rooted with GooglePlay - will try to get ClockWorkMod and do some dumps later

ClockWorkMod ROMs:

AlienDroidV1.zip - will install - Modified ROM - works well - read Thread for specifics - Pretty Dang Good - Camera Works No WiFi (for me - which is why

I am trying these) - Issues:none seen

AlienDroidV2.zip - will install - Modified ROM - works well - read Thread for specifics - I like this one the most - Camera Works No WiFi (for me - which is why

I am trying these) - Issues:none seen

StockMid1042.zip - will install - Coby MID 1042 ROM - Kernal 3.08+ - Android 4.03 - Build 20120515.122329 - Camera Works No WiFi (for me - which is

why I am trying these) - Issues:unresponsive touch screen - Laggy

Stock_1042.zip - will install - Coby MID 1042 ROM - Kernal 3.08+ - Android 4.03 - Build 20120515.122329 - Camera Works No WiFi (for me - which is why

I am trying these) - Issues:none seen

End Of Test Results

If the readers of this thread or Forum want I will do some dumps and post them in the ROMS WANTED thread - let me know - I do not wich to post the alternate Tablet model ROMs which do work unless the Forum wishes it due to the fact they are not actually Koby Generation 3 ROMS

Are you saying that GAPPS were causing the problem...f**k

...sorry I was gone so long...
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Hey powerpoint45!

Google may be exhibiting some proprietary behavior, at least it looks that way.

In short I have been able to reproduce my original issue, WiFi failure, as well as more serious issues ( sudden reboots, failure to boot, boot loops et. c.) simply by putting the GoogleMarket package on ROMs that came with alternative markets or by disabling random (so far) parts of the package on ROMs that came with the Google package.
I am also getting strong indication that Google is aware of some of the hacks or hack apps that allow or could be a part of what allows unauthorized access to thier services.

To be sure I have not looked at the vender section of each and every system I have here but the one's I looked at are the same or very similar. Some include more HW possibilities which would be the ones to really look at.

Unfortunately I made no backup of my tablet before trying to get Google on it caused the WiFi to stop then bricked it on the next reboot. The reason I made no backup was partly the instructions I had found did not mention backups and partly because there was a lot of language refering to Flashing ROMs which to me means erasing and programming an EEPROM, which I was not doing. So I cannot see what my late model 1042 tablet came with to verify the revision issue. To be sure there are different WiFi modules, you can read that in the vendor section and some of them have more or less WiFi modules and other hardware, to be sure the HW differneces show up all over the system but the vendor part is short and easy to look over.

So we know for sure there are hardware differences which is causing a part of the issues but across a number of ROMs I have tried things are fine until you try to get to GoogleMarket - then the WIFi refusal to initialize or signal dropping (internal or dongle it hits both) comes up and if you have been installing hacker stuff even bigger issues. That is the easiest part, we just have to identify the system variations and find a way (serial numbers?) to identify the variants. The Google part is the fun/tear your hair out part. In every case the WiFi dongle was in the tablet the dongle never worked correctly or at all unless in some cases I shut down, rebooted with it out then rebooted with it in or in some cases would not work correctly until I installed the ROM again.

Way back when, Viruses were often modelled on copy protection and other 'we made it and we will not let you do it unless you give us our gold' stuff the software or hardware makers put in.

Another indication of this is my friend's 1042 which started to have unresponsive touch, be laggy, drop WiFi (network out of range, 10 feet away from the router) et.c after we did the root, CWM and Google. This morning we got the corrrect ROM back in (this Forum's methods) with root and CWM but left out Google and so far very good, somewhat faster than before with Google. To be sure we have to see what happens over the next few days.

No doubt AlienAndroid makes the 1042 a better machine, also no doubt to make it work on all 1042 it would have to have variant specific versions or a bigger system with all the HW inside. Take a look at the Systems and rip all the HW variations, pack it, wrap it and may well be good to go. I have no problems testing anything except something that would actually flash the BIOS (firmware in modern speak?)
No doubt Google is protecting itself.
No doubt Google software can and does stop unauthorized access by a number of means - the Nexus mask is a very good effort to defeat this but I am getting pretty sure Google can get past the mask at least in some cases.
A short distance from no doubt Google is coming up with methods to detect more sophisticated unauthorized access and is either by design or as an unintended consequence causing various hardware issues.

I remember cracking a software package for release a long time ago when during my 1st test run a big yellow message popped up "Lick My User Port You Dirty Pirate" (the programmer was female) and my system crashed and had to be reinstalled. That was a long time ago, better can be done today.
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Is there anyway to see the CMOS/BIOS/Firmware or whatever we call it now?

I do not mean the firmware inside the system part of ROMs which looks like display drivers.
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I am writing this to make it clear as to why I included that copy and paste from eBay...
I appreciate you explaining yourself. :)

To make it clear, there were two reasons I made the edit.

  1. I didn't want you getting offers for your tablet when you had no intention of selling it. I knew you weren't trying to sell it, but I wanted to make it abundantly clear that you weren't. Thus, to make sure the post still made sense I edited out everything but that sentence.
  2. Readability. The WiFi issue was getting lost in the message since you included the other information.

If I edit a post, it's simply me being proactive in trying to head off potential issues, including the ones listed above. It does not mean that anyone has gotten out of line. If there had been a real issue with a post, the poster would have known it via PM.
Do you know what is happening to wifi or how to fix it in a ROM?

I was referring to my tablet, the tablet hates wep, which is what I use on my router, but the tablet loves wpa which is what my phones uses.

whread's problem is a lib, he loads different modules for wifi, switching the lib in your rom would fix his wifi, but break wifi for everyone else.
I was referring to my tablet, the tablet hates wep, which is what I use on my router, but the tablet loves wpa which is what my phones uses.

whread's problem is a lib, he loads different modules for wifi, switching the lib in your rom would fix his wifi, but break wifi for everyone else.

Hmmm... so that's weird...
Hey powerpoint45!

Google may be exhibiting some proprietary behavior, at least it looks that way.

In short I have been able to reproduce my original issue, WiFi failure, as well as more serious issues ( sudden reboots, failure to boot, boot loops et. c.) simply by putting the GoogleMarket package on ROMs that came with alternative markets or by disabling random (so far) parts of the package on ROMs that came with the Google package.
I am also getting strong indication that Google is aware of some of the hacks or hack apps that allow or could be a part of what allows unauthorized access to thier services.

To be sure I have not looked at the vender section of each and every system I have here but the one's I looked at are the same or very similar. Some include more HW possibilities which would be the ones to really look at.

Unfortunately I made no backup of my tablet before trying to get Google on it caused the WiFi to stop then bricked it on the next reboot. The reason I made no backup was partly the instructions I had found did not mention backups and partly because there was a lot of language refering to Flashing ROMs which to me means erasing and programming an EEPROM, which I was not doing. So I cannot see what my late model 1042 tablet came with to verify the revision issue. To be sure there are different WiFi modules, you can read that in the vendor section and some of them have more or less WiFi modules and other hardware, to be sure the HW differneces show up all over the system but the vendor part is short and easy to look over.

So we know for sure there are hardware differences which is causing a part of the issues but across a number of ROMs I have tried things are fine until you try to get to GoogleMarket - then the WIFi refusal to initialize or signal dropping (internal or dongle it hits both) comes up and if you have been installing hacker stuff even bigger issues. That is the easiest part, we just have to identify the system variations and find a way (serial numbers?) to identify the variants. The Google part is the fun/tear your hair out part. In every case the WiFi dongle was in the tablet the dongle never worked correctly or at all unless in some cases I shut down, rebooted with it out then rebooted with it in or in some cases would not work correctly until I installed the ROM again.

Way back when, Viruses were often modelled on copy protection and other 'we made it and we will not let you do it unless you give us our gold' stuff the software or hardware makers put in.

Another indication of this is my friend's 1042 which started to have unresponsive touch, be laggy, drop WiFi (network out of range, 10 feet away from the router) et.c after we did the root, CWM and Google. This morning we got the corrrect ROM back in (this Forum's methods) with root and CWM but left out Google and so far very good, somewhat faster than before with Google. To be sure we have to see what happens over the next few days.

No doubt AlienAndroid makes the 1042 a better machine, also no doubt to make it work on all 1042 it would have to have variant specific versions or a bigger system with all the HW inside. Take a look at the Systems and rip all the HW variations, pack it, wrap it and may well be good to go. I have no problems testing anything except something that would actually flash the BIOS (firmware in modern speak?)
No doubt Google is protecting itself.
No doubt Google software can and does stop unauthorized access by a number of means - the Nexus mask is a very good effort to defeat this but I am getting pretty sure Google can get past the mask at least in some cases.
A short distance from no doubt Google is coming up with methods to detect more sophisticated unauthorized access and is either by design or as an unintended consequence causing various hardware issues.

I remember cracking a software package for release a long time ago when during my 1st test run a big yellow message popped up "Lick My User Port You Dirty Pirate" (the programmer was female) and my system crashed and had to be reinstalled. That was a long time ago, better can be done today.

Interesting... do you think my ROM is missing some files for WiFi to normally function... or is it just the Google crap causing it... or my install script may be incorrect...

I actually don't have the 1042 anymore but do have a 4th gen Colby tab(i believe)

And what exactly do you mean by " variant specific versions or a bigger system with all the HW inside"
It would appear there are 5 versions of the 1042, I base this on the three known livesuite images which neither fully work on whread or my tablet, at the same time our tablets are also different. So that makes 5, not possible to make one rom with all the needed libs and kernel specific settings for all versions.
I have fixed my tablet, but can't find stock firmware for it, so that search continues. From the looks of things someone flashed a livesuite image on my tablet, they didn't backup original firmware. The livesuite firmware is different from original firmware so tablet crashed and fc apps and so on.
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It would appear there are 5 versions of the 1042, I base this on the three known livesuite images which neither fully work on whread or my tablet, at the same time our tablets are also different. So that makes 5, not possible to make one rom with all the needed libs and kernel specific settings for all versions.
I have fixed my tablet, but can't find stock firmware for it, so that search continues. From the looks of things someone flashed a livesuite image on my tablet, they didn't backup original firmware. The livesuite firmware is different from original firmware so tablet crashed and fc apps and so on.

Wow I would of never guessed that... very strange. I wonder how we would know what versions each person has.
Wow I would of never guessed that... very strange. I wonder how we would know what versions each person has.

Well that would require some work, open each live suite md5sum each kernel and framework, then have each person do the same for their tablets. Matches let's you know what version they have, no match means they are the same as mine or whread, to see difference in whread version use lsmod.
His WiFi module is an 8192 series while the rest of us use dhd.
Well that would require some work, open each live suite md5sum each kernel and framework, then have each person do the same for their tablets. Matches let's you know what version they have, no match means they are the same as mine or whread, to see difference in whread version use lsmod.
His WiFi module is an 8192 series while the rest of us use dhd.

And I have no Idea where we would get each version unless we could find them all over the forums /:

But if we get each version then anyone with messed up wifi could fix theirs and it would give me the chance to make 5 different AlienRoms |:
tgz or img are just compressed system, uncompress your tgz or img and you will have system

yeah - thats why i asked what you used - thought maybe you had something that dumped it that way - looks just like my friends 1042 dump