[ROM] [Coby MID1042] Alien Droid (Advanced GUI customization) [11.18.12]

It connects to the internet, but will go to the home page or reboot on its own. It does this every few minutes.

Most of the opening paragraph, except for the relevant sentence above was removed before whread starts getting offers for his tablet, which would be against site rules.

My 1042 (the one w/ AlienDroid V2 and no WiFi) did this when I installed the Mike Hard Crazy Hamster livesuit image. It also had a system app called Crazy Hamster which popped up all the time and appearently did nothing.
Crazy Hamster was the image that allowed me to root, CWM and Google Store (was a bit dicey with the reboots but got thru it) and then to install AlienDroid V2.

Also gently rock the back/home and/or power button a little, if you feel a click or hear a pop it might be a hanging switch spring, have seen that on other devices over the years.

Have you gotten it to work yet - I found that connecting the USB to pc using the driver mentioned in the sticky slowed down the reboots enough to get root then CWM on it.
The home/reboot was the main reason I tried AlienDroid and the Crazy Hamster was REALLY annoying. In my case AlienDroid fixed it - until I read the description of your 1042 I thought I had done something wrong with livesuit...

I am feeling that those 3 img's are development not even RC's. Just a feeling so far.

Have a bunch of ROMs from this Forum (THANKYOU TO ALL WHO DID THAT!!!!) and will start trying them Saturday.

"the more complex a circuit the more points of failure" - Arthur C. Clarke 1938
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UPDATED 4/20/2013 7:09PM 19:09 20/04/2013

***indicates updates since last post - Moderator: I am editing the original post to keep things less confusing if this is not correct please let me


This posting is for the benefit of AlienDroid Users - a sweet ROM!

AlienDroid V1 & V2 bricking and Boot loops may be caused by Hardware Revisions as suggested by vampirefo - to add to the effort to determine is this is true I have tested

several ROM .img's and .zip's - I bricked my particular Coby MID 1042 following instructions to root it found on the internet (not this Forums method

- that worked very well) - when I used livesuit to unbrick all was fine except no WiFi - the log files indicate a failure to initialize the WiFi

module - hoping to get the WiFi back I have tested several ROMS so far - here are the Results of ROM Tests on Coby Kyros Mid 1042 so far.

***I no longer have the WiFi issue under AlienDroid V2 - everything on the 1042 works better than out of the box - for my particular 1042 tablet the WiFi issue was triggered during GooglePlayStore registration and was fixed by removing that GooglePlayStore and it supporting apps then installing the GooglePlayStore from the Po_ROM_Pompero_JB_1_0.img - This took me all night last night and most of today to figure out. The 1st clue was certain GooglePlayStore installs either included in a ROM or d/L'd would shut off the WiFi module and I could not get it back on after that and the USB WiFi dongles worked fine until I tried to register for GooglePlayStore. Neither the internal WiFi nor the dongles worked again until I reinstalled one of the ROMs that woke the WiFi back up. Other GooglePlayStores included in a few of the ROMs did not do this. So being a stunod I just used the GooglePlayStore that never stopped the built in WiFi. I have NO PROBLEMS WITH THIS 1042 at this time

livesuit 1.11 ROMS (1.07 thru 1.11 work on my 1042 s/n124120085516)

sun4i_crane_mid1042_120701(8GB)V1.img - will install - Coby MID 1042 ROM - Kernal 3.08 - Andriod 4.03 - Build 2012071.120000 - will root using

instructions from this Forum - will ClockWorkMod using instructions from this forum - Camera works - touch screen is good - runs a dash laggy No WiFi

for me

sun4i_crane_mid1042_120820Phip-V1.img - will install - Bootloop on 2nd COBY screen

sun4i_crane_mid1042-CrazyHamster-120808-v1.img - will install - Coby MID 1042 ROM -Kernal 3.08 - Android 4.03 - Build 20120808.180255 - will root

using instructions from this Forum - will ClockWorkMod using instructions from this forum - Camera works - touch screen is good - runs snappy No WiFi

for me

***Po_ROM_Pompero_JB_1_0.img - will install - Mobil Businessline ProTab 2 XXL ROM - Spanish, to change language press "Aceptar" on 1st screen, press

"Insetellingen" (Settings) on home screen, press "Idiomas y entrada de textos" in Settings, press "Idioma", choose your language - Kernal 3.08+

inet_idw@inetsuperserver #5 Mon Dec 17 20:39:56 CST 2012 - Android 4.1.1 - Build Po_ROM_Pompero_1.0_chujalt - ROM comes Rooted with busybox and

working Google Store - could not get ClockWorkMod installed using livesuit and CWM-recovery- (will not install) or recovery-clockwork- (screen flash boot loop) - ClockWorkMod thru ROM Manager results in "Device Not Listed" - Camera and WiFi work on my Mid 1042 -

Issues:volume down button not working - Observations: nice ROM, looks good responsive touch screen, snappy response, camera is clearer than stock

ROMS, text and icons are smaller but seem to be crisper than stock - there are instructions for installing ClockWorkMod on the internet will try them

later - at first glance this ROM seems to come with a lot more device drivers than stock and will initialize a number of USB devices that the stock

ROMs will not - very smooth ROM pleasing to use - could find nothing except the ClockWorkMod issue everything else is better than stock but a dash

less than AlienDroid V2 which unfortunately did not initialize my WiFi module
***did Root by installing superuser(install run it say ok close it) then supersu pro v1.05 patched (make sure WiFi is on install run it tap continue)

and ClockWorkMod istalled following the instructions from this Forum once it is rooted, ClockWorkMod ran immediatly after installing but tablet was in

1st Android logo screen boot loop (unless you wanted to play with ClockWorkMod ROMS CWM is not necessary as Google Play Store works fine w/o it)

***01F2-D1-H1-H01-1744.20121217.img - will install - Cherry M1007 ROM - Dutch, to change language press "OK" on 1st screen, press "Ajustes" (Settings)

on home screen, press "Tall en invoer" in Settings, press "Taal", choose your language - Kernal 3.08+ inet_idw@inetsuperserver #5 Mon Dec 17 20:39:56

CST 2012 - Android 4.1.1 - Build 01F2-D1-H1-H01-1744.20121217 - ROM is not Rooted - working Google Store !! shuts off the stock WiFi adapter during

verification connection manually turn it back on then will work fine!! - will not root using instructions from this Forum - will root with

Root_with_Restore_by_Bin4ry_v18 - once it is rooted you can use the root/unroot/dump tool from this forum to do a dump - ClockWorkMod will install

following the instructions from this Forum once it is rooted - Camera and WiFi work on my Mid 1042 - Issues:volume down button not working volume up

turns down volume, screen rotaation is manual so far will check settings and utilities for possible remedies - Observations: nice ROM, looks good

responsive touch screen, snappy response, camera is clearer than stock ROMS, text and icons are same as stock MID 1042 - there are instructions for

installing ClockWorkMod on the internet will try them later - at fisrt glance this ROM seems to come with a lot more device drivers than stock and

will initialize a number of USB devices that the stock ROMs will not - very smooth ROM pleasing to use - could find nothing except the ClockWorkMod

issue everything else is better than stock but a dash less than AlienDroid V2 which unfortunately did not initialize my WiFi module

****GCA103_120830.img - will install - GoClever TAB A103 - English - kernal 3.08+ andriod3@Linux#186 Thu Jul 5 14:59:27 CST 2012 - Andriod 4.04 -

Build crane_m1003h6-eng4.0.4IMM76D20120718 - ROM comes rooted with busybox and working Google Play Store - camera does not work but stock WiFi does on

my MID1042 - Google Store shuts off Stock WiFi (this happens with a lot of these ROMs whichever method GooglePlay was gotten on the TAB!) but WiFi

dongle works fine (WLAN 11N Micro USBAdapter.1T1R FC CE 1177 FCC ID: PANWL6200V1) - Issues:volume down button not working - Observations: nice ROM,

looks good responsive touch screen, snappy response, camera is clearer than stock ROMS, text and icons similar to stock - at first glance this ROM

seems to come with a LOT more device drivers than stock and will initialize a number of USB devices that the stock ROMs will not - very similar to

stock ROM but already rooted with GooglePlay - will try to get ClockWorkMod and do some dumps later

ClockWorkMod ROMs:

AlienDroidV1.zip - will install - Modified ROM - works well - read Thread for specifics - Pretty Dang Good - Camera Works No WiFi (for me - which is why

I am trying these) - Issues:none seen

AlienDroidV2.zip - will install - Modified ROM - works well - read Thread for specifics - I like this one the most - Camera Works No WiFi (for me - which is why

I am trying these) - Issues:none seen

StockMid1042.zip - will install - Coby MID 1042 ROM - Kernal 3.08+ - Android 4.03 - Build 20120515.122329 - Camera Works No WiFi (for me - which is

why I am trying these) - Issues:unresponsive touch screen - Laggy

Stock_1042.zip - will install - Coby MID 1042 ROM - Kernal 3.08+ - Android 4.03 - Build 20120515.122329 - Camera Works No WiFi (for me - which is why

I am trying these) - Issues:none seen

End Of Test Results

If the readers of this thread or Forum want I will do some dumps and post them in the ROMS WANTED thread - let me know - I do not wich to post the alternate Tablet model ROMs which do work unless the Forum wishes it due to the fact they are not actually Koby Generation 3 ROMS
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Most of the opening paragraph, except for the relevant sentence above was removed before whread starts getting offers for his tablet, which would be against site rules.

My 1042 (the one w/ AlienDroid V2 and no WiFi) did this when I installed the Mike Hard Crazy Hamster livesuit image. It also had a system app called Crazy Hamster which popped up all the time and appearently did nothing.
Crazy Hamster was the image that allowed me to root, CWM and Google Store (was a bit dicey with the reboots but got thru it) and then to install AlienDroid V2.

Also gently rock the back/home and/or power button a little, if you feel a click or hear a pop it might be a hanging switch spring, have seen that on other devices over the years.

Have you gotten it to work yet - I found that connecting the USB to pc using the driver mentioned in the sticky slowed down the reboots enough to get root then CWM on it.
The home/reboot was the main reason I tried AlienDroid and the Crazy Hamster was REALLY annoying. In my case AlienDroid fixed it - until I read the description of your 1042 I thought I had done something wrong with livesuit...

I am feeling that those 3 img's are development not even RC's. Just a feeling so far.

Have a bunch of ROMs from this Forum (THANKYOU TO ALL WHO DID THAT!!!!) and will start trying them Saturday.

"the more complex a circuit the more points of failure" - Arthur C. Clarke 1938

Traveller1701 & all readers/members of this forum - 1st I am neither upset or in any way bothered by your edit - I am writing this to make it clear as to why I included that copy and paste from eBay - Sorry to give the impression that I was trying to sell a tablet and very sorry to have posted that part you deleted had no idea that would be an issue as I got it by clicking on a link in a posting by vampirefo - just to be very clear I have no desire or intentions of selling my tablet and I have never sold a single item from eBay have no idea as to how to do that- That was a copy and paste from the eBay listing vampirefo bought his MID1042 - I did that as a means to possibly identify what seem to be 3 or 4 variants of the Coby MID1042 - I got my MID 1042 from a local store as an Open Box - I want to keep it - please see my post titled "Results of ROM Tests on Koby Kyros MID 1042" further down this page as a way to veify what I say here - also be aware that the particular 1042 listed in that eBay listing is already sold (by someone other than me) to vampirefo - your forum has given me the most helpful and solid information that i have found on the internet - what I have found in the Stickys is rock solid and balls on and saved my 1042 from being a paperweight - because I took I wanted to give therefore that posting as well as the posting regarding the ROM testing results above this- as a former programmer I would have found the information that I posted quite helpful - I hope it is for some here - Again I truly apologize for doing something that seemed against the rules and again I truly thank-you for alerting me to how that could have been interpreted! The postings mentioned in this are an attempt to provide information about ROMs that either bricked or bootlooped my 1042 and either do or do not have the WiFi issue thereby allowing a person to look over the ROMs mentioned and perhaps find the necessary changes to reduce or eliminate bricking and/or the WiFi issue. Seemed like a nobrainer to me but maybe I am the nobrainer!

Totally new to all this Forum/Thread stuff - last time I was doing anything related to this the internet was called ARPANET, email was 1 big page where everyone put their messages to whoever on for all to see (you read what was for you and politely did not read what was not for you in theory) and all the stuff you could download was free and there was no spam or advertising, there was no LINUX only UNIX and Windows was still a weak copy of the GUI available on Commodore computers with no networking - I should be more aware of the higher likelyhood of a person trying to leverage almost anything these days (people are a LOT more predatory now - politically correct I guess) which may have caused me to think about someone falsely joining the Forum simply to sell an item. I joined the Forum because I thought I had something to offer back for the things I got.

Finally: I have no tablet for sale so if someone was intending on contacting me about that eBay listing it is not mine and the 1042 is already sold. I do believe that I have the method(s) to get that particular tablet working

Indeed how could I have tested the ROMs today with my tablet sold to vampirefo?
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I do not understand your request - I am not having 1042 problems since participating in this thread- I am a user of AlienDroid V2 and was attempting to provide information as to how to remedy bricking/bootloops/no WiFi issues reported by others - I have fixed them on mine and thought others having problems w/ AlienDroid might want to know.

I completely fixed my WiFi issue depite no dumps of the current revision and reported that here with the detail that I would have needed if I had written AlienDroid

So excuse my not having your experience and knowledge and please explain what I did to trigger your request?
I need to know this so I can correctly comply.
I do not understand your request - I am not having 1042 problems since participating in this thread- I am a user of AlienDroid V2 and was attempting to provide information as to how to remedy bricking/bootloops/no WiFi issues reported by others - I have fixed them on mine and thought others having problems w/ AlienDroid might want to know.

I completely fixed my WiFi issue depite no dumps of the current revision and reported that here with the detail that I would have needed if I had written AlienDroid

So excuse my not having your experience and knowledge and please explain what I did to trigger your request?
I need to know this so I can correctly comply.

Sorry I was reading forums on my cell phone, didn't read that you fixed your wifi, I thought you were still having wifi problems.

Ok I am home now and have read over your posts, great work, I am downloading Po_ROM_Pompero_JB_1_0.img to test on mine.
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NO FROGLINKS! Mayo Wenti! No Problemas!

****You read the post before my last edit - that is when I added the got it fixed stuff - this was not your misread - look at the times in our posts ^_^****

On the other hand under what circumstances should a person start a thread?

If you get that dump done I would LOVE to have a copy of your original firmware.

Also how's your effort on writing your own livesuit going? The one developed in Taiwan and maintained now in China is not the best...
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No, its just one tablet. Before I started all of this, I had wifi. I neglected to backup my system. I know, bit mistake. I'd be nice if someone had a system that was more up to date than the system from listed as StockMID1042.zip, which I believe is contained in the OP of this thread. My tablet's production date was some time last year and didn't have GetJar on it, it had the other one whose name escapes me now.

As to the hardware, I've been wondering if it has a different wifi, and needs different drivers for that (additionally, I haven't a clue where the drivers are even kept on the tablet, though I have explored the system with the adb shell a little). But it is only one tablet, and I've tried three different ROM's on it. Again, wifi was fine before all of this. I just want to fix the wifi so it works. The tablet will work otherwise with Alien Droid, and the Stock ROM from this thread. The Update1042 from Vamp's thread goes into a loop with the android logo on it. Those are the three ROM's I've been trying to get going to no avail. If I can just get one of them going with wifi enabled, I'll be a happy camper.


see "Results of ROM Tests on Koby Kyros MID 1042 " - I had your exact problem and got mine back - perhaps one of the ROMs I found will work for you
When did you get your tablet? Did it come with GetJar, or SlideME? If it came with SlideME, I'd be interested in getting the backup you made for it. I have a feeling that if I can get the right rom, it will get the wifi up and running again. I've been searching and searching and reading different methods of trying to get the wifi up, but nobody seems to have my exact problem on the internet, or they're not writing about it. Its very frustrating. I may have to send this back for another one, though I'm pretty sure I'll have the same thing happen again.

I've also read that Alien Droid is no longer being developed. That means there'll likely never be a fix for this wifi problem. It was that ROM that turned my wifi off in the first place. Also, Vamp might want to update the 1042_update.zip on his thread. It sent my tablet into a loop.

One more thing. Should I have been deleting my cache with all of this? Perhaps that should be added to some of these tutorials as well.

Hey again!

The 1042 I had also came with SlideMe out of the box - the 3 ROMs that are supossedly for the 1042 that Mike Hard posted are not for my 1042 and so far no one has posted any dumps or ClockWorkMod .zips that are from a 1042 with SlideMe on it. I bricked mine by following instructions to get GooglePlayMarket on it - the 1st thing mine did when I ran that install was to shut off the WiFi - I tried a reboot and had a brick. Used livesuit to ressurect it but still no WiFi - WiFi works on it now read the post from the last reply - some of the ROMs for other tablets (probably all of them designed in Taiwan, made in China and close to or the exact same inside) are from Dec 2012 and 2013 - if you can do livesuit and/or ClockWorkMod you can try all of them - do a search for the roms name and you will find it.

Antone reading this - if we can get a late model 1042 dump this WiFi thing will be a nonissue - So if you got a 1042 with SlideMe do a dump and put it into the ROMs Wanted thread.
If you're having this issue regardless of the ROM installed, isn't it possible the hardware could be the culprit?

EDIT: I misread your post. All three tablets have the same issue? Have you checked the obvious stuff like the router?

This is certainly a possibility - in my case once the WiFi went down on;ly particular livesuit ROMs got it back on - a person can also use a USB dongle until they get the stockWiFi issue whipped

I am wondering:

NO FROGLINKS! Mayo Wenti! No Problemas!

On the other hand under what circumstances should a person start a thread?

If you get that dump done I would LOVE to have a copy of your original firmware.

Also how's your effort on writing your own livesuit going? The one developed in Taiwan and maintained now in China is not the best...

Po_ROM_Pompero_JB_1_0.img is no good on my tablet, only boot first time then everything crashes, I think I got wifi figured out.

I am uploading my original firmware.

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Po_ROM_Pompero_JB_1_0.img is no good on my tablet, only boot first time then everything crashes, I think I got wifi figured out.

I am uploading my original firmware.


Dang - hoped it would work for you - To my recollection the uploader of the Po_ROM_Pompero_JB_1_0.img said they had gotten the tablet Feb 2013 - will try to backtrack and verify that.

Thanks for the dump likn!

The other 2 non 1042 rom img's have a lot more device drivers inside, maybe...

I think we can be assured that there are different hardware versions.

Does anyone know how to open a 1042?

If not I'll try to figure it out.

"Your efforrts will never go unpunished" - George Orwell, Animal Farm
Po_ROM_Pompero_JB_1_0.img is no good on my tablet, only boot first time then everything crashes, I think I got wifi figured out.

I am uploading my original firmware.



got your dump Thanx again!
have to admit I am playing with my 1042 nonstop got it clocked to 1200MHz no heat no crashes smooth and F A S T!
at a quick glance this looks like the 3rd incarnation (my theory of 4 HW revisions).
Will look the whole dump over Sun AM maybe some of the driver scripts will be of use anyway.
Going back to seeing what apps do what things
Keeping the forum up just in case...

"got candy, got soda, got coffee - now all I need is a program to pirate..." some unknown excellent hacker, 1978 ;)

WOW! I typed : ) w/o space and it turned into a winking smiley face - cool beans!
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