[ROM] CyanogenMod 9 for S7 Slim (ALPHA)

asturel said:
i think everything works now.. i have uploaded two versions, a normal and a tablet mode activated

p.s. to get audio work: change a volume once (vol+ or vol-)

p.s. II: check http://www.asturel.hu/cm9_s7/cm10_audio_fix/

Yes..everything works.. tablet ui is weird..their is only status bar in portrait mode and not in landscape..I can't explain it ..when you test it you will see..and when you test it you will see biggest icons ever :D..again I have random resets but that is probably I did not wipe.

Edit: I instaled the normal phone version and no rebots for now
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In S7 I tryied to fix bt but i think is a kernel related error. this is what i get now.
00:48:06.684 Error bluedroid 183  bt_enable: Timeout waiting for HCI device to come up, error- -1,
00:48:06.684 Error BluetoothAdapterStateMachine 183  failed to prepare bluetooth, abort turning on
00:48:06.684 Debug BluetoothAdapterStateMachine 183  Bluetooth state 11 -> 10
00:48:06.684 Verbose BluetoothEventManager 392  Received android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED
00:48:06.684 Debug BluetoothAdapterStateMachine 183  PowerOff process message: 1
00:48:06.684 Debug BluetoothAdapterStateMachine 183  Bluetooth state 10 -> 11
00:48:06.684 Verbose BluetoothEventManager 392  Received android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED
00:48:06.684 Debug DockEventReceiver 392  finishStartingService: stopping service
00:48:06.684 Info ActivityManager 183  Start proc com.android.bluetooth for broadcast com.android.bluetooth/.pbap.BluetoothPbapReceiver: pid=1069 uid=10041 gids={3003, 3002, 3001, 1015}
00:48:06.809 Info ActivityThread 1069  Pub com.android.bluetooth.opp: com.android.bluetooth.opp.BluetoothOppProvider
00:48:06.934 Verbose BluetoothMasReceiver 1069  BluetoothMasReceiver onReceive :android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED
00:48:06.934 Error BluetoothMasReceiver 1069  BluetoothMasReceiver onReceive :android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED
00:48:06.934 Debug BluetoothMasReceiver 1069  Bluetooth STATE CHANGED to 10
00:48:06.934 Verbose BluetoothMasReceiver 1069  BluetoothMasReceiver onReceive :android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED
00:48:06.934 Error BluetoothMasReceiver 1069  BluetoothMasReceiver onReceive :android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED
00:48:06.934 Debug BluetoothMasReceiver 1069  Bluetooth STATE CHANGED to 11
00:48:06.934 Info ActivityManager 183  No longer want com.google.android.apps.uploader (pid 899): hidden #16
00:48:07.058 Info bluedroid 183  Starting hciattach daemon
00:48:07.058 Info bluetooth 1086  /system/etc/init.bt.sh: bluetooth chip set as
00:48:07.058 Error bluetooth 1089  /system/etc/init.bt.sh: chip set error
00:48:07.058 Info bluetooth 1090  /system/etc/init.bt.sh: detecting bluetooth chip 1
00:48:07.058 Info bluetooth 1093  /system/etc/init.bt.sh: chip is not bt4025
00:48:07.058 Info bluetooth 1094  /system/etc/init.bt.sh: detecting bluetooth chip 2
00:48:07.058 Error bcm-bluetooth 1098  /system/etc/init.brcm.bt.sh: start_hciattach: pid = 1097
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097  option enable_hci
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097 
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097  option enable_lpm
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097 
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097  Usage /system/bin/brcm_patchram_plus:
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097      <-d> to print a debug log
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097      <--patchram patchram_file>
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097      <--baudrate baud_rate>
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097      <--bd_addr bd_address>
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097      <--enable_lpm>
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097      <--enable_hci>
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097      <--use_baudrate_for_download> - Uses the
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097          baudrate for downloading the firmware
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097      <--scopcm=sco_routing,pcm_interface_rate,frame_type,
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097          sync_mode,clock_mode,lsb_first,fill_bits,
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097          fill_method,fill_num,right_justify>
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097 
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097          Where
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097 
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097          sco_routing is 0 for PCM, 1 for Transport,
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097          2 for Codec and 3 for I2S,
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097 
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097          pcm_interface_rate is 0 for 128KBps, 1 for
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097          256 KBps, 2 for 512KBps, 3 for 1024KBps,
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097          and 4 for 2048Kbps,
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097 
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097          frame_type is 0 for short and 1 for long,
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097          sync_mode is 0 for slave and 1 for master,
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097 
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097          clock_mode is 0 for slabe and 1 for master,
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097 
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097          lsb_first is 0 for false aand 1 for true,
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097 
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097          fill_bits is the value in decimal for unused bits,
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097 
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097          fill_method is 0 for 0's and 1 for 1's, 2 for
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097          signed and 3 for programmable,
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097 
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097          fill_num is the number or bits to fill,
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097 
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097          right_justify is 0 for false and 1 for true
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097 
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097      <--i2s=i2s_enable,is_master,sample_rate,clock_rate>
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097 
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097          Where
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097 
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097          i2s_enable is 0 for disable and 1 for enable,
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097 
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097          is_master is 0 for slave and 1 for master,
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097 
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097          sample_rate is 0 for 8KHz, 1 for 16Khz and
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097          2 for 4 KHz,
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097 
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097          clock_rate is 0 for 128KHz, 1 for 256KHz, 3 for
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097          1024 KHz and 4 for 2048 KHz.
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097 
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097      <--no2bytes skips waiting for two byte confirmation
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097          before starting patchram download. Newer chips
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097          do not generate these two bytes.>
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097      <--tosleep=microseconds>
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097      uart_device_name
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097  option baudrate
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097   with arg 3000000
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097 
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097  option patchram
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097   with arg /system/vendor/firmware/bcm4329.hcd
00:48:07.058 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097 
00:48:07.074 Debug brcm_patchram_plus 1097  1
00:48:07.074 Error brcm_patchram_plus 1097  port 1 could not be opened, error 2
00:48:07.074 Info bcm-bluetooth 1099  /system/etc/init.brcm.bt.sh: Bluetooth stopped
00:48:07.074 Info bcm-bluetooth 1100  /system/etc/init.bt.sh: found bluetooth chip bcm4329
Also for camera have you tryied libs from nexus one?..or htc hd2?.. they do load hal but need more hack.
Can you make a CM10kernel for old S7 please.
bug report: as someone has pointed out, cm10 can not change lcd density freely. when i changed it into 128 or below, slim can boot, but can not enter system. and the tablet mode rom is a little wired in UI. the right side of the screen is blank. the density of tablet is 160, but the font size and app UI is just like that of 120 density in cm9.don't know why?
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I fix105 capacitive screen touch.Need to replace the boot.img file https://www.dropbox.com/s/xrjh1xw3639mwaq/boot.img
and in /system/usr/idc add cypress120-i2c-touchscreen-ere.idc file. https://www.dropbox.com/s/jawpkf67k3zzfmg/cypress120-i2c-touchscreen-ere.idc
This is a test of my test version
This is the source code https://www.dropbox.com/s/2x9cdu8c7lx8nw6/cypress120_ts_i2c_drv.c

Do multitouch work correctly? Or do they swap y of fingers?

P.s. with that driver source i can easely fix the y coordinate crossing (in case it isn't fixed already)... i ll test it latter... just need to finish dead space cause i don't want to loose saves again :p
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Do multitouch work correctly? Or do they swap y of fingers?

P.s. with that driver source i can easely fix the y coordinate crossing (in case it isn't fixed already)... i ll test it latter... just need to finish dead space cause i don't want to loose saves again :p
105 touch all working
Like the previous 2.2 system operation. Including 2-touch zoom&#12290;
Completely repaired
my poor english
I did compiled kernel for old S7 with the ramdisk from cm10 iS7slim it boot ok on cm9 but in cm10 bootloops(no bootanimation) then in logcat I get this:
E/copybit (  104): copyBits failed (Invalid argument)
E/copybit (  104): 0: src={w=800, h=480, f=12, rect={0,0,800,480}}
E/copybit (  104):     dst={w=800, h=480, f=12, rect={0,0,800,480}}
E/copybit (  104):     flags=00001000
E/hwcomposer(  104): drawLayerUsingCopybit: copybit stretch failed
E/copybit (  104): copyBits failed (Invalid argument)
E/copybit (  104): 0: src={w=800, h=480, f=12, rect={0,0,800,480}}
E/copybit (  104):     dst={w=800, h=480, f=12, rect={0,0,800,480}}
E/copybit (  104):     flags=00001000
E/hwcomposer(  104): drawLayerUsingCopybit: copybit stretch failed
E/copybit (  104): copyBits failed (Invalid argument)
E/copybit (  104): 0: src={w=800, h=480, f=12, rect={0,0,800,480}}
E/copybit (  104):     dst={w=800, h=480, f=12, rect={0,0,800,480}}
E/copybit (  104):     flags=00001000
E/hwcomposer(  104): drawLayerUsingCopybit: copybit stretch failed
E/copybit (  104): copyBits failed (Invalid argument)
E/copybit (  104): 0: src={w=800, h=480, f=12, rect={0,0,800,480}}
E/copybit (  104):     dst={w=800, h=480, f=12, rect={0,0,800,480}}
E/copybit (  104):     flags=00001000
E/hwcomposer(  104): drawLayerUsingCopybit: copybit stretch failed
E/copybit (  104): copyBits failed (Invalid argument)
E/copybit (  104): 0: src={w=800, h=480, f=12, rect={0,0,800,480}}
E/copybit (  104):     dst={w=800, h=480, f=12, rect={0,0,800,480}}
E/copybit (  104):     flags=00001000
E/hwcomposer(  104): drawLayerUsingCopybit: copybit stretch failed
E/copybit (  104): copyBits failed (Invalid argument)
E/copybit (  104): 0: src={w=800, h=480, f=12, rect={0,0,800,480}}
E/copybit (  104):     dst={w=800, h=480, f=12, rect={0,0,800,480}}
E/copybit (  104):     flags=00001000
E/hwcomposer(  104): drawLayerUsingCopybit: copybit stretch failed
Any clues to make this work on S7.
Thank you.
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asturel said:
- audio fix merged
- probably fixed the freezes (?)
- new properties to activate tablet ui (check build.prop for this)


I am interested can you tell me did you use software HW decoding the same In CM9 and CM10 or its rom based ..same video on YouTube on CM9 has 100% cpy usage and on Cm10 70% so in CM9 its not totally fluid ..I try with many YouTube videos ..its one thing CM10 is better but overall CM9 fills little faster in UI
You can see when you download YouTube video in normal quailitu and play with Mx player ..on CM10 if u use HW decoding or software cpy usage is totally the same around 70%..and in CM9 using hw gives you 95%- 100% and SF 70% so non totally optimised.
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Just to say one more time, after updated my device to CM9 it is like I having new device. Thank you for that.
I fix105 capacitive screen touch.Need to replace the boot.img file https://www.dropbox.com/s/xrjh1xw3639mwaq/boot.img
and in /system/usr/idc add cypress120-i2c-touchscreen-ere.idc file. https://www.dropbox.com/s/jawpkf67k3zzfmg/cypress120-i2c-touchscreen-ere.idc
This is a test of my test version
This is the source code https://www.dropbox.com/s/2x9cdu8c7lx8nw6/cypress120_ts_i2c_drv.c

i replace boot.img on fastboot mode and add cypress120-i2c-touchscreen-ere.idc using root explorer but notthing happens, i need do something more?

edit: solved but lost my wifi conection, not found
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First of all: thank you for ths great job. Can I help somehow?

What I'm dome today: installed cm-10-20120911-EXPERIMENTAL-s7-asturel.zip, and gaps from goo.im. Mostly success. Only 2 small points: I cannot switch on the mobilenet, and cannot install from play. Where can I get out logs or dumps to analyze this issues?

Thank you again.